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5 hour energy ????


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it's official: thanks to this thread i found the holy grail.


5 hour energy is the tits.

fast kick-in, clean & natural feeling, & looong-lasting.

no jitters, no loss of appetite, no sketchy cardio wackness, no crash. no bullshit.


if it didn't do shit to you, you eat shards of ice with your butt.

if it made you puke, you are a preemie infantbaby.



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i took the five hour energy thing. and i will NEVER again in my life. It tastes awful and i didnt feel a thing. I love how they have a buncha different flavors like berry and orange, when each and every flavor should simply be called shit. cuz they ALL taste like shit. stick with rockstar or coffee people. or yea, vitamins, healthy eating or just getting your ass in bed when your supposed to!

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  • 2 years later...

I had one of these for the first time the other day

and about 25 mins later I ate a double fat with cheese and onion rings at fatburger

but the best part is, it must have worked because I didn't go into a food coma like I should have from that huge greasy cheese burger

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I drink these all the time.

A few a day.

Of some sort of energy drink/shot combo.

None of it is going to give me enough energy to motivate out of a weed laze on the couch.

But if I am already up and doing shit and just take a shot and keep moving, I think it helps me do shit better.

Riding bikes, working out, working in a warehouse,stuff like that.


Last weekend, I drank a 32oz Monster.

While I was playing D&D.

Then watched a bunch of dudes eat endless racks of ribs.

I was super sleepy about a hour after drinking it all.

It was bogus, totally.

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i drink one before work at 9pm, and it usually wears off by about 1am or so, which is cool cause the bar

closes at 2. i like them instead of redbull or any other full sized energy drink, cause it doesn't make me

piss every 5 minutes when i'm behind the bar swamped with drunkards. 5hr energy or a starbucks

doubleshot in a can is my poison.

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i have used it twice before, but only because i was really tired. they worked great, gave me energy but i wasn't bouncing off the walls either. both times were at the end of a roadtrip and we were still a few hours from home. oh yea i'm talking about on a motorcycle, not in a car

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I think I must be part of the very small population for whom caffeine has no effect.

Literally none.


I actually drink coffee every morning and enjoy energy drinks too- but I've never felt anything.

Ive also tried this 5hour shit (and "stackers") to help me stay up, but to no avail.

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omfg. that shit.................


10th grade, fucking remedial math class. these niggas come in talmkin

bout, "yo, try this yellow jacket shit, shit will fuck you up yada yada yada.

man, i ate two of those things and puked for like 3 days straight.

not exactly sure what happened but i sucked and i vowed to never eat

gas station dietary supplements ever again. the shit people decide is cool

to get fucked up on.....that is all. cool st0ry br0.

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I have tried the redline and the 5 hour energy on a few different occasions and every time they give me some serious spraying shit squirts.


It works great but I can't commit to going out, it's strictly a stay at home buzz.


Lately I get my pick-up from Rockstar punch, mix a little vodka with it and I'm good to go.

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maybe if you grew up sucking your dads dick every night.

shits fucking gross.

i like 5 hour energy. works well for me. i drink em before i ride my bike sometimes. i know people who puked or had no effect though so i guess its different for everyone.

i rack these things constantly.


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