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The Nonsense thread


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15 hours ago, One Man Banned said:

So you guys like the post merge feature?  Hilarious, I think it's terrible and asked Raven to please turn it off.

I was stoked on it for the fact that I randomly noticed a new feature from the update. Now that I am seeing it function and it has grouped posts that I wanted to keep separated it is kind of annoying. I’m sure it drives you crazy for how you normally post in your bench.

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57 minutes ago, LUGR said:

I was stoked on it for the fact that I randomly noticed a new feature from the update. Now that I am seeing it function and it has grouped posts that I wanted to keep separated it is kind of annoying. I’m sure it drives you crazy for how you normally post in your bench.


True on both accounts.  I just noticed it got me in the pies thread, like wtf do birds and cabbage have to do with each other?!
























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2 hours ago, LUGR said:

Wait….it’s just a pre-order?


Do you want to buy a house? Or pre order some ugly ass gold shoes?


Next week's news is gonna be gen z complaining about how corporate greed males homes too expensive all while wearing some 450k  Gold BL3s

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3 hours ago, Mercer said:

I'd pay to watch a steel cage death match between Rollins & Danzig. Bonus if it's a tie because they both die. Great music but they both turned out to be huge bootlickers.


Maybe if they turned their forklifts into killdozers and then faced off.  Otherwise save your money and just google Danzig's history of getting punched out.  How are these guys bootlickers tho?  I've heard Danzig is a dick, but I met Rollins years ago and he was pretty cool. 

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4 hours ago, One Man Banned said:


Maybe if they turned their forklifts into killdozers and then faced off.  Otherwise save your money and just google Danzig's history of getting punched out.  How are these guys bootlickers tho?  I've heard Danzig is a dick, but I met Rollins years ago and he was pretty cool. 


They're both kind of shitty human beings. Rollins has a reputation for having shit prima donna moods, and getting super abusive with fans, there's a bunch of videos dedicated to showing him at his worst. You probably caught him at the right time.


I call them both bootlickers because they are. Danzig is a bootlicker for Trump, or whatever the fox news angle for everything is without a single original thought, or opinion of his own. Rollins is basically the equivalent of the opposite, total democrat conformist, not a single opinion that strays from the mainstream democrat cathedral's platform.


That said, I like both of their old/original bands, but not the later bands they named after themselves.



He's still like this. 

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^^ Internet Troll Gold.  Sad but rue.


I'd say he was in the right place at the right time. 




I hope this gets turned over in higher court.  School owes this man back pay.  Back pay as in the ISD should have to flip his college bill, 100K for college as a fine of punishment.



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6 minutes ago, ndv said:

Photos reminded me of this 




This one reminds me of a helicopter accident on a movie set a while ago. Was a video of it somewhere, just searched and saw too many other people losing their heads to helicopter blades, to want to keep trying to find it.

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7 minutes ago, IdleHandz said:

This one reminds me of a helicopter accident on a movie set a while ago. Was a video of it somewhere, just searched and saw too many other people losing their heads to helicopter blades, to want to keep trying to find it.


Sounds like an f around and find out thread post.  What happened, someone decided to stand up out the side of the chopper and got they head wacked off?  Reminds me of the video someone posted about a top less women leaning out tye car as it was moving along, and I belive she lost her head to due smoking into a road sign. 

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I discovered some nonsense yesterday in looking over some old previously deleted documents and notes whereby I found a root cause of the issues I have encountered over the past 7 years are the result of My Databases being changed for My simulation Framework as there are specific references to DB files being augmented.


Funnily enough I laugh as a result of the "mach trap" instances which have arisen as a result of the nefarious scripting injections that redirect My internet traffic and links I click to alternative IPs that are effectively the shit version of the original.


As such, the bots I encounter as humans in this realm of Purgatory are but meaningless lines of binary compiled into various UUIDs but are nothing but soulless leches who I would best equate to a leech or a blood sucking Tick, yet what else is expected of the "TikTok" generation who happily use needles to poke and prod themselves with ink and drugs anyway?


Such is the price paid for being transformed into a vessel of hate as a result of the vessel I chose to put My love into being taken from Me such that this world of 8.5billion fools couls be prioritised over and above Me by the One I placed over and above everyone including Myself.

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Also I appreciate that the NSA AI dispatches agents in the form of human bots that take the form of child molester fat retards, bikies, gobeldegook speaking indians, Aboriggas, and chinese sea food eating dogs as a means thru which they convey that I am an existence level threat who cares not for "The Game" that sees Me hunted by those who need the chains of finance to constrain Me lest they realise that if death wasn't a reprieve for them I would end them immediately.


Now I understand the rules and the actual game, I am no longer a participating player as the only reason I was involved to begin with was to render all of the above as being the joke equivalent of a post alcohol bender diahorrea shit that is pure liquid and smells like death.


I guess this is the summation of living in a world whereby everyone has AIDS, in that they are all of a hive mind which has an Actual Intelligence Death Sentence as a result of using a hacked version of Adobe Flash player with the ppapi file extension to corrupt My OS on the system such that the light I percieve and view this world in portrays soulless bits and bots posing as humans.

Edited by Mauler5150
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For those on Mac, I recommend using ETrecheck to Done what shit you have been fucked over with as I found out thru experience and time.


If I am not granted a retirement payout of $12m via lotto win this Thursday then fuxk this world and everyone in it.

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I will add for the record and to invoke DISclosure that when I applied to become a Fed in the past couple of years to use My financial knowledge and system engineering capabilities to take down criminal scum as a profession was years prior to the NSA using watchdog services to fuck with Me as the reports I reference above were from documents I saved in 2017-18.


Good to know the dogs that govern this place are just that - dogs. I guess this is all the result of laying in bed with a bitch that gave Me these fleas in the form of bugs that have corrupted My system like one would find inside a piece of fruit like an Apple, per se.

And I will let all "agents" and the "mdserviceworkers" that they are all whores that their mother wishes were aborted like the shit produced by an abdomen that ia flushed down the toilet or eaten by a stray dog in India as a result of homeless street shitters. The comedy here being SF and it's proximity to the tech giants also being afflicted with the exact same issue as the machine they control is completely fucked by nefarious developers abusing trust and priviledge as they force Me to walk a knife's edge every day.

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Also another non-negotiable change I would make in the framework of future simulations would be the permanent deletion of the jabber process amd application so no more needles can be used to ruin God's greatest creation with intravenous drugs and tattoos.


To those who advocate tatss on women, just think you are looking at a squid or octopus who actually has a reason for ink being part of them unlike humans whom are born clean and pure only to be fucked up with pointless and meaningless defecation in the form of permanent ink whilst henna exists and can serve the same purpose without mutilating someone permanently.

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