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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear finals,


Fuck off. I can't wait till I'm done with you.

Hours in the library and coming in

and being there from 8am-2pm for an

in class essay and standard fill in... you

better be worth it in the end.

But in the meantime.... 8 more hours till I

have to wake up for that shit.

Wish me luck.


-seyrious finals


F.I.N.A.L.S - fuck i never actually learned shit

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear seyer and muddles,

saturday night = me getting too drunk and yesterday i didnt get out of bed untill 7pm, chugging vlad was possibly the worst idea i have had in a long ass time, also i didnt get my buddy a hookup but we met a bunch of chill people so everyone agreed that it was fun, also i kicked ass at wii boxing



also dear school/finals,


i have ran of out my will to study and probably will get fucked by these finals /nh


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear tux tux wise,


Sounds like you had one hellova time saturday haha

Hope that hangover is long gone. Oh, and good luck on finals.





Thanks yo, I'm hoping it's gonna be eazy. I've prepared for

this. The final starts in 30 minutes and I'm getting my

last minute study-on for this F.I.N.A.L. :lol:



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Finals,

I'm sick of you, Microeconomics, I know I failed you.


Dear Christmas,

I dont know whats wrong with me, but for some reason, I'm just not feeling the hype this year.


Dear Vuze,

You currently suck. I'd like you to download Stand By Me faster, as that movie is a classic that belongs in my collection.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear educated oontzers,


you all make me feel like a loser. i need to do something with myself.


- sad puds




dear mr tux,


i was at work when you posted the ffffuuuuuuuuuuu and couldn't see it. just went back and noticed it. total lulz!! thanks for that! that thing gets me every time.....


- not so sad puds

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear mounds of paperwork.


^ that is what I think of you.


dear lazy self.


It's all your fault there is mounds of

paper work to be done.

</3- me


Dear banana runts-

You taste better spontaneous and seldom.

The other runt- fish

Dear self-

You mad.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear bfish,


i know what you mean. i just said to the honey today "i really meant to get more done today, but somehow i didn't". i believe 12oz has something to do with it too. sometimes i wish they would just block it like everyother fucking website just so i could get some work done. but i have answers no one else has, and an anal attention to detail (at work), so i'm skating for now.


good night lady! and fellow interweb friends. as you said - the cycle continues.....


- puddles

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear employer,


your ploy has worked this time! i will delay my sabotage plot as you have felt generous enough to provide me with a bonus check. a freaking awesome bonus check. guess they got the message last year when they switched from gift cards to turkey coupons. i hate you a little less today.


- happy puds




dear 12 oz,


with my super bonus check i will contribute to your awesomeness. as long as cos stays banned.....


- pudmuddles




dear secret santa,


you are fantastic. i have written you an appreciation haiku. you will find it in the morning. and i am happily munching on brussles as we speak.


- freaking psyched puds

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear today.

You are going to be a new day today.

-Catch up on paperwork: keep on swimming.

-Be nice to sister company for tree triming: They

work slowly but hard...ly (sike).

-Marriage shenannygins- almost done with

all the paperwork, breathe before you talk.

-Egg nog (?): Please say you involve eggnog today.

-Home movies with fam bam: Possible, reflect on

how much of the adorbs all of us were.



hopeful Busy bee fish

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear suki,

Those session things make my head explode.

Ohhhhh! I was talking to my cousin the other day about

snowboarding...and uh did you know it is like

3 hundo or something? Is he exaggerating?

If he isnt...um how bout sledding? It's like the next best thing.

I'll text you later today.

<3- bean fish

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear marine girl that works with me,


look.. nobody cares about how your boyfriend broke up

with you through a text message.. the first mention of it is whatever..

so your upset ok boo fuckin hoo.. but whyyyyyyy in the fuck must you talk about

the saaaame shit for the past 4 days...? if i go into work tomorrow

and you end up bringing it up in the middle of conversation that

your not even part of in the first place im gonna grab you by your

dog tags and strangle the fuck out of you... i dont care about how

bogus it was.. i dont care if your crazy ass is gonna go "beat his ass"..

i didnt get this job to become dr phil on a daily basis...

take that bullshit somewhere else cause im not tryin tryin to hear it..

i could give a fuck less if he cheated on you right in front of you..

its not my fucking problem... deal with it....





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