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  1. ..."it's just somethin I do, I breathe, i drink water, I gets the bitches as apart of my routine"
  2. I'm not exactly sure where this should go, but I'm putting it in this forum because I know it gets a lot fo traffic. So this weekend, I got caught for my first time. The story: I'm in a public restroom. Noone's in it. I catch a tag on one of the stalls, a urinal, and I go to catch a last one on the front door leaving the bathroom. BOOM, a dude walks in and feels i'm leaning on the door. I shove the marker in my pocket real quick and he turns to look at me. he obviously works here. "Hey what are you doing??" quickly i reply 'just checking my text' "Your not tagging the bathroom are ya??" 'no, i was just checking my text' he looks at me with that "That's bullshit, you know i know you know i know you were just tagging" face he 'says, 'come on, you were tagging the bathroom. where's the marker?' "i don't have a marker, i was not' i say "Come on, I know you were. it smells like marker in here, and i was jsut in here five minutes ago and there was nothing in here. you were the last one in here, and there's no reason for you to be checking your phone behind a door. now, where's the marker?? empty your pockets" my hearts racing and I'm just like WTF. I tell im again 'i don't have a marker, and i'm not emptying my pockets. how you gonna pin this shit on me!?" he's standing in front of the doorway out and I'm wondering 'can i get outta here and just walk past him? or will that get me in trouble??" he says 'listen, people tag up this bathroom all the time, and we can do this the easy way or the hard way. you either admit it, give me the marker and never come back here again, or we do it the hard way and I'll call security and bla bla bla" he made it sound like I was caught either way. I think, 'fuck, i should just give it to him" I end up admiting it to him. we walk out the bathroom and as i'm making my way out the store he goes 'i'll tell you what, your not going anywhere" I think FUCK THAT and go to jet out the door and he grabs me, calls for help, and before i know it i'm tied up with like 5 people in front of me.... handcuffed, taken in the back. i ask the guard who's watching me some questions and shit. i ask him 'If I were to just try to walk out the bathroom and move him out the way, would i have easily gotten away?" he told me that because he smelled the marker and the tags were fresh, he would've had probably cause to physically restrain you. is this true??? i ended up jsut getting a citation, a virtual slap on the wrist, the equivalent of getting a parking ticket so i got pretty lucky. I also wish I would've just planned to run for it once we got out the bathroom cuz if i would've got off the premises, they can't chase off the property. fuck anyway, what do you guys think about it? could I have just walked out the bathroom, telling the dude he didn't see me do shit and he has not right to touch me and i'm leaving right now without getting into more troubl?? lesson learned=don't tag up bathroom stalls in run down market places. be smart about where your tagging.... any feedback and or advice, i would really appreciate. thanks
  3. i don't have the video unfortunately. Anyway Bump Aerub Slugs EXILE<<< Feelin this dudes style. his throw is unlike anything i've seen before. i want to see some of his pieces
  4. deno got his ass BEAT DOWNNNNN hahaha that's watchu get for fuckin with the wrong people
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