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Everything posted by thesteelrod

  1. Here's my contribution, two things I found hacking into 12oz'ers photobucket albums. :D
  2. HAHAHA, I forgot about the homo-dungeon thread!
  3. I've accidentally converted a vegetarian or two, was pretty funny. I was eating some of the best beef jerky known to man and she was watching and drooling, took about 20min of that for her to cave. Hahaha, 2-3 years down the drain in 20min. She was getting street meat later that week, she never looked back. I think you should get on the street meat diet, nothing but lips and assholes. Beats being a giant fucking pussy...
  4. Have fun being a giant pussy... Just saying.
  5. I think you should have locked yourself in the stall and hung yourself with you're belt, that would've solved the whole incident...
  6. this thread is well deserved, the dude puts in work
  7. As long as the pussy is bare and I don't get any pubes stuck in my teeth, I love a bit of bush on the mound. I nice full triangle is great! I love the racing stripe and bald as well, as long as it's clean and tasty.
  8. http://tothepointtatoo.webs.com/ This guy totally deserves to be in here, fucking brutal... There's a pic of him tattooing with out gloves somewhere, he tattoos out of his garage at home. Check the guestbook, Supposedly He's got comments from Kat Von D. Hahaha, some of the worst tattoos I've ever seen.
  9. that soo line flat is nice, been years since i saw one
  10. my favorite get pissed drinkin beer by far. my favorite store
  11. check out the T-KID book, great shit. just read through my bros copy, worth it all the way.
  12. and what the fuck do you call 90% of the shit out there. at least ich is doing good clean quality shit, not some half assed sloppy stock tip shit.
  13. get the pit/sheppard cross its a great mix. thats what i got, my girl bought him, trained him and all he does is wait for me to get home. hahaha, definatly my dog now. he likes to roll in dead things though. the dead harbour seal he rolled on, fuck dogs are gross sometimes.
  14. fuck, get a presa canario as well and you'll rule the block.
  15. pug's rule, its just too bad when they get over fed. they have a hard enough time breathing in the heat when they are slim.
  16. breed specific legislation was passed in ontario. pitts, am-staffs, staffy bulls and a few other bull breeds are all included. all existing dogs are grandfather claused, meaning they can still stay but you cant bring any new dogs that fall under the ban. mandatory muzzling and no off leash time except on the owners property. so even if you go out of province with your dog, they can technically take and put down your dog if you bring it back into ontario. pretty fucked up.
  17. my old crazy Am-staff. the cat & dog. getting owned by a boston terror
  18. beautiful blue!! male or female? and the other one as well, both real nice looking.
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