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lohan topless (marilyn monroe recreation)


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She looks fuckin amazing here...she needs to look like this again


On the subject of Marilyn Monroe, I hate the bitch. My mom and older sister are obsessed, and as if that wasn't bad enough my ex was BEYOND obsessed. I used to hate having to look at/hear about this bitch everyday, and then get bitched at when I would say something about her just being a crazy whore


I was happy when she started getting more into Coco Chanel

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She looks fuckin amazing here...she needs to look like this again


On the subject of Marilyn Monroe, I hate the bitch. My mom and older sister are obsessed, and as if that wasn't bad enough my ex was BEYOND obsessed. I used to hate having to look at/hear about this bitch everyday, and then get bitched at when I would say something about her just being a crazy whore


I was happy when she started getting more into Coco Chanel


you should have called marilyn fat.

they hate it when you say she was fat.

because she was. but the girls that love her wont admit it

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sorry lily, to be quite honest, both sets of pictures make them look like drugged out messes. drugged out dreamy eyes....


My point was that Lohan does not have the eyes. Monroe says it all with her eyes...


don't get me wrong, I understand the whole "I'd smash" deal, but the idea and the pictures just don't live up to the standards they were trying to go for.


and Monroe wasn't fat by modern day standards. She was about a size 8, but back then, the average was much smaller, making her a 'plus size'...


whatever, though. Lili St. Cyr is classier and less played out than Marilyn.







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well she wasnt fat fat. but i would always say that to my cousins to piss them off because of the overly obsession. but yeah they dont want to believe she was plus size


she wore what is equivalent to a size 11 or 12 in todays terms but back when she lived it would have been a size 16... standards have changed and thats where people got it fucked up. she was 5' 6" and 140lbs at her heaviest

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yall have got to be shitting me.

whatever happened to gritty grimey? oh im sorry, you guys probably get mad pussy all the time from gorgeous women, and you definately dont sit on your ass on the computer and jerk off every night. some people in here saying they wouldnt smash. bull shit. most of us in here (me included) im guessing have fucked some pretty ugly girls, simply for the fact that they were coming on to us, we were a little drunk, and/0r it was getting late and options were running slim. shes fucking fine, maybe not to your internet airbrushed standards but there is not one dude in here who would be like "no girl, you just aint cutting it" in real life. and if there is, your as gay as cum on a mustache.


seriously, i cant stands all these dudes in these threads tryin act like they get supermodel pussy,c'mon now fellaz you dudes got like 10000 12oz posta and think because are part of some queerass channel 0 click like team handsome that your fooling someone,95% of the dudes on this site gets no play,real talk!!!

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Lyndsay is fucking gross. How the fuck does she think she's tributing Marylin Monroe with a flabby nasty frame like hers? I mean overlooking her broke fucking complexion (they have topical skin treatments for chicks with massive amounts of freckles, and don't tell me she cant afford that shit), and never mind she looks like a coke whore with that wig on, her fucking body itself just looks fucking beat. I mean you wonder what's left of that vagina of hers.


I dont give a fuck about marylin monroe, but she had the body of a WOMAN, not some lazy yuppie sack of shit for a frame.

Marylin Monroe didnt wear a nasty fucking wig either.


So what the fuck are you people going gaga over? Her unusually large tits? How are those special? Two words: Scarlett Johanson.


Lay this broke cokewhore to rest.

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