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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear puddles,


you are killing it this morning! too bad no one really gives a shit around here! you are getting shit done on a fucking management level. but we will continue to have you in your grunt-level $16.00/hr (ps i know that is good for a grunt....) position, though, because no one on a higher level, or on your lever for that matter, that can locate and fix issues. thanks, sorta!


- management :)

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear invest,

Caligula is kind of right.

Its a lil lame. Big city mentality little city limitations.

We have awesome coffee shops here though.

Temple is the best one imo.

The one in midtown lets people bring their dogs into the shop and

those precious beans just sit there enjoying the attention calmly.

It's pretty homely.

Also we have a lot of trees

planted unnaturally everywhere and the gas stations will remember

your brand of cigarettes if you shop there often.

Those are some of the few things I enjoy about this place.

Sincerely. B.fish


Dear caligula,

My family is trying to ruin my life.

Scaring me with big storm talk.

Crossing my fingers- B.fish

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear earl,


kenya girl ended up being a dude with a penis and actually kinda looked like the thing that gave dow a handjob. dudes who were hollering at it are nowhere to be found...


tranny thread is pretty much done...




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo




I got a pinched nerve...one in my neck thats already been established (vicodin,nortriptlyne)...and a new problem with my fucking ankle (MRI,steroids).


I am indeed a heavy weight motherfucker....but I am 6ft 4.


BTW you working at a bay area shop these days right, where u at? PM if u dont want the world to know...im looking for some new stuff.


-Fat Motherfuckin Ralphy

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear cleint thank you for being slow on the uptake.


I just saved my own bacon.




dear girl who rear ended my hire car just 4 blocks from the return spot

damn you to hell -you're very lucky I had comprehensice insurance



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear friends,

fuck you, you bastards... Sneaking a shit ton of vlad into my already heavily mixed drink. Because of you I puked, passed out, and got no action, also I had a ton of shit I had to do today so I can pass my goddamn classes but that shit didn't happen because I had the hangover of death, I fucking hate all of you


but lastnight was funny as fuck


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