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The Nonsense thread


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a diabolical




thought up.



and the brain status,

but on crack.

i am


this now


your soon to be leader.


to death





get into




and cranny


your life.




to buy





in a few months.

but to their

dismay they


dont know

that ARIZONA has the only



the poison

i had given

you at so










(you probably wont even notice because you will just be doing you usual day to day type activities like excreting semen from the sidewinder rattle snakes you illegally own, thats right this is a bust, wow i got really of topic, where was i. )


lets just say i couldnt


done it with

out kevin spacey,

what a

nice gentleman. oh yeah, also, also i got a big ass bomb(its acutally an ass bomb, made of old taliban ass', so its got lice and crabs and stuff so you realy dont want it to get in contact with even your skin, but your eyes or nasal could be affected too) and a laser, big laser, i really went all out with the laser, got it from japan, told em it was for keeping the cloverfield monster under control(and undercover, the cloverfield monster is set to be in a jackiechan movie as an undercover cop on the wrong side of the badge, the cloverfield does not discriminate, its kills all. the cloverfield 2 is coming out i think monique in it, hhhhhhhahahahaha, stupid bitch) and a drill and rabid bunch of super monkies, yeah i got them monkies. if you think a regular monkey can throw shit hard(or better yet, in hard to reach places), you have another thing coming, and its probably shit to your face, and this time your not paying a malaysian prostitute to do it. im gonna take over this fucking planet and if your on my goodside ill name a few beers after you. i conquer all. i am mighty, george carlin and got nothing on me. richard pryor rip does though, man he was good. oh yeah, if you dont want me to kill you lemme know in advance, we wouldnt want anymistakes now would we. but yea, the new world is gonna be sick. i wanna throne made or mushrooms and stuff. so those of you who know me, or sorta know me, know i like to partake in wetting my whistle, but i am not fucking around when i tell you i, aj, (or you can call me PATAWATADINGO from now on.( hes my friend who smokes crack but im the only one who can see him and he tells me to burn things but i dont listen to him cause hes silly. he freebases drugs, but so did richard pryor.....ill be back, theres some mathches with my name of them, patawatadingo) bought 4 40's tonite, havent finished one yet. i still have an unopened one, thats so wild. normally when i get 4 40s im covered in ink and paint, and it gets on my face and that bothers me, quite a bit actuallly, who am i JACKIE(zing bitch, i got you, i fuckin got you) okay, and luna im gonna give you the job of handing out cookies and cheese to all that want it, but, but, they cant eat them with out ARIZONA RASPBERRY ICED TEA. to the krpeople, you guys get the jobs of being superstuds, but you cant outdo me, i hate it when you guys do that. im super fabulous. and im gonna have a fountain in the front of my house. i think marble, i ll go with that, ill have a marble fountain in my front yard. put some nice fishied in there too, ones that are purdy. i dont think we are gonna have a problem in my society. in fact, if you want, you can send me a signed blank check now, and in the near future, i promise a gajillion fold increase on that check. thanks ill be here all week, tr the veal. damn, veal is good. capers are good. i like veal, i like capers. veal picotta i believe it was called, i used to order that when i was a kid. my grandparents are wealthy so i used to go to all these insanaly fancy resteraunts. in fact i went to some shit a few years ago. and i was about 30ft from our current president, i think his name is bush if im not mistaken. yup, he was blabbing about something and it was hot in there, luckily i had my ARIZONA RASPBERRY ICED TEA if my utopian society was a sound that sound would be a childs laughter, then in the middle of that someone waking a wet, nutty, farty diarhea, followed by the sound some people make when they drink , you know that sound, right afer the sip,l that long sip, "ssssssssssssssssssssssiiiiiiiiiipppp, ahhhhh". and i only put that last part on there is cause im a dick. so when ever you hear a childlaughpet, expect a guy to come over and take a dump in your lap, casue imma pay a guy to do that. cause ill have the money. ill pay a second guy to crap on him, can you imagine the look on his face, first off, im paying him to crap in someones lap, and then someone else comes along and craps on him, HHHHAHAHAHA. WOW. IM A FUCKING GENIOUs. and i am gonna kill someone with a pillow along the way, i was thinin about suffocation but thats boring, maybe ill inject someone with a pillow or maybe a claymore with pillows in them, but if you really think about it, if i kill you by hitting you with a pilow, thats gonna take a really long time. oh. and im gonna have a choo choo named tilbert that will take me around my mansion. "you can come along too" is what ill say, and we'll all hop on my train and 'weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" of we go, into the distant rooms, i will have a bunch of fun rooms, the music room, the game room, the orgy room( i have yet to find out what they do in there), the tv room. the kill terrorists/all who oppose patawatadingo room. remember thats me you fuckers. oh, and jesus, im gonna have to strip you of your ranks and give them to my friend ian cause he told me he is jesus, and who am i gonna believe?! huh jesus? you, some dead cunt ive never met, or my friend ian?! thats right, oh yeah, ben, im promoting you to the rank and positon of the guy from that game half life. you can beat ppl to death as you please, they have to be okayed by me, and they have to have a physical to make sure they re suitable(alive), you can use any of the following, monkey wrench, crowbar, tire iron, sledge hammer, axe/hatchett, axe handle, bat, rebar, pipes, and ill even let you use biochemicals cause im a sick fuck and wanna see their eyeballs fill up with blood and have them vomiting organs and stuff. then ill make that into a suasage and feed it to the guy im paying to crap in your lap. so that the stuff you have in your lap is doody, that used to be a persons organs which they threw up because ben got a little frisky and decieded to kill that one olsen twin. oh yeah, lindsey lohan is gonna party with us.


shoutouts to shanti, marquis, rob, chris, and all keeping it real. shout outs to my main man jesus christ, ian thats you. shout outs to the cafe and simple for being down to get down even though we have never really all together ggot down, but soon. to say and codo. to jenny, to the rest, to asker, and most of all to ARIZONA RASPBERRY ICED BEVERAGE if i fogot to mention some people and i most likely did, you can all suck some fat nutz, walnuts. but not almonds. anyway go die now, get ready to worship (and i know some of you already do) or send me that check....

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"cake is a made up drug... made up by bastards in yugoslavia..."


"Drugs destroy families. Well, a disabled lonely teenager, a blind mother, but a family held together by the father's crack dealing, which he uses to keep them in talking books and dildos"

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