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the un official workout thread


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We didn't split on a power rod machine, we split on the dumbbells that adjust from 10lbs to 95lbs.

My old man bought the OG bowflex and it was nice to work out on I just hated having to change the machine around to switch what I was working out all the time.

But with this selectable dumbbell system I'm thinking of just switching to a full body workout 3 times a week with cardio in between instead of doing the split up workouts like I've been doing.

I'm not trying to be jacked, just nice and in shape


edit: angel, I wasn't counting cardio into the 2 hours, should have mentioned that

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im usually in the gym 4 days a week for 2 hours a day. been slaking latly but i do some free weights, lots of straight bar stuff, some kickboxing, some spin, lots of pushups.


im in pretty good shape id say. i watch what i eat too but i can enjoy food cuz i upped my metab so much i can do that.


its hard but you have to stick to it. the results are worth it



Aren't you a chick? I'm pretty sure you are but can't recall.


If so, are you musclebound now? Defined?

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lower carbs.

Your body needs carbs and it can only process so much protein. Balanced diet. You especially don't need more protein if your workout is jumping rope. You need stuff for fast twitch muscles with a workout like that.


bodyweight squats

bodyweight lunges too. You can also add, I don't know what you call them but you run really slow and kick out before going down and it helps with your explosiveness and ability to run faster or anything associated with that muscle group.

Jump squats are amazing too.

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Your body needs carbs and it can only process so much protein. Balanced diet. You especially don't need more protein if your workout is jumping rope. You need stuff for fast twitch muscles with a workout like that.



bodyweight lunges too. You can also add, I don't know what you call them but you run really slow and kick out before going down and it helps with your explosiveness and ability to run faster or anything associated with that muscle group.

Jump squats are amazing too.


since you're going that far, why not just do burpee's for a complete bodyweight workout?

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any runners in here??


i used to run around 40 miles a week, fell off around christmas time, and just started running again a couple days ago. My cardio is fucked but it's not really the problem - i was expecting that being a smoker - but I've been having sciatic compression or some shit going on in my right side. My lower right hip will start going numb and I'll have a dull pain if i try and push through it too long. Today I did six and a half miles and just stopped and walked it off when it progressed to the dull pain... I guess what I'm wondering is if this is something I should just try and push through (my plan) or if I need to get some new shoes, adjust my stride, etc?

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i run maybe a mile or two a day ...shit was rough at first i hate running

im small enough, im trying to gain to gain mass but its fucking hard i take pro complex weigh gainer and just now started taking creatine but damn shits hard..


any suggestions..



The other guys on here are more knowledgeable than I, but you need to increase your





Read "Starting Strength"

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I'm kinda just getting into this stuff, I started working out probably 6 months-1 year ago? I haven't made much progress, so I must be doing something wrong. My forms pretty good, and I'm fairly consistent about it, so I don't know.



Right now I'm doing


Monday- chest

Tuesday- arms

Wednesday- back

Thurs- nothing

Fri- Legs



With different ab exercises thrown in on all days and running about a mile every day I work out. Anybody have any suggestions as to how I can switch up my routine/whatever?

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For chest usually bench, flies, and then standing cable pulls.

For arms I'm doing a downward cable pull (triceps) preacher curls and pull ups (biceps) and a forearm curl.

For back I usually do deadlifts, bent-over row, and seated row.

For legs I'm doing leg press, extensions, standing calve raise, and a leg curl.

And for shoulders I do shrugs and a dumbell press.


For most of these I'm doing 3 sets of 10, I switch it up sometimes though.

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Don't devote an entire day to arms, especially the day before you do back, since many back exercises use a lot of biceps. I find that it's better to do triceps the same day as chest, and biceps the same day as back. Do triceps/biceps AFTER your chest/back work.


If you haven't been lifting for very long, sets of 10 are good for building muscle memory and honing your form. In general though, especially for higher-weight compound exercises such as bench, deadlifts, squats, and rows, I would recommend doing pyramid sets. Work up to a weight you can only hit for say 2-6 reps, and do 2 or 3 sets at that weight, then work back down and really burn your muscles out. It depends on the exercise, I personally prefer to squat weight I can handle for at least 6-8 reps, but on bench, with a good spotter, I might push it to 2 reps.


Build your workouts around compound exercises, and always start with your bench, squat, deadlifts, rows or whatever and do accessory work afterward. Also, if you don't already, try taking some whey protein right after you work out.

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I recently switched up my days a bit. Doing Arms in one day seems crazy.

I now do chest + tri's on Monday. I switch it up every week in terms of what excercises I do.

For instance, tonight I will do.

Bench Press

Incline Dumbell Pressess

Dumbell flies.


Next Monday I'll switch it up..

Do all Bar Bench, throw in some decline. Change weight from heavy to light, do more reps.



Shoulders, Bi's. Same thing here..I switch up the excercises and weight from week to week.


Friday - Back/Abs. I can really devote a whole workout to back.


Two times in between I run outside 2-4 miles. I also have two dogs, and no backyard. So I walk them 3 times a day a mile or so. I'm lucky enough to live on the 4th floor, with no elevator so I run up them or double time them each and every time. That is my main excuse for doing little to no leg work. I was born with some thick ass legs, plus 18 years of skateboarding. I do throw in squats twice a month if I have time.


In a few months, I'll change all of this up...I want to get away from doing specific muscles on specific days.

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