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Dear ________,


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Dear Half Term,


My fuckery, it's been like what, 9, 10 years? How ya been?




Dear Decy,


I am still gonna Dear _______ you. You know.


<3 TDB


Dear Cali,


Pls make yourself up a costume and everything. We'll call you something clever that someone else will have to come up with cos I'm drawing a blank.


Yours in anticipation,



Dear Symbols,


All that stuff you posted in the What Are You Doing thread sounds wicked. I'm going to google it all and expand my mind. Thanks.


TDB :)

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dear red light cameras,


i hope some crazy person walks around with a blowtorch and cuts you all down!


almost $600 in fines!?!??!?!?!?......fuuuuuuck.....its like im buying the city an ipad or something!....assholes.




many people do try to break those in a fit of rage, but this man avoided tickets in the funnest way possible, til the party ended..



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dear symbols,


i dont know how to use a blow torch :(




dear TDB,


my costume would be "blow torch man"....um....wow...that sounds super gay!




dear sleaze,


monkey mask could work....but i read online that they will automatically dismiss the ticket if the opposite gender to the person who the car is registered to was driving (so if the car is registered to a man and a woman is driving, they will dismiss the ticket)...im thinking about buying a wig...lol.




dear I_R,


lol....i'll cut them down too!



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dear caligula,


in my short residency in Phoenix,i was told they had abolished that system.

I could be wrong, it happens all of the time, but when a cop pulls you over and you sign a ticket, it is YOU acknowledging that you received that ticket, like a subpoena for court.


when they mail you tickets (like jury duty summons{i have been told}) there is no actual proof that you received it


i guess so many tickets went unpaid that the system doesnt exist anymore.


but what do i know.



but what i do know is that i havent been around here in a bit and i miss you guys and your witty selves. too many too name


i hope you all are well.








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Dear entire world,


[pulled from comments in internet convo about rape after horrible victim blaming article about rape] "Ugh. This reminds me of a horrible frat rule that I heard when I was in college. If a girl passed out with her shoes on, that means go, if her shoes are off , that means no, she fell asleep intentionally."






Dear I_R,


I am teensy and Decy's kid has bigger hands than me.


The more you know!


Please don't be for reals dead.


TDB :)


Dear oontz,


How ya doing?




Dear Decy,


Oh you.


<3 TDB

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Dear I_R,


I am teensy and Decy's kid has bigger hands than me.


The more you know!


Please don't be for reals dead.



Dear Dear Dear TDBX3


The stories and information posted on the internet are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.

Only a fool would take anything posted on it as fact.



I_R knowsurnotafool.









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dear donuts


thanks for showing up


dear dr

thank for calling back


dear everyone else.


ive been in severe pain for 2 months

pain that is in a general area, but cannot determine the specific area.

low abdominal/pelvic area/hip area

2 dr appts

2 ER visits


everyone keeps focusing on artheritis in hip due to a past dislocation


i see this shit on the news a few days ago



(not this exact story--but a more local news story)


ive had this device in me for 8-9 yrs now.


I see my ob/gyn tmrw and HOPE this is the problem because it sounds a lot easier/cheaper than ortho drs/spine/specialists/MRIs/gastros...

mind you i am a cash paying patient.


wish me luck.


painfully yours


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