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True Life: Im a Juggalo


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  • 4 weeks later...

more fuel for the fire....






SIERRA VISTA — Jessey Sanders and friends were hoping to clean up two things Tuesday afternoon: graffiti-stained walls, and their reputations.

“All I’ve wanted to do, for the longest time, is just clear our name,” Sanders said.

Shortly after 1 p.m., after a brief rainfall threatened to put a hold on their plans, Sanders, 24, and about eight others gathered at Haymore Plaza on Fry Boulevard to repaint outer walls of a couple businesses that had been tagged with gang graffiti.

For Sanders and his friends, this was a chance to get out into the community and disspell a number of false notions about juggalos like them.

The term juggalo is used to refer to anyone who embraces the music of the Insane Clown Posse, a rap duo. In recent years, reports of criminal activity in areas perpetrated by people identifying themselves as juggalos has created a stigma, Sanders said.

“There are bad juggalos out there, people that make us look like gang members,” he said.

“We may look different,” said Sanders, who sports arm-length tattoos feature various Insane Clown Posse imagery, as well as a tattoo on his face, “but we’re just not afraid to hide our personality, or be who we are.”

Bryan Pierce, 19, said many people assume the worst when they see a juggalo.



“You really can’t judge a book by its cover, and that’s really what a lot of people are doing,” Pierce said. “We’re just people. We don’t like to be looked down upon as bad people, or as a gang, just because of the way we look.”

Though some of Sanders’ friends say they have experienced incidents of being approached by law enforcement for their appearance, most say that local law enforcement has treated them with respect.

“I’ve been stopped a couple times and talked to by a few officers before,” said Kyle Bartes, 24, “and they’ve never cared or said anything” about his appearance.

Juggalos are technically considered a gang in Arizona, but most of those who identify themselves as such are not involved in any illegal activity, Sierra Vista Detective Jeremy Wolfe said.

“The majority of these guys are just followers of the band. If someone came into Sierra Vista, or any town, and said they were a Crip or a Blood, they’re telling you that they are a gang member,” Wolfe said. Juggalos are simply identifying themselves as fans of a musical group.

“We’re more of a family,” said Bartes.

Sanders agreed, saying “These guys are all really good friends of mine. We consider each other the same as brothers.”

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  • 1 month later...
There's nothing unfunny about this picture, and that bitch in the white isinfact very unsmash. Unless mega drunk off liquor at like 5 a.m. ...buckteeth??? c'mon... but the half stepper makes the flick. that shits hillarious. peace.:lol:


^^^look at that bitches toes hahahahagahagah this!! these fucking assholes look incredible hahahaaa

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the first one wasnt bad enough....


hahahahah. When you OD and go to the hospital they put monitors or sensors or something on you. When you peel em off it leaves square areas where the adhesive didnt come all the way off. This dirtbag must not wash very well. He probably overdosed on stupid

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About a month ago I was telling my sister about these juggalos I saw at subway in portland all painted up looking fancy for the icp show that night and we started watching some youtube shit and laughing and we read thismanifesto thing and it had this list of juggalo gangs and I almost pissed my pants I was laughing so hard.

Juggalos are endless entertainment.

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that was sooo good. I laughed my ass off when that sketch came on. the youtube comments from butthurt juggafags are entertaining. especially when calling SNL stupid but mispelling basic words in the same post. ie "it made no sense once so ever" "of cource"


cyrussyn (4 hours ago)



How is that even Funny that is the dumbest most I.Q dropping thing SNL has done as of late and leave it to those dumb asses to take something as sweet and off the hook like the GOTJ and try to make it stupid and try to make it funny nice job guys you suck more balls then those whores that Tiger Woods was slammin bhind hes fine ass wife's back.

so much fail.
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