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My name is Ryan, I have read almost every post made here and am shocked at how many people suffer from this HORRIBLE condition, including myself.

I have had every symptom listed in any post for about 2 years now. It's like everything bad I did in my life has come back to kick me in the ass (or should

I say stink me in the ass).

It all started with my bowel movements turning bad. I noticed every time I had a bowel movement, I would have to strain to get it ALL out. It's like some was

getting left behind and I wasn't able to get it all out. This was a horrible feeling. This in itself made me feel dirty down there. I would wipe and wipe and wipe

to get extra clean, not fucking 15 minutes later it's like I didn't wipe at all. I would have to go back and wipe again only to wipe nothing most of the time but

moisture (get this it smelt like ass too). This was the start of a hell I haven't been to yet.

Well after my awkward bowel movements, I started noticing my ass would sweat profusely. This is because I work at a lumber yard in a mill shop. I do hard

physical labor and am in the heat all day. Well throughout the day my ass, boxers, shorts would literally be soaked with what I thought was sweat. I started to

notice (over months of time) that I didn't smell pleasant. I thought it was just sweat from body odor (May I add I wear deodorant, body spray, and have

excellent hygiene). So I was like "what the fuck man this is driving me fucking crazy." Well I started to pick up on the subliminal messages you get when

you're around people. I even caught my coworkers talking about how I smelt bad. I started to go home early because I knew I stunk towards the end of the day.

I felt so ashamed I would actually avoid having to be close to people or customers so they wouldn't smell me. "LORD! just strike me down now." I would get

home and my boxers would be soaked in this smelly sweat odor.

Well by this time I still haven't realized that my ass is making my whole body smell. Well I was unknowing and didn't know what was going on. I started to

change deodorant thinking it was just my body reacting weird to my deodorant. Well after trying every brand and type of deodorant I realized this wasn't it.

So I now focused on my body wash thinking the same thing about my deodorant. Tried every brand and type of body wash with no avail. By this time I AM GOING

CRAZY. I'm getting pissed at myself for stinking. I changed laundry detergent just hoping. I even changed my fucking dryer sheets. "Seriously I must be crazy."

Even changed my cologne.

Well I started to think real hard about the situation and started to realize more and more. So I paid attention to things that might be internal. I started with changing

my bowel movement routine. So I started planning my shits at night so I can take a shower after I have a bowel movement. I figured if I take a shit I can clean up

right after and hopefully prevent any extra leakage. Well this did very little for a very short amount of time. Even after the shower I still didn't feel clean and most

likely didn't smell clean.

I bought this body cleanse and colon cleanse to start the internal check list (and by check list I mean everything on the list I can do to narrow what the problem is).

Cleaned me out but didn't work. So I changed my diet and excluded red meats, chicken, and junk food, didn't do shit. Given I already eat healthy cuz I love salad

and fruit but I still eat fast food. Nothing I haven't done before though. So I haven't really done anything different with my diet for this to happen. Then I started to

take fiber supplements and it seemed to help with my bowel movements but not with the leakage. By this time I'm getting pissed at the world and my life has done

a 180. This brings me to where I am now.

Well after all this time of this shit I'm thinking I'm going crazy. I found myself distancing myself from people I knew and people I loved. I became unsociable and

started to stay in the house. I didn't even want to go in public anymore. Started drinking heavily. So by this time I am going insane and ready to fucking give up (even

though I know suicide isn't an option). I was popular in my home town, had a lot of friends, fucked a lot of chicks. Hell I lived life up and loved it. Now I hate life and

am depressed constantly. I know what the problem is now so I searched it online. I started getting proactive about the situation and started finding things to do about

it. I said to myself "Don't give up man life is too short." I made an appointment with a gastroentronologist (sp.) I didn't man up and tell him my problems so I just

requested a sigmoidoscopy to see if I had any growths or any problems medically. Only thing that came back was small hemmrohoids (sp.)

So guys this is where I am now at this moment. I searched this shit online almost 2 years later and found this site. I am not necessarily glad to know other people have

this condition, just glad to know I'M NOT ALONE. I know now I'm not crazy and it's not just in my head. I haven't talked to anyone about this, so I'm am glad to write this

post, and hear from people who are going through what I'm going through.

So guys now to get the end of this I have done my research and am glad to post this info. My homepage is set to Menshealth.com. It's a site about everything to do with

men I didn't make it my homepage for this reason but for when I was actually happy with life. Well I got onto the internet today and on the main page was a thing about

medical conditions for men. GET THIS: What do I do? I research anal complications and guess what I found guys. 4 conditions, with symptoms, diagnosis, prevention and

treatment. It's like the light has shown through. I know its not over yet. But I made an appointment with my doctor and I'm bringing all this info so I can get this cured for

good. No more remedies to cover it up anymore. Thats all this people post is remedies to cover it up. Yeah its good for the time being but not in the long run. Here is the

site hopefully you get it alright, and if you don't post and ask me and I will send it to you personally.


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