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dear self


what the fuck happened last night, rough cider on the apple is not a good idea, which the projectile vomiting this morning pretty much verified as a bad idea.


also when you go drinking dont take cans of paint and markers with you, i have a vague recollection of lots of tags :/



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dear red,


cant wait to see some new sushi flicks!





dear symbols,


i would love to go to school out there, but doesnt your city have one of the highest murder rates in the entire country?...i remember seeing a nickname for your city that was kind of disturbing.




dear amnesia,





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dear hen night....


you all looked like a large pack of retired/retarded racing greyhounds that have really, really seriously let them selves go since retirement... and to be honest... i''ve seen much better legs on greyhounds than half o' you cunts... better eyes and faces too if i'm gonna be really honest... i'd probably rather wake up next to an alsatian then next to any one of you cunts...


apart from the blonde one, i'd shag her, but i wouldn't walk aboot the toon with her...


she was more labrador than alsation, i'd be guaranteed a lick back if one was to groom her...


and perhaps a wee cozy after tae...


please excuse one's verbal waffles...



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dear dear thread...


where the fuck is ah cunt? (everyone...)




dear sparky...


you fuckin' barkin' at the customer today was fuckin' bang oot o' order...


we phone you, give you work, then you make us look like fuckin' dick heeds for recommending yi... cheery aye?...


then i'm left there lookin' like an even bigger dick. fuckin' healthy bad gemes... not on at all...


you need to realise that they pay yir fuckin' wages... no fuckin' me and my ald man... dickheed


stop bashin ahead with oot any concern fir any cunt else...other trades need to come in at the back o' yi (pause)



dear ex, you are an arsewipe and i really hope i dinna see you on friday. i know it's more than likely that i will, but i really could do with oot the awkwardness... you are too much of a fuckin' cheesey belter to speak to me, not that i could give any more of a fuck if i tried...


(keep tryin' to dance off all those kebabs... yir pissin' right in the fuckin wind...)


i'd just really rather you just weren't there because you are a cunt...


you're no a good cunt like my pals or fuck all, you're just a fuckin' whoorin' cunt... a whooorin cunt o' the highest order...


fuckin' bedtime fir bloooooooooooootered ROLF

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Please BAN these two dumb ass dudes ruining my Modesto 209 thread more than it's alreaDy ruined. It's like come on don't kick a dog while it's down situation. Threads been chillin for a few years now let's us at least have the decency to view our thread without this two homos ruining it.







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Dear oontz,


Turns out my new job has fuckin assholes for bosses. Your girl is used to mean ass people,

but I figured out the reason why they were so desperate for someone to fill the position after they've gone through 5 receptionists in the last 7 months, cause they didn't like being a slave

and being insulted for everything they do. It doesn't matter how much they try to hurt my

feelings, it's just money baby.




Ps: I've always been ghost now on the oontz, so if you do have as a friend on fb just message or comment my wall or anything but if not shoot me a message here or something.

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my dearest children


dad loves you.i am so very proud of you all. s you are now in 9th grade. you are doing well and i am proud that you have decied to stay out of trouble and really try hard this year to make the grades and get the education to be better than your mom and I ..even though you are far away from your brother and sisters we love you and are always with you in spirt..


k this is your last year in elementary school make it great one. i know that u will be on the honor roll again and you will try to learn the balance between sports and school . you made me so proud and happy that you want to keep playing ball and wan to go to collage. keep strong and you will do it.


lil k. second grade. u like your teacher and she has watched you grew since you were 3 yrs old. your humor and the way you look at life makes dad happy that i didnt fuck up too bad as a parent. you have had the hardest time of all since daddy and mommy split. i know you will make honor roll again this year even though you get mad at other little girls for being mean to you. rember to always smile and be yourself. people love you for the jokes and laughs you make..


my little man. you are growing so much and talking better everyday. i know u have been sad latley everyday because your mom has been out of the picture for the last few months. you are a handsome lil man. i know you want to go to school but u have a few years everyday u will see your sister and when your mom gets better you sill see your brother and sister from her..



truly happy and proud of you 4 dad loves you. i thank you everyday for making me be the person and parent i am. having you all has made me grow and mature. i know where i would be in life if i didnt have any of you to make my laugh cry smile angry worry and plan for the our familys growth..


love and warmth


your dad

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