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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear 711,


I wanted some of your tasty nachos soooo bad for my lunch break. I was extremely upset when I found that there is no longer a self contained bag of chips inside the plastic tray. Instead you have opted to have the chips loose in the tray with the entire thing covered in shrink wrap. Not wanting a pile of soggy tortilla cheese crap I was forced to discard the provided chips and purchase a separate bag of Frito's to dip into your delicious cheese.




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear iPod,




why do you have to pause at random moments

without me touching the lil pause button?

and why do you pause like 15 times in a row

at the time i want to listen, but when i dont really care

if it stays on or not, you play for hours?

the only reason why your still around is because i have

all my music on you..

damn you suck...




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Wisdom Teeth,


Enjoy your final reign of terror and discomfort! I've put up with you fuckers for too long! I shall welcome the temporary pain with gratitude and joy. After all, I'm getting Vicodin bitches! Bring on the Radiohead tracks and red wine (none from Chilé). 24 hours from now, you'll be gone and I'll be able to eat and paint with no discomfort whatsoever!


About to be chewing with pleasure,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear girlfriend,

this is all kinda wierd to me...

this whole being together business...

i dont got a problem with it

but after a long time of

hitting and quitting,

this is just something new im gonna have to adjust to...

let alone i have certain trust issues due to

things that happened in the past..

but you seem true, and i like that....

and your a virgin... double bonus..

but were gonna have to do something about that...

untill then, lets see how things work out...


looking forward for sushi friday,


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