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Frog Appreciation Thread!


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this is funny cause my mom

has a obsession with frogs...

she had at least more than 100 little frog

figurines and random things for the house...

she even has frog earings,

frog staplers,


the works...


ughh. Thats how my stepmom was with bears.

Actually she had a lot more than that.

Before she became my stepmom I counted 84 bear magnets on the fridge alone. My dad made her get rid of about half of that shit.

But there was still soooooo much.

I hated that shit so much.

Growing up, I would throw something in the gutter on the way to school. Like daily.


ps. still the best thread ever.

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I was gonna suggest you check out this documentary because it is fucking great but I see you're anti-toad so fuck you.


But frogs are ill, no doubt. I once went frog hunting and almost stabbed a baby cayman thinking it was a frog.


good docuementary, similar to Vernon Florida and other dope Errol Morris shit.




I saw some tadpoles in some rockpools yesterday its was pretty wild, them being 5 meters from the pacific ocean and all

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Used to catch these when I was a kid in the same spots I sometimes paint today..






Just when you thought it was safe to enter California waters, yet another killer rears its ugly head. But instead of a fishy Hollywood star crushing through anglers' boats and patrolling popular beaches with a taste for human, the African clawed frog is a real threat that lurks in freshwater streams, rivers, and ponds killing off local wildlife.


Native to the Cape region of South Africa, this largest of the clawed frogs was imported to the United States in the aquarium trade as well as for scientific study. Xenopus laevis is the primary amphibian subject for scientific experimentation for good reason: it's a hardy species with strong resistance to disease. Although a freshwater organism, X. laevis can tolerate water nearly half as salty as seawater, and can live in a wide range of pH and temperatures.


Unfortunately, these same qualities make the frog a menace as it spreads to new frontiers. Escaping from laboratories and let loose by pet owners with a change of heart, X. laevis takes over local waterways, eating native amphibians and out-competing others for invertebrates, small fishes, and other prey. California has one of the worst African clawed frog infestations, second only to Santiago, Chile, where the clawed killer inhabits nearly every body of water.

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