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Dear ________,


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smdoublebubble, I like that. And tanks for checking in on me and my old man ailments.


Welcome back Cali!


Dear world,


stop judging me because i'm not working. there's more to life. Eventually I'm sure I'll get some random shitty job and then you will all get on my case for not having a "real job" I'm doing me. DEAL WITH IT.

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dear symbols...


aiight... i'll keep loosing money that i don't have in the first place...


i just wondered because my girlfriend went mental at me because i was shoutin' like fuck at the telly for the wee boy to use his stick to batter the horse. but they're nowhere near as brutal as they used to be.


Dear upstair and doonstairs neighbours...


If yir gonna hae a perty, then by all means hae a fuckin' perty!


but dinna be haein' a perty on a fuckin' school night iye? fir fucks sake...


I really dinna want to hear techno any time o' day, least of all at 2 in the fuckin' moarnin'!


squad o belters...



dear live boxing stream...


please work... please... am i fuck paying $75 for this fight that'll probably be pish anywiy...


i'm more concerned aboot the under-cairds





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Dear friendzoneroner


I spent two years of a very important time of my life being your bitch wrapped around your finger because every time it looked like I was drifting away from you, you'd pull me back in with a "It's going to happen soon". I swore to god I loved you but I'm not putting up with being your sideline watching you fuck every guy you just met talking about loving him when I've been there for you since your first year in high school.


Have a good fucking life. I hope he's worth it.



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Dear friendzoneroner


I spent two years of a very important time of my life being your bitch wrapped around your finger because every time it looked like I was drifting away from you, you'd pull me back in with a "It's going to happen soon". I swore to god I loved you but I'm not putting up with being your sideline watching you fuck every guy you just met talking about loving him when I've been there for you since your first year in high school.


Have a good fucking life. I hope he's worth it.






sorry to hear that - seems like you got a real bum steer.

next time be harsher... been there as well




dear Monday


Nice one! looking forward to work



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  • 3 weeks later...

Dear Insurance company

fuck your website and it's shitty online claiming system

I submitted my claim last year through your website.


you finally tell me that you never received it.


I called so many times and got shunted around and finally I get this little bit of information.


I am so fucked the strata plan is going to have my balls.


Fuck fuck fuck fuck


gonna fucking burn your building down you cunts.


Pissed off schnitz.

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