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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


you're staying at his house, he's buyin you shit, and you're making HIM sleep on the couch?





Dear catface,


I don't care to go into the whole story.

But he does not sleep on the couch for the whole night.

Only when I want to stay up late drinking and singing country music songs to the kitten.

Honestly yours,



Dear eatso and pissdrunkwhat?,

I am coming home soon.

Let's do the damn thing.

Sparks and country music.

High fives and street fights.

Chaos in Tejas.


sad to be leaving paradise.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear everyone


A town doesnt know what its about to get

im gonna tear that city apart. Whiskey and Testosterone.

im up for weekend sparks and playin some bones

until were bored enough to go mug people downtown





dear limelight,


you were fun while you lasted but now you banned me

really man, it was just a fight get over it.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear work

I am bored out of my mind. You'd think working with the crazies would be more interesting.

Maybe someone should get shit faced tossed annihilated or try to drink Clorox like last week . I got two hours left people lets make it happen.

fingers crossed- B.fish


Dear Best Buddy,

Lets be nerds again. I miss our hour long arguments on what thinking about nothing actually consist of, midnight excursions to road 22, and our bashing on Descartes. If we could go back to this type of shit that would be awesome.

Missing the finer things of life- el fish

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Well Random,


then eat some saltines and ginger ale if you do not trust The Walk




P.S. yes i did refer to myself as "The Walk"



"The Walk"??


Sounds like a warlock name to me




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear sleep,


Why do you tease me? I always end up getting you, yet you seem to find it necessary to taunt me whilst I lie in bed.


Jump in front of traffic,




P.S. I expect you to leave in the morning like a good girl is supposed to.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Milkz and 88,


Fun times. I left the bottles there so have some car bombs on me. The awful awul was better than I expected. I'll be back up soon I hope.


Dear Suki,


Seriously if I was you I wouldve announced awhile ago that I was friends with Neil Patrick Harris. Also update your fridge game.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear KS,

I fucking waited all night by my computer you big wiener.

Show me if you ever get it done.

Good job on finding a virgin in 2008.

<3 ssn


Dear Hydrogen Peroxide,

You're my brother, my homie...

get your fucking ass to Reno already.

I haven't seen you since Nov.

<3 ssn

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