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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear seyseysey and cali,

things are so different here.

i feel like an outcast. the japanese tourists keep

coming up and touching my tattoos.

i just say hai! no touch! gomen na sai!

otherwise, i'm having a fanfuckingtastic time.

<3 ssn


p.s. i keep trying to flick thick korean girls,

but it ain't easy.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear suki,


it sounds like youre having a great time.

i wish female japanese tourists would touch my body.


lol...thanks for at least making an effort to flick the thick korean girls!




p.s. how are the prices of things?....like food...clubs, etc.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear cali,

my mom, sister, and brother-in-law won't let me pay for anything so

im not sure how much anything really is.

i came here with a credit card which i have not used once and

$200 but somehow i have $400 more.

food is cheap, 3 of use ate the other day for $12.

im researching tattoo shops, maybe i can get one here before i leave.

<3 ssn

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear chicago,

I'm geaked that i get to back to see you.everyones really worried i wont come back home. silly rabbits. the next time i up and leave,it'll be in a city i dont know already.




Dear dan,

i ran into a scribe i did when me and you were a we dated 06.damn. we had some good times. c'le vie.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear anyone,


I was googling pimp quotes that famous pimps have said and god damn were they hilarity.


"A hoes legs is a hoes best friends but sometime best friends got to go their seperate ways" -Dolemite


Theres more gold but you get the jist.


-Zerocool aka Magnum aka el diablo

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear ice cube,

What happened man?? you used to rap about not even having to use your a.k. and about being a scared mother fucker goin to church, and last night,i thought i saw you on some kid flick involving a road trip with children.

please. make it stop.

with the quickness.


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear sunday mornign in sydney.


you're great! absolutely tops! except for making me fail on my piece this morning you're working out just fine!

I'm going to go for a run so stay groovin' and maybe your little bro Sunday afternoon will be just a s good.

Keep up the good work sunday I'm lovin' you!


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear sleepy autumn sunday spent alone in my new apartment,


i love you. i have the day off, the manpiece is at work moving heavy things around (sucker), and i'm eating roast chicken with bacon, grilled pineapple and extra sharp cheddar while fucking around on the interwebz and watching some godawful bob saget movie on channel eleven. oh wait, shit, it just ended and bill & ted's excellent adventure is coming on. fuck yeah. soon i am going to go do laundry, vacuum, and maybe hang up some pictures.


i heart living in queens. there are no scenesters in my building and i have not observed any dope deals on my stoop, although i have noticed the d's lurking so i'm sure something's cooking in the hood. my grocery store has a refrigerated meat room. plus, you know, it's pretty sweet waking up in the morning and not getting surprised with a bunch of passed out randos and the remnants of last night's coke party in your living room, or being able to relax and watch tv without a bunch of loud drunk bitches popping off at the mouth about one thing or another. life is good.




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Motorcycle Race Track Gods,


Please keep me strong thru the on coming cold monthes and give my the strength to get all my shit together so i can track/race my motorcycle on the stickiest of race tires, at the highest of speeds, on the nicest of race tracks in the NorthEast and Mid-Atlantic Divisions next year.


Forever Stacking n Tracking,

Love, Peace, n Victory Seats,



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Cali,


Please do tell about last night?




Dear Cali and Wuan,


Dudes wearing tight pants(at least in L.A.) has a lot to do with them going against the gangster look from the 90s. Backlash against all the violence and all that shit.. I see this all the time.. Mexican and African-American kids all wearing the tight pants and sagging them. I see this shit at the club I work at a lot..




Dear Wuan,


Whatever happened to that boat?



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