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Alright so here is the deal...My dad just called. My puppy Roxie Boxerton she has Lymphoma. Shes not a puppy anymore she is almost 9. She started getting all these bumps all over her like a week ago. There are alot now so my dad brought her to the vet right away they took tests shes got lymphoma I guess. Doctor just told my dad they could treat her but it might be painful for the dog. I dont know what to do and the only reason I am writing this is because its the only thing keeping me from breaking down like a 4 year old with snot bubbles who needs his binky because his mom wont buy him the dora the explora play set ya dig.


Have any of your pets had cancer? How are the treatments was it worth it? Would the puppy be happier if you didnt treat it even though it gave it more time. Roxie isnt in pain right now from what I am being told (she lives with my aunt) just had all these bumps and we took her to get tested. So I don't want to put her into treatment thats extremely painful and is going to make her weak if she isnt in pain at the moment if its not gonna cure her and its not gonna buy her much time.


What the fuck should I do. Forgive long drunken rants in the future about my dog because they are going to happen. After my dad brought her to the vet I went to see her then came home and just broke the fuck down. I bought her I saved the 600$ when I was 13 to buy her. She is the only thing that I have from my old neighborhood, #1 confidant, and really only thing I've ever have ever loved unconditionally other than my dad. (no homo)


I dunno...question comments concerns...advice...

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Guest R@ndomH3ro

Sucks...just lost my dog


and even that was expensive....hope she pulls through...maybe you shouldn't have snowballed her in the mouth

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my grandpas cat just died of something called FIV, its like AIDS but for cats

pretty shitty


A positive result from a Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) test can have a devastating effect to a cat owner. Innumerable questions roil through the mind: How could this have happened? What can I do? How long does he have? I thought he had been vaccinated against FIV. Isn't there some miracle medication he can take?


I can attest to this mental turmoil; my baby , who has shared my life and my heart for 18 years, has just been tested positive for FIV. Shannon has Feline AIDS.


Like most cat lovers, my first instinct is that I want to learn everything possible about the FIV virus, and as the About Cats Guide, my second instinct is that I need to share this information with my readers, in order to help others who find themselves and their cats in this kind of situation.

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i dont know about the cancer thing but my old dog had a brain tumor and it caused her to have seizures and they told us that operations might end up hurting her and may not completely fix the dog. we figured it was best to keep her on her meds to keep the seizures at a minimal and let her be but she ended up dying shortly after because of it... shit sucked but at least she was still the happy normal dog that she always was until she passed

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Guest shai_hulud

I'm really sorry to hear that, Some1.


I dog sit for a 14 year old dog. Her mom works days, and lives by herself. It sucks, she's obviously miserable and not enjoying life....but, her mom just can't let go.


The only thing I can say is just spend time with her till she passes. If the vet says she's in a lot of pain and that she should be put down, then definitely consider it.


That's tough. I grew up with a Doberman named Jane...she was my best friend till I was 12. She started getting arthritis, so we sent her to live with some friends in the desert. I think she died about a year later.


As it is for people, I'm not into the whole "heroic measures" thing. Just because you can keep someone around, human or otherwise, doesn't mean that's what they would want if they could communicate.


Again, sorry, man. I hope you feel better soon.

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this problem sounds real homo, but seriously consider looking into holistic care for your dog. google it, and i'm sure you can find more than a few practioners in the area that do alternative medicine for pets. A second opinion, after you talk to your reg. vet is always a good plan.


and not to be really negative, but lymphoma is one of the worst forms of cancer regardless if it's an animal or human, but a lot of times they can remove the infected lymph nodes so it doesnt spread throughout the entire body, but it's gotta be taken care of sooner than later, so don't drag your feet with this.


good luck.

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yeah, when I was like 6, my uncle offed his 15 year old dog who was dying and in pain. shot him in the head with a revolver. First time i saw something die like that. All I can say is it's part of life, man....a dawgs gonna do what a dawgs gonna do.

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Sucks dude. I fucking freaked out when my dogs started getting fatty tumors. Ive got a fourteen year old Weimariner and a Seven year old Border Collie/German Shorthair. That's all it is tho, just fat-bumps. Doc says they're painless but I can tell they bug them just from being there.


Before these two I a couple golden retrievers whose breed is very well known to suffer from complications such as cancer. Retrievers and Labs especially.


The weimariner is a great breed of dog if you dont like cancer. 14 years old is still a very intelligent, very loving, and very good looking dog. That's Its pretty fucking amazing if you ask me.


My hybrid's a much smaller dog so we'll see how she does. I recommend the mix to anyone. She turned out like a border collie with seal fur.

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Hey thanks for all of your comments I dont have the internet at my house till tomorrow so I couldnt see your comments till today. I am looking around people on the interwebz are saying that treatment usually isnt worth it and its really expensive. It sucks me and my dad are kind of just giving up and had to come to the conclusion that if the time comes and she is really in pain then we are going to put her down. I am gonna start picking her up and taking her to my house in the afternoons...


She is the best dog everybody loves her she is so sweet and smart perfect temperment. She just starred in a high school play oliver with my cousin. I think I am gonna load that on my computer. I dunno


Celt what does your girl think of dog lymphoma? I dont even know what to ask.

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my friends just lost their dog to cancer. cooder went through intense chemo, drugs, and what not. they decided to stop all treatment because it was making cooder miserable. it may have prolonged her life by a couple of months but in the end it's about the dogs comfort. they have no regrets. spoil your dog while you can and give it the best last days.

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when i was 9 my dog started to get a huge bump on her chest about the size of a golf ball, so my moms took her the vet and sure enough they told her she had cancer. pretty much they told us we can do the treatment bullshit that would only make her leave till about a yr longer for alot of paper. we ended up deciding just to let her be and like 2 weeks later she died.

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