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The Skateboard Thread


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so like a week ago at a halloween party a homie's ex (who is fine as fuck) wanted my dick and i couldnt deny her, felt sorta bad. then friday im skating with the same homie and i have cruiser wheels on my setup for filming so i ask to borrow his deck to just mess around on. Do like three kickflips then the tail just snaps, pretty much a brand new chocolate gino board too. Felt like the biggest dick. the $50 i'll throw him will hopefully make him less upset about both events though

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who was it that was sayin harold hunter was never good and only got sponsored because of friends?



get learned.


I'm sure his point was that every other 16 year old in 2011 has nollie late flips and double healflips on lock so anybody doing that shit in 1992 needs to go forward in time and step their game up.


And something about curbs.

Who the fuck skates curbs in 2011?

Tell dude to take that shit back to 1992.

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Scary and awesome. How do you pull this off (the end part) ??????





I think when you're going that fast you really have no option other than to just try and ride it out.


I wonder if people in SF are so accustomed to dudes bombing hills all the time that it's just second nature to keep an eye out for them.

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I wonder if people in SF are so accustomed to dudes bombing hills all the time that it's just second nature to keep an eye out for them.

Hand signals can play a huge part on a board or bike mashing hills, eye contact and a head nod in a particular direction to signal a car or person to make a move can be crucial. Most pedestrians are pretty clueless walking around SF and when it comes down to it you need to always try and be one step ahead/more aware than the people around you.

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Hand signals can play a huge part on a board or bike mashing hills, eye contact and a head nod in a particular direction to signal a car or person to make a move can be crucial. Most pedestrians are pretty clueless walking around SF and when it comes down to it you need to always try and be one step ahead/more aware than the people around you.


My boy went to SF and accidentally clobbered an old lady walking out her house.

Some hero tackled him while he was all dazed trying to figure out what just happened and held him down for the cops and he caught charges for the shit.

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that was mad sketchy ive nailed little kids before at maximum velocity in this huge bowl. their parents just bring em to the skatepark like daycare and send em to the deep end on razors then yell at me for knocking their kid over


Where I'm at there's skateparks popping up all over the city.

It's mind boggling how many parents let their 3 or 4 year olds just wonder onto the course and use the banks and ramps as sliding boards while grown ass men are hauling ass at top speed all over the place.

And these nut ass "parents" are just standing there watching like "what!?!?" just waiting for somebody to paralyze their kid.

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My boy went to SF and accidentally clobbered an old lady walking out her house.

Some hero tackled him while he was all dazed trying to figure out what just happened and held him down for the cops and he caught charges for the shit.

What kinda charges did he catch?

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6:39 PM on November 11, 2011


It isn't only the young kids. I was pulling out of the post office parking lot in Benicia one day, and this 20-something idiot was barrelling down the hill on a skateboard. Had I not been the cautious driver I am, I could have hit him. No way could he have stopped, and many drivers I know and see just blast out of parking lots.


I personally don't see the attraction of skateboards, but then, I'm not a young boy, either. I'm glad to see that obvious attractions are being skateboard-proofed these days, either by design, such as deep crevices to interrupt the wheels, or by putting small attractive devices on things such as benches and retaining walls, to interfere with their ability to provide a ride for skateboarders.


Skateboarders are, in a lot of ways, worse than bicyclists. At least a bicycle has a brake, usually, even if the bicyclist doesn't choose to use it. Skateboarders, again in my experience, seem to be younger and more oblivious to the world around them. They are a nuisance to pedestrians (I live near an attractive waterside walking path), and they have no way to stop, even if they wanted to.


I would not permit a child of mine to have or use a skateboard, and when my son was younger, I was able to make this stick. He's nearly 50 now, and still alive. Mothers, don't let your children grow up to be skateboarders; it's too dangerous.


I'm sorry for the loss of the child(ren), and I hope their parents are able to deal with their grief. My heart and prayers go out to them."


Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2011/11/11/BABI1LU4K7.DTL#ixzz1dWMcP0yd

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