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Dear people who neg propped me,


I don't give a shit, neg me some more for all I care. You people wonder why the site is going to shit and nobody comes on here and actually contributes, one reason is because people like to neg people for the dumbest shit ever.






:cry2: :mad2:

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Dear Dirty Taco Steve,


I'm not gay, I just think it's childish to use the word in such a manner. I also think it's childish that you, what I assume to be a grown man, have taken such offence to the opinions of people on the internet....IT'S THE INTERNET. Don't PM people getting umad about negs, it makes you look like a child...even more so than you already do here. Enjoy the three red tic tacs innit.






dear grd


i noticed immediately this guy can't take any jokes

he didn't even put tacos as the last thing he ate




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dear christeezy,


you must be excited though!

i personally know of like 7 other females that are pregnant right now.






Dear cG...



guess who else I just found out is preggo? My little sister... Again... Im sure everybody remembers the shit she was doing when she lost her little one at 6mo pregnant, on top of not being a good parent to her now almost 3yr old.. Well CPS has Brianna and has had her for about a month now, and this hoe is 14wks pregnant again! When will it end!? She has no business having kids, plus my brother and his gf are 15-16wks pregnant, who also couch hop and do drugs :( I hate everybody.


I cant wait to be the best mommy in the world.




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Yeppers :) I will probably stay in this area for life.. I really like the low crime rates here and the only drug thats around is marijuana, so it's not too bad out here.. Its a small town, but it has trains, a gym and good schooling. Ill definitely want to raise my baby girl here, along with any other kids I have. Im rarely in Sac unless I am just driving through though. A meet up would be fun though! We both need more friends out this way... (something to do)


As far as my sister goes, I have no idea what shes got planned, but im sure once CPS takes her kid away the minute its born, they'll also somehow put a lock on that vaj.. It's got to be illegal or something once your kids start getting takin away to have babies. Its wrong of her to even bring them into life like this though.


Thank you for the mommy compliment too :) You have no idea how ready I am!




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Dear Steezy,

You're going to be the best momma ever, you were already a great momma to Brianna as well!

Hope all is well with you and the baby. Also, your sis needs to clean up not only for the babies, but for her own health, I hate knowing she's about my age too and already has another one on the way and is in that condition. =/



Dear D.T.Stever,

I'm negging for fun. Nothing personal, no fucks given. Take care!



Dear mean boss,

I hope your divorce leaves you miserable!


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dear grd and realism


chees for a good night, had to skip out early this morning to get home for my son but catch you both later.


Dear Ruby


thanks for stealing my keys last night I found them in the kitchen with you sat on them, cheeky bugger.


Dear self


go roll a joint and have a coffee im sure that will wake you up!



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dear wedge,


i figured it out.. its like the symbiote venom.

my reclusion was like mr fantastic using the sonic blaster on it and my misadventures found a new host..ie you.


godspeed sir it gets even more absurd from here on out.


sincerely elis sies the 3rd.





what the hell does it mean when a girl says " i was/am a hot mess" ?

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Hot mess sounds like menopause! Is she 50?

Good luck…



Dear Microsoft,

Ive paid for your product, now 3 days later I have received the download link and its fucked… Error message? STOP IT!

For a software company, your purchase and download process is pretty much the worst. My presentation is due tomorrow and I need pathetic power point to work like now.

Im unfollowing Bill Gates on twitter in protest. HOW YOU LIKE THAT???


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Dear sey,


I miss you! man i really do miss the gold ol' TC days, all the 32's i drank on cam as well as how many box's of cheez-its i had on those nights of listening to dubstep just chillen in there with you guys :) Thank you for your wishes, Its time to grow up now :) Im so excited to have Jayda <3







no problem dood, lol. I tried watching preggo porn, didnt really do it for me either lol.




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Dear Microsoft,

Ive paid for your product, now 3 days later I have received the download link and its fucked… Error message? STOP IT!

For a software company, your purchase and download process is pretty much the worst. My presentation is due tomorrow and I need pathetic power point to work like now.

Im unfollowing Bill Gates on twitter in protest. HOW YOU LIKE THAT???



Dear b,


i don't think that it's supposed to take 3 days. complain bad enough to where they give you free stuff. That's what i'd do.



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dear wedge,


i figured it out.. its like the symbiote venom.

my reclusion was like mr fantastic using the sonic blaster on it and my misadventures found a new host..ie you.


godspeed sir it gets even more absurd from here on out.


sincerely elis sies the 3rd.





what the hell does it mean when a girl says " i was/am a hot mess" ?


Dear Moog,


In my experience. Problems with hard drugs.



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dear naked black female running down 12th street last night,


wow...you were like 20 or 21 right?...you actually had a nice body...nice boobs, nice ass... in great shape...but what the fuck were you doing running down the street at 8pm at night butt ass nekkid?...and in front of a cop car too!...well, lucky for you, i had spare clothes in my car, and when the cops pulled you over, i pulled over too, jumped out and gave you a t-shirt that covered your whole body....youre welcome...and you can keep the shirt.




p.s. thanks for the eye full.

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