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I wonder how many kids smoke crack?????


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A day in the life of U.S. teens: thousands do drugs

Thu Oct 18, 12:06 AM ET

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A snapshot of an average day in the lives of U.S. teens shows hundreds of thousands are smoking, drinking and ingesting illegal drugs, according to a report from the federal government.


On an average day, nearly 1.2 million teenagers smoked cigarettes, 631,000 drank and 586,000 used marijuana, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration found.


Nearly 50,000 used inhalants, 27,000 used hallucinogens, 13,000 used cocaine and 3,800 used heroin, SAMHSA said in its report.


"In the United States in 2006, one-third of adolescents aged 12 to 17 drank alcohol in the past year, one-fifth used an illicit drug and one-sixth smoked," the report reads.


The report is based on a number of surveys, but mostly the National Survey on Drug Use, which uses in-depth interviews of more than 60,000 people.


It found that the percentage of adolescents using alcohol and drugs declined between 2002 and 2006.


"While other studies have shown that significant progress has been made in lowering the levels of substance abuse among young people in the last few years, this report shows many young people are still engaging in risky behavior," SAMHSA Administrator Terry Cline said in a statement.


"By breaking the data down and analyzing it on a day-to-day basis, we gain a fresh perspective on how deeply substance abuse pervades the lives of many young people and their families," he added.


The report also attempted to show how many adolescents ages 12 to 17 used illegal substances for the first time.


One any given day, it said:


-- Nearly 8,000 adolescents drank alcohol for the first time


-- 4,300 adolescents used an illicit drug for the first time


-- 4,000 smoked cigarettes for the first time


-- 3,600 adolescents used marijuana for the first time


-- 2,500 youngsters abused pain relievers for the first time.


More than 76,000 children and teens were in outpatient treatment for alcohol or drug abuse, the report said, and 10,000 in non-hospital residential treatment.



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i was with these two girls who i well, cruise with..

next thing you know.. one of them asks me if i ever smoked crack, not meth, but crack. i was like hell no, shit smells like burnt plastic..and shit, its crack, but i guess they smoke crack.. we went to thier co-workers bar party and they were drunk...it was hillarious to see the looks on thier co-worker's faces when they fond out that those girls were serious about scoring crack. they musta been needin tta shit badly that night.. i can only wonder how the next work day was.

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My youngest lil homie used to be all fucked up on drugs, like he was straight up smokin crack and doin heroin while he was only 16.


At first i didn't involve myself in that situation, since I generally feel if someone wants to fuck their life up it's on them, but finally I couldn't take it anymore and told him if he ever touched the shit again he'd be cut out my life, and therefore pretty much cut out of all his other boy's lifes too. He's had one or two minor relapss since then, and I've had to slap him around a couple of times big brother steez, but other than that he's done real fuckin good

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Crack trips me out. I can understand the first generation around it trying it because you had no clue of the long-term effects. But after you see the zombie crackheads in your hood a few years later and made fun of them, what would posess you to try it?


Never got that one.


I even knew a few dudes back in the day that sold crack and ended up getting hooked on their own supply.

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it was never my thing.

i took a hit once. and 3 mins later i was in the restroom taking a shit.

i know theres more thing to do with it that the brain take place with.

so dont go and say"hahahahahah you took a shit"(which i know someone will)

damn crack is bad.

it cracks you out. but it does other things cause thats how that part reacts to the crack

like the pre synaptic axon terminal caries the drug and realeases to the synaptic gap and then the receptor site on the post synaptic nerve recieves it and it only take in certain ones.

like locks and keys. then the info is sent into the hypothalmus and everything that it effected by that certain chemical is given dopamine.


i think. correct me if im wrong

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Crack trips me out. I can understand the first generation around it trying it because you had no clue of the long-term effects. But after you see the zombie crackheads in your hood a few years later and made fun of them, what would posess you to try it?


Never got that one.


I even knew a few dudes back in the day that sold crack and ended up getting hooked on their own supply.



I don't think people just decide to smoke rocks.

All of the dudes I know who became crackheads started out as occasional coke users, and their coke habit spiralled out of control until they were full blown crackheads. I can't stand coke, and usually after I meet somebody, or find out one of my friends is doing coke I lose pretty much all respect for them.

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