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internet 12oz props?!??!


gee whiz!


im so fuckin jealous:rolleyes:



i bet you look like the bottom of my nikes shorty..


im lmao at you bitch..yea i got treated by some tall ass poser graff hoe that prolly look like rick smits.


i really lose this one:lol:




nah i didn't mean it in a way that implies that 12oz props make me "cool" or to try to make you jealous.

just that no one likes you and you should go away, but you already know that.


i know it can be emasculating when some girl carries you hard a room full of the boys you have mancrushes on. and then they cheer her on. that must really hurt your feelings.


you think i care if some feisty problem child on 12oz who's never said anything that made me laugh or contributed anything beyond troll status thinks i'm a "tall ass poser graff hoe"?


tall? haha. only a pussy ass little boy is scared of a tall chick. real men know how to handle.


poser? honestly, i haven't even heard that word since like 7th grade. but if for some reason i, like you, were lame enough to take my slang clues from the movie clueless, i would use that word to describe you.


graff ho? oh snap son! never heard that one before. actually my graff ho phase has pretty much passed, but i still refer to myself as such from time to time in a joking manner. it really doesn't bother me. sorry.


so this tall poser graff ho has more spark and intellect in one pinky nail than you have in your entire body. and i've never claimed to be a dimepiece but if i walked past you on the street, your eyes would follow. you might even step to me, and then i'd shut you down irl just like i'm shutting you down right here. see i've got a little something called swagger, and it can't be faked. that's why no one on this board cares what you say except for other ignant ass 17 year olds: you have absolutely ZERO personality so you try soooo hard to look edgy and bad and black. oh you slap bitches? you pack heat? you bomb hard? you rape passed out bitches? good job! you're soooo cool.


whereas i get by just fine by being myself. i have a life full of great friends who hang out with me not because i have money, or bitches, or guns, or think i'm bad-ass, but because i'm good peoples and they genuinely like me. i go out and do crazy shit with them on the regs while you're sitting in your mom's basement, fact.


and yeah i could be kicking it with broke ass dudes all the time, but i also have a little something called dignity and a little something extra called self respect which means i'd rather be alone and do my own thing than waste my time with some bammer ass dude. been there, done that, holding out for something better now...the good power u is not for just anyone. and that makes me lame? hahaha. ok.


and player i will be the first to admit i'm on this shiz too much...

i'm online all day for my jayoh and i hear the day in pies thread calling.

but you wouldn't know anything about that because your moms pays your bills.

also, unlike you, i've actually manage to make friends with some of these scumbags so i like to pop in and say haaaaay.


so let's take it back to the beginning.

1. fall in and out of love a couple times.

2. go to school.

3. work.

4. move out of your mother's house.

5. get a hobby. if it's painting, then paint more.


if you do all these things for the next 5 years you might be qualified to address me.

until then, your words will go in one ear and out the other because you're green, son.

funnier and smarter dudes on here than you have tried to slay me and failed.

keep trying faggot.

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nah i'm good.

i just enjoy this.

three rounds and i'm out though, i don't go hard like dao.

so unfortunately when little eric gets home from school with his inevitable weak rebuttal, i'll be ignoring it.



please don't get mad at me for derailing swamp, who else has a birthday thread that's 5 pages long?

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So I just woke up, and yesterday was fuckin amazing


I started the day at a real nice hotel/bar that my friend works at, and drank there for free for 3 hours. After that I went to my parent's crib where my mom made me dinner (steak with mushrooms and peppers, baked potatoe, pancheta wrapped asparagus, and broccoli) and then we did the cake.


After that I came home and met up with my girl, who gave me a rub and tug. Chilled at my crib for a few, then around 10 we headed over to my boy's spot for my birfday shindig. Ended up being like 40 or so of my real good friends all just chillin, playing pong, drinking mad vodka, and someone made me another cake so we had a very rousing singing of Happy Birfday. After that I came home, had some amazing sex, got another massage, and passed out


All in all I had about 20 beers, 6 or 7 Redbull and vodkas, don't even know how much yak, a bunch of good food, busted a few good nuts, and had one of the best birfdays anyone could ask for

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wow. i was gonna say happy late birthday.



the more i come here and read arguments and rants, the more i don't want to come here haha.


if i ever have the desire to type out more than the amount of words in this post, plz get me some help.






oh yeah, happy birthday

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nah i didn't mean it in a way that implies that 12oz props make me "cool" or to try to make you jealous.

just that no one likes you and you should go away, but you already know that.


i know it can be emasculating when some girl carries you hard a room full of the boys you have mancrushes on. and then they cheer her on. that must really hurt your feelings.


you think i care if some feisty problem child on 12oz who's never said anything that made me laugh or contributed anything beyond troll status thinks i'm a "tall ass poser graff hoe"?


tall? haha. only a pussy ass little boy is scared of a tall chick. real men know how to handle.


poser? honestly, i haven't even heard that word since like 7th grade. but if for some reason i, like you, were lame enough to take my slang clues from the movie clueless, i would use that word to describe you.


graff ho? oh snap son! never heard that one before. actually my graff ho phase has pretty much passed, but i still refer to myself as such from time to time in a joking manner. it really doesn't bother me. sorry.


so this tall poser graff ho has more spark and intellect in one pinky nail than you have in your entire body. and i've never claimed to be a dimepiece but if i walked past you on the street, your eyes would follow. you might even step to me, and then i'd shut you down irl just like i'm shutting you down right here. see i've got a little something called swagger, and it can't be faked. that's why no one on this board cares what you say except for other ignant ass 17 year olds: you have absolutely ZERO personality so you try soooo hard to look edgy and bad and black. oh you slap bitches? you pack heat? you bomb hard? you rape passed out bitches? good job! you're soooo cool.


whereas i get by just fine by being myself. i have a life full of great friends who hang out with me not because i have money, or bitches, or guns, or think i'm bad-ass, but because i'm good peoples and they genuinely like me. i go out and do crazy shit with them on the regs while you're sitting in your mom's basement, fact.


and yeah i could be kicking it with broke ass dudes all the time, but i also have a little something called dignity and a little something extra called self respect which means i'd rather be alone and do my own thing than waste my time with some bammer ass dude. been there, done that, holding out for something better now...the good power u is not for just anyone. and that makes me lame? hahaha. ok.


and player i will be the first to admit i'm on this shiz too much...

i'm online all day for my jayoh and i hear the day in pies thread calling.

but you wouldn't know anything about that because your moms pays your bills.

also, unlike you, i've actually manage to make friends with some of these scumbags so i like to pop in and say haaaaay.


so let's take it back to the beginning.

1. fall in and out of love a couple times.

2. go to school.

3. work.

4. move out of your mother's house.

5. get a hobby. if it's painting, then paint more.


if you do all these things for the next 5 years you might be qualified to address me.

until then, your words will go in one ear and out the other because you're green, son.

funnier and smarter dudes on here than you have tried to slay me and failed.

keep trying faggot.




that shit was weak as hell..if you were trying to make me feel bad or slay me u fuckin failed big time..




nobody thought that shit was funny..




in all honestly when i came into this thread i thought even your corny, sue bird lookin ass would go hard than that..



p.s. suck my dick hoe.:lol:

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nah i'm good.

i just enjoy this.

three rounds and i'm out though, i don't go hard like dao.

so unfortunately when little eric gets home from school with his inevitable weak rebuttal, i'll be ignoring it.



please don't get mad at me for derailing swamp, who else has a birthday thread that's 5 pages long?


ignore button...


a coward's bestfriend on here:lol:

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no really though. not living at your mom's house is pretty cool.


you don't have to hide your paint or your drug paraphernalia.

(paraphernalia, eric, is a word meaning bricabrac associated with a particular activity, in this case, maybe a bong or a roller, or in your case, perhaps a vibrating asshole ring or an earl brocio shaped voodoo doll)


you can bring girls home and not worry about your fam hearing their muffled screams.

(although, in your case, the screams would be a direct result of seeing your one-inch dick. the inevitable sigh of dissatisfaction that would follow exactly 180 seconds later would, in all actuality, probably not register to even the most discerning parental ear.)


and, best of all, you can put up your shirtless lil wayne posters without having to listen to your little brother call you a faggot.


seriously though.

look into it.








:lol: :lol:

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