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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear girl,

youre incredibly hot, younger than me, and you gave me your number. we hung out last night, i paid for that wackass movie you wanted to see so bad, you even slipped your tongue in my mouth. so excuse me for acting a little odd when your iphone rang and you said "hold on its my boyfriend".



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear cali,


regarding west coast meet up..... you know where in between both of those? PORTLAND!! everyone come here so i don't have to find a babysitter :) summer is nice.


- muds



dear mudpuddles,


someone suggested portland..but its too far for the socal people to travel.

i figured out that the closest halfway point for everyone (seattle to san diego) is a small town in california called redding...but there is absolutely NOTHING to do there.

the next closest thing is chico, ca.




dear caligula,

damn idk about that anymore.

<3 ssn



dear ssn,


i liked 50's idea...everyone come to the california state fair in sacramento.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear cali


redding sucks massive asss and its hotier than shit in the summer..pluss there is only 3 bars trust me i know this. but thats my 2 cents.






dear suki


my daughters teacher has a pug and it was really fat...... i loled

thought of u and your love of pugs.




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Java,

we bumpin heads again huh?

Every week its you keep getting

tougher and yes IMad.

Since wishing crabs on you is pretty

pointless i will instead wish upon you

the nastiest software virus known to



ps. crash

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo



i dont know what ive gotten myself into, i dont know if its the best thing to happen to me or the worst, all i know is its happening now but might end soon... not sure how tings will pan out but hopefully everytings gonna be alright.

why must women be so fucking confusing. im simple, i have no hidden adgenda, im not nice because im secretly an asshole, im nice because i like you. sorry thats so fucking hard to understand but im sure this talk should be interesting.

-falingoutoflike tux

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear bank


thanks for expediting my new card to the branch for free, but shit. i waited around ALL DAY for it to show up and it never did. now i have to head back south. i couldve left at 11 this morning, missed traffic, and not had to drive in the dark on the freeway (which i hate) so next time PLEASE just let me know it wont show up on time so i dont have to sit around waiting for the fucking bank to call.





ps if you try to pull some bullshit charge when sending it to branch in my other city, i will NOT be pleased. nor will i pay the charge, and i WILL close my account.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear life,


you really need to stop sucking.






dear twinky the kid circa 2005-2009,


where did you go?

i miss you, all i do now is stay home and not have a job and get

drunk and coked out.

and my pussy ratio has plummeted dramatically.

i miss you.


2010 twinky.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear fr,

dear schnitz,

we were looking at photos

from your visit.

sad... we miss you.

<3 ssn


dear Suki, Cali , Milky, 1988, Inkface and shumai and lena lou


that was a classic weekend


Wish i could come back for some big events this year it would be great!

sadly I can't

I was looking at the photos from the flats last night and wishing i could go back:bawling:



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Cmb,


I am so sick of this. I feel like if you just went away life would be much easier for me. I am fine until you pop up again and again. Go be with the other person, then I won't have to deal with this anymore. I'm so exausted. You make me feel like shit majority of the time, and when you cause problems you never assume responsibility and deal with them. I can only try so much, you drive me crazy. Don't talk to me until you figure things out. Goodnight.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Stomach,

It's not cool that you started killing me in the middle of the barber cutting my hair. I wasn't about to stop him mid cut so I could take a shit and we did have a walk home... you're a dick and you do this shit to me all the time.



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