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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/29/2010 in all sections

  1. Re: The gulf coast is fucked Horse hoof clipper?
    5 points
  2. Re: Great Pictures~ Photography's Longest Exposure Six months. That's right. This dream-like picture shows each phase of the sun over Bristol's Clifton Suspension Bridge taken during half a year. The image was captured on a pin-hole camera made from an empty drinks can with a 0.25mm aperture and a single sheet of photographic paper. Photographer Justin Quinnell strapped the camera to a telephone pole overlooking the Gorge, where it was left between December 19, 2007 and June 21, 2008--the Winter and Summer solstices. (That's a 15,552,000 second exposure.) 'Solargraph' shows six months of the sun's luminescent trails and its subtle change of course caused by the earth's movement in orbit. The lowest arc being the first day of exposure on the Winter solstice, while the top curves were captured mid-Summer. (Dotted lines of light are the result of overcast days when the sun struggled to penetrate the cloud.) Quinnell, a renowned pin-hole camera artist, says the photograph took on a personal resonance after his father passed away on April 13--halfway through the exposure. He says the picture allows him to pinpoint the exact location of the sun in the sky at the moment of his father passing.
    5 points
  3. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** this is my half assed attempt at this. ill try harder next time Broken. nothing like a dead stereo. Reflection. how very original of me Happy. /drunk filth. my before and after fucked up. may redo. Repetition. all day. Rust. kinda rusty? Music. dueling guitars. Refurbished. fuck a wallpaper. sport. table tennis go hard. motorized. again heaps original. lost my drips and my irony. meh
    5 points
  4. Re: The gulf coast is fucked wtf is that?
    4 points
  5. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** broken- reflection- im sure my reflection is in that water drop somewhere happy-he was happy to have some people around filth- some books on my shelf contain it before after repetition rust music refurbished...from what,i dont know. sport motorized drips irony-got this in the mail---been almost a few years since ive dealt with it.....then the call came...and were gonna go at it. (verrrrrry loooong story) the ground.....im under it pervact---no camera..only cellphone with me. way to skinny--but im sure someone likes it
    3 points
  6. -woke up about an hour ago. -light'n it up cuz its that time of day. -bout to make some new biz cards i think..
    3 points
  7. Re: The gulf coast is fucked im sayin.
    2 points
  8. Re: COMPLIMENT THE PERSON ABOVE YOU - no homo The fact tht ur cool with my fellow tcl members makes you dope!
    2 points
  9. Kendo could be more what you're looking for, Earl. It's based on all the old stuff, but more sports like. It's big in Korea, too. Some of my tiny students used to come strolling into class with bamboo swords strapped to their backs.
    2 points
  10. rip! this was one of the first new york rappers i ever got into. mostly i was on some strictly down souf ish when i was younger. but this big wigger nerd in my sat prep class who had a monster crush on me burned me a gangstarr cd and i loved it. your bitch don't really got no ass...she just poked it out. dude was quotable for days.
    2 points
  11. Looks like something my cat did.
    2 points
  12. In my first post I said how gourmet USED to bite jordan styles. Not too sure about their current line, but if those last pairs posted are from their current line they're obviously still basing their styles on jordans. Look closely: Gourmet Desisto Jordan XI's Gourmet Cease Jordan VII's Gourmet Santo Jordan XII's Gourmet Diablo Jordan XIII's And finally... The Gourmet's posted on the last page And after looking at these a little longer, they look more like II's to me? Maybe not as obvious as the others Regardless, they still bite Jordans.
    2 points
  13. This should of been a black sabbath appreciation thread.
    2 points
  14. DONT CALL IT A COMEBACK...metalheads
    1 point
  15. feis you little faggot jit...like a bitch with a crush, you wanted my attention and now youve got it..you think youve got more paint than me or even more time..think again you liitle faggot w a crush...you wanted this...enjoy looking over your back...never once have i disrespected you or your crew but you obviously have a thing for dick in your mouth...now you got it..you or boys want this handled soon..get at me...until and this is no idle threat...watch your fucking self cause ill fucking be there and you can hide behind your boys but ill be right there like a fucking man not some toy faggot w lilttle dick complex..you should end this soon before you find yourself hating where you are...last chance
    1 point
  16. one sider. obviously from video you can tell where in the nation these are coming from. thing that sucks about it here, theres really only one line. limited shit to flick and film gunna try to get back to 2 siders soon. time and effort ya know
    1 point
  17. What do you expect... *the chigga was Unemployed!!
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD yo that thing in the green diaper is disgusting B
    1 point
  20. Well then I guess it depends on where you live, the nature of the call and all that. Around here if you call for something that only involves one department chances are theyre ganna be the only ones who show. I mean im a volunteer fireman, but I guess I wouldnt know what the fuck im talking about.
    1 point
  21. Iaido is pretty expensive to get into. I don't know any schools in NY but there are several different styles of Iaido Each have a set of attacks and defense. the major difference is the chiburi "wiping the blood from the sword" and then re sheathing the sword personally I like Mugai Ryo the best but in the end any style would do. The hakama and keikogi would set you back $100 each, then the obi which would be around $35. You could get a wooden sword for practice ($35-$100) and an iaito for around $250-$1000 Classes traditionally in Japan are only done by old people and nerds so they are pretty cheap around $5-8/ class to even free. In america it tends to be a business charging $100/month 1 class a week. the reality of taking sword classes is that basically your first year you are having people teach you how to get dressed and not have your pants fall down. the moves that you learn your first day will most likely be the last moves you learn. there are only a handful of attacks and defensive moves, straight ahead, around the corner to the right, around the corner to the left, four corner attack, diagonal attack etc you learn to bow to the sword, tie it to you, bow and not lose it. Your instructor sits in front of you so when he attacks to his left you attack to your left the opposite way. the mirror style of teaching is extremely irritating. also you will never get taught right and wrong you just continue doing the wrong shit over and over again for the rest of your lift until you 'figure it out' personally its retarded, you should be shown right and wrong from the beginning. traditional japanese instructors basically call you a piece of shit every day hoping that you give up without ever offering advice on wtf you are doing wrong. if you continue coming after a few years even after feeling like a total turd well then you might get a tip or two here or there. if you found a good instructor that actually spent a minimum of 10 years learning in Japan then it might be worth a shot but to be honest most people learn from jim bob's dojo of doom and then teach after only learning for a few years. there isn't anything cool happening in iai. its basically meditation sitting painfully on your knees and ankles on top of a wooden floor, having them fall asleep then getting up as fast as you can without tripping on your hakama
    1 point
  22. ya straight goods anyone taking this guys music seriously is corny as fuck. aint sayin he aight got skillz, aint sayin hes a not marketing genious but i am saying him and everything that goes with him is gay.
    1 point
  23. People who are against illegal immigration are 9 times out of ten ignorant lower-class rednecks who want someone to blame for their problems. Seriously, what's your excuse for not doing anything with your lives? The Mexicans? Give me a break. Try educating yourself, its not that hard to go to a bum-fuck tech or vocational college. (see how generalizations and attacks do nothing for this discussion) The black market would not exist if it weren't for drug laws and if you knew anything about what went down into the increase of Mexican immigration to the U.S. maybe you would have a different viewpoint, or at least a better understanding of the issue on the whole. I recommend looking into the North American Free Trade Agreement and U.S. Agricultural subsidies.
    1 point
  24. HA holy shit, that chinaman is gonna get fucked up in prison, if he even makes it there.
    1 point
  25. my dude, you gotta open your eyes, the whole internet is logged, everything can be retrieved if they ever need it.
    1 point
  26. This samurai killed my mom in the late 90's... Vengeance will be mine.
    1 point
  27. you little pants pissers need to get yourself some of these bitches right herrr.... fucking grown men I swear... soulone & manyalia
    1 point
  28. q. how do the greeks separate the men from the boys? a. they don't.
    1 point
  29. What's happening in this thread?
    1 point
  30. Ok, I understand. I figured most Hispanics here didn't like the criminals for that reason. It really must be a struggle for the illegal immigrants to figure out ways to get by. I feel for them, I really do. Mexico is very rich in precious minerals, etc. Yet the people are mostly very poor. There's a Mexican community here in TN. They all seem very quiet and I understand completely. This is a very racist area. Even when I see a mother with her children and hold the door open or whatever for them I smile and they look at me as if they aren't quite sure about my actions. That's the most unnerving feeling ever. Probably mutual.
    1 point
  31. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD WHAT THE FUUUUUUUU...... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULuiP8CJ4SI
    1 point
  32. Nice city but not a chance in hell im going back. Do what you will with this thread. Yo.
    1 point
  33. If there arent millions of illegals in the country you cant hire them. And you cant by pass minimum wage laws,or bust unions with illegal scabs. And if you are locked up, its kinda hard to hire anyone.. Youll probably have full employment tossing someones sallad.
    1 point
  34. I don't know turkeyslayer or bowtome.
    1 point
  35. micah...she better be chubb.
    1 point
  36. casek let me try and answer your post as a first generation immigrant from mexico. of course i think that the illegals commiting crimes give the rest of hispanics a bad name. that's one of the reasons the government is using against us. about being treated like first class citizens i dont know what you are reffering too. illegals are not allowed to drive without a license but they are forced to because they are illegal and cant go to the dmv and apply for one. in a lot of cases like in california you can find illegals driving with licenses from another state like washington where there is no ssn required to apply for id or dl. that means that he or she has to either drive or catch a plane to that state just to get a dl. come back to california and everytime he or she gets pulled over has to lie and say he or she is just visiting. same thing with the bank, some dont even require ssn to open an account. imagine being in line and then being asked about a social? its embarrsing man, but they just want to work and raise their children to be good people , go to school and provide a better life than the one they had.
    1 point
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