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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Computer Users,

Why is it so hard to understand that nothing is free? Especially my time.

I seriously have better things to do than to answer your phone questions,

but since you're a genius and want to "fix" your computer without paying

a very competent guy (who's also handsome and pretty f'in awesome), I'll

go ahead and do you a solid.


Then I will wait for your call telling me how you didn't understand and went and

f'ed up your computer more. Better get to the bank and withdraw some cash. I

don't accept checks from retards.



I do from other people on the regular, but you're such a dumb ass that I think I'll

make you take the trouble of getting me greenbacks.



Computer guy



P.S.: Just because you're Jewish doesn't mean I don't like X-Mas presents. Have one waiting. If it's mistletoe and you're ugly, I don't want any. I'll settle for a cookie and some milk or some kindbuds. But we both know you're stingy and don't share your good weed.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Sooki,


I'm glad you received the card & that you loooooooove it! Happy Holidays!






Dear Sooki & MilkyBombs,


Thank you for your generosity. I'm super excited & counting the days!






Dear chica in a bikini/long socks/eyeglasses @ the LMFAO concert last night,


Marry me?!?!





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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear finals.


im finally done. i hope i did ok.


anxious oner.



dear oontzers.

now i can officially wish everybody happy holidays!



dear marco,


hope you havent forgotten about me man!


hope all is good down south.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear body,


request some fucking water already. there will be no way to keep our returned skinniness if all you want to drink is iced mochas and cherry coke.... and what's up with like all my nails breaking in the last 2 weeks? not cool. and not as easy to pick my nose, that's annoying. anyway, water is good for you, crave some sometime. thanks


- pleading puds





dear zebradrips,




- muddles

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear amigos/amigas


tux is home so thats good, however im visibly upset that i missed a good ass partynight... im just sittin alone watching the watchmen, decent so far i might add, eating pizza bagels

apparently were getting two feet of snow tonight we shal see how it goes, wish everyone a good break



also pizzy

i know exactly what you mean haha girls are tricky

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear right now,

It's too early.

Dehydration- Coffee is the end of me.

Sleepy eyes- No make up and regard

for my wardrobe. It's one of those


Empty stomach- Where is my oatmeal. I cant

go on without my oatmeal.

New years resolutions- I was thinking about

this driving to work (always think about dumb

meaningless stuff when I drive for some reason) I

dont think I completed one of you. Everything is

a next year I'll do that one.

Future plans- Have to come up with something for

my group later today...possibly


I have a ton of felt and hot glue but no drive. Wah wah wah.

Eye booger-Fish.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear bfish,


^^^ that is wonderful!! i have a project to complete and i have been weighing paper vs felt. i've got sharp scissors so i don't know. it's a giant stocking that has to win a contest. but x-mas really isn't my thing, just winning so i'm kinda stumped.


- muds


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Banana Fish:







Dear mudpuddles,

Every time I see your name, I get

dyslexia and it says "pudmuddles".

I laugh wondering what "pudmuddling"

might be. Then I laughed some more when

I decided that it must include midgets

and pudding.




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear snow,

yes yes i love snow in moderation, however when it is too bad to drive/go anywhere i am not a fan. i just got home and i wana chill with some people but there is literally over one foot of snow and i dont feel like shoveling to the end of my street to get out, looks like im gonna just unpack and drink hot chocolate all day, would be good to get some of this ocd to go away tho,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear mud pud,

Felt is pretty cool. Maybe mix both

paper and felt ...oooo or make it 3 demensional.

Your wreath looked pretty cool so I am sure

you'll get creative and make something awesome.

Good luck.



Dear casek,

Cant forget about penguins.

They are a must.

-EL fish.


Dear office,

I am gonna destroy you with lemon cleaner, a vaccum,

broom and might.

Prepare to sparkle bitch.

Miss merry maid- Nah nah fish.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Banana Fish,


Do you think penguins have nicknames for peoples?




Dear Pudmuddles,


No, "pudmuddles" doesn't sound like whacking it.

It sounds like an appropriate activity to do with midgets.


"Hey midgets! Guess what we're doing?!?!?!"





Mr. Casek Von Plowking

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear mupuddles.

had a silly ass dream about last night..N/H..(for reals)

you were showin me round your city..but also had to show me your tattoos..--a collection of rap letters from well know writers..haha--sort of like that guy who has all of his favorite heavy metal bands of the 80s tattooed in collage format on his back.



dearest work.

even though you allowed me to pay 1 month of bills in 1 week...you fucking kicked my ass.i know i dont do THAT much physical work...but the mental is drained as well.

i am ever so GRATEFUL for u.


dear 12 hr drive up to utah next week,

be gentle on me.








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