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Oh Fuck Cought A D.U.I -no spellcheck

Tuff Tone

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I was out the other night bar hopping, taking a cab from bar to bar, and after the last bar my dumb ass gets in the ride and started to head home. There is a area where the speed limit drops from 50 to 30, I didnt slow down so i get stopped for speeding. i get arrested because I blew a 1.5, something like that. I bonded my self out the next day I still have to get arraned. Its my first dui. im a little worried, can anybody give me some advice on what to do? Or what happen?

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Re: Oh Fuck Cought A D.U.I


your gonna be fucked for a while...depending where u live. where im at, its a suspended license (6 month min.), huge fine, and of course the spike in the insurance department. my advice? look into a bus pass...

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Re: Oh Fuck Cought A D.U.I


A couple of people I know have one. One girl has two - she'll never drive for less than a few hundred a month again.


So, assuming you're state is like most you'll have to get a lawyer and:


1) Take classes at your expense

2) Attend AA, NA, etc...

3) Pay a fine

4) Suspended license

5) Your insurance will either drop you or charge you a ridiculous amount

6) You'll have a counselor or someone who tracks your progress including UAs



...mind you I myself haven't gone through it and I know laws aren't universal between state. I don't think all of that happens at one time and some may be redundant in the way I list them (for example the AA and class thing might be the same). It's just a very expensive deal, but I doubt you'll lose your freedom. Good luck.

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Re: Oh Fuck Cought A D.U.I


in Canada the first time you get pinched its a 12 hour suspension, hahaha. then it gets a bit worse everytime, my bro lost his license for a year after the 3rd time. plus the fine and insurance hike. not worth it at all, sucks to be you. good luck.

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Re: Oh Fuck Cought A D.U.I


you made a mistake

everyone slips up

realize the potential you had to hurt or kill yourself or another innocent person

a DUI charge is the least of your worries considering what could have happened

reevaluate whether you'd want to continue living the rest of your life with the guilt of having killed an innocent person while driving drunk home one night

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Re: Oh Fuck Cought A D.U.I


welcome to the club, a DUI is alife changing incident, anyway you look at it. First, you wont be able to drive legitimately for a long time. You will be on court probation so no more hotboxing cars, drinking on the streets, etc. Petty criminal offenses will land your ass back in court. If your drunk, riding shotgun and your boy gets pulled over, you can go to jail. Your insurance will go up alot, i pay around $400 for a USED car. You will pay a couple thousand in court fees, classes, etc. You will do community service or even a few days in the slammer for 2nd and 3rd offenses. Driving while suspended because of a DUI can land your ass in jail for a few days too, as well as require ignition interlock devicese and more fines. (THIS IS ALL IN CALIFORNIA, LOOK UP YOUR STATES DUI LAWS, SOME ARE HARSHER, SOME ARE NOT)



One tip i suggest if you have a normal DUI, (no accidents, injuries, etc)...is to SKIP the lawyer. Go ahead and ask for the statutory minimum from the DA in exchange for pleading no contest. Alot of kids i know dropped 5-10 grand on lawyers, only to have the same punishments as i did.


In retrospect, as much bullshit my DUI has put me through, its actually made a positive impact on me. Even though im going to be in and out of court for the next few months due to probation violations, i am a much more cautious and less rowdy person. I never drink and drive anymore and i try to stay out of trouble. I havent done serious graffiti in a long, long time. Because of my DUI it pretty much kissed my graff career away, because drinking and driving and lawbreaking make up a huge part of it. Unless you want to end up in jail and courtrooms for the next couple years, the best bet is to just lay low for a couple of years. Leave the US, study abroad, go live with family outside of the US. Everyday for the next 2 years is going to carry the possibility of you slipping up and ending back in court for probation violations.

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Re: Oh Fuck Cought A D.U.I


dont drink and drive


dont put my life at risk.




^You gotta love these assholes. As if they never drove drunk in their life.

Newsflash: If you drink, and you own a car, you've driven drunk.


Good luck with that though. My homie just did a three year bid for that.

It was supposed to be 2 years but he had another year added on cause his girl put her hand on his knee when she came to see him.


I'm surprized that I have yet to catch a DUI. Knock on wood.

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Re: Oh Fuck Cought A D.U.I


IF ANY OF YOU EVER GET PULLED OVER FOR A DUI TEST... DONT TAKE IT.... epesecially if you know for a fact that youre gonna fail.. or even better.. just dont blow in the breathalizer..they'll never have solid proof that you were drunk.

just dont get the DUI on your abstract. its easier to drive without a license for a year rather to be fucked

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