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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/25/2010 in all sections

  1. we kicked it with theo a bit and then headed out... i was full, but i have always wanted to try pinkberry yogurt in L.A. the closest one to Sacramento is in San Jose, over 2 hours away, and L.A. had a bunch of them...so I hit up some frozen yogurt on a full stomach... strawberrys, blueberrys and pineapple...this shit was fucking good!.. got back to my cousins spot, and passed the fuck out!..lol... next morning, the drive back home to Sacramento.. THE END. thanks for bearing with me..damn...it took me almost 3 hours to upload these flicks write commentary and post here. i would like to thank IOU, BOAT N HOES and Theo Huxtable.. for linking up with me during my road trip..good times! :)
    5 points
  2. headed back to L.A. and passed camp Pendleton.. i tried to flick a helicopter that was landing and some tanks out there, but all the pics came out to fuzzy/blurry so i decided to leave them out of the thread. heres the mandatory flick of the boob shaped thingies between san diego and l.a. ...a few other people posted them to when they made this trip...including IOU.. more...
    5 points
  3. Please, you could find a closer example than that. I've seen plenty of hand throws, and the one you picked definitely isn't the most similar. Which leads me to believe he ain't bitin' as hard as you think he is. Fuck, I wear on the daily a design of my own that is more similar. Hand holding a carrot. Every cartoon hand looks the same.
    3 points
  4. 2 points
  5. haha bump some Top Notch Geez
    2 points
  6. holy fuck RAKENS. those are what those furry little bitches that have been fucking me over, julian, RAKENS
    2 points
  7. Valens-demo http://www.mediafire.com/?bzeoi0imxio Heavy, fast, and raw..from jersey..really good. Poison Idea-Feel the Darkness http://www.mediafire.com/?9cc1ve7brav Hatred Surge & The Endless Blockade - Split http://www.mediafire.com/?j1yw9u4zztz Endless Blockade & Warzone Womyn split LP http://www.mediafire.com/?jzdnczxmmkj
    2 points
  8. Well shit.....that was fucking awesome. Especially when you play the Pierre McGuire drinking game:
    2 points
  9. If that whale was wearing a Slayer shirt would it still be considered gay?
    2 points
  10. oh shit.....didnt even think of that!..lol. thanks....i will prop you! september 18th, 2009:):)
    2 points
  11. brooklyn! here are some of the other rooms.. even with it being Beverly Hills and all, they have a lizard problem I guess, cause this guy was chillin when we were in the backyard blazing up (reminds me of the cheech and chong movie)..
    2 points
  12. heres the living room....notice the huge plasma tv screen with all the security cams on it...there was a plamsa screen in every fucking room!...and i didnt even flick all the rooms!.. this was the bar in the house...notice the bottles of cristal..lol.. heres my cousin posing with the bottles of cristal..hahaha.. he was doing it to be funny..because our family is super broke compared to ho this 23 year old and his brother were living.
    1 point
  13. thanks for fucking up my flow of pictures toilet seat. :mad: :mad:
    1 point
  14. wake up go to work another hard day at the office did some shopping party some go to sleep again
    1 point
  15. New page! :) Ok...so I have actually never really taken the time to post a day in my pies. Mostly because my day consists of a shitty commute, then going to classes, studying at the library, then shitty commute home, then gym and then sleep...pretty boring, and i doubt it can compare to some of the epic posts in this thread. So i usually just come in here and comment on other people's day in pies. But, a few months back, I decided to go on a road trip to San Diego (which I hadn't been to in almost 20 years) and on the way down, stop and visit family in L.A., and meet up with a few 12oontzers during the process. So I decided to document it with pies and finally post in this thread. I honestly wouldn't mind doing it more often, but when im in a boring routine, I doubt anyone would want to see it. Since I am the king of procrastination, I am finally getting around to posting pics of the trip which happened last September (or was it August?...or maybe October?...i cant remember) So without further a due, my first day in pies post (with narration): About 60 or 70 miles into my trip (taking Interstate 5 south).. nothing but dry land and a 2 lane stretch of highway...more than 300 miles left to L.A. ...but i had sunflower seeds and hip hop to keep me busy...sorry about my huge cracked windshield and dirty car...thats how I roll) snapped this flick...231 more miles to go....when i uploaded the pictures to my computer a few months after, I noticed that I had also flicked a UFO or shooting star or something.. can you see it?? drove some more...and realized that all the water i had been drinking with the sunflower seeds caused me to have to pee really bad...fortunately I saw a sign that said "rest area ahead 30 miles".....so I was like...fuck it...i can hold it for another 20 minutes or so....got all the way there and saw this... FUCK!
    1 point
    1 point
  17. Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeid, I'd teach a broad english.
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. Finally tried Pliny the Elder tonight. I hadn't noticed they were hiding in the corner of one of the coolers at the liquor store i frequent and they were only 4.99 for the 500ml bottle. Literally the second i pulled one out of the cooler one of the employees lurked up behind me and started ranting and raving about it. As to be expected, it was really good. Very crisp, clean taste, with plenty of hop flavor, along with hints of citrus and what me and a friend agreed seemed to be a flower taste of some sort. Rounded out with a noticeable malt flavors as well, and wasn't just overwhelming hops and no other distinguishable tastes like some IPAs. Also surprisingly easy to drink for an 8% beer. With all the flavors going on and the damn near perfect blending of them, i'd never guess this shit was 8% without seeing the bottle. Recommended.
    1 point
  20. you shouldnt say gay.hillary duff says to knock it off http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVicCD8FmMs
    1 point
  21. What is a horse shoe, and what does it do? Are there any horse socks? Is anybody listening to me?
    1 point
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ehrqh207QU8&feature=related Dave: I feel a little sensitive about this, there was something, a problem with a DUI...did that ever go away? Tracy: Yeah it went away, that night...and they took me with it. I knew I was goin away too, I kept steppin on the cop's shoes. I said "Move ya foot" Hahaha :lol:
    1 point
  23. true. yo cali use the Graffiti Cleaner spray. makes a cap new in under 10 seconds. HOLLA! tpbm is a kleptomaniac
    1 point
  24. ironically i've never seen a mexican working at taco bell
    1 point
  25. this is gonna turn into a huge big argument but Indie is basically things like The Kooks, Kings of Leon, things like that. i think its incorrectly named indie because indie just means independent music, indie rock would be a better explanation. whenever i met a quote unquote "indie kid" who tells me they like "indie music" i always ask them what it sounds like and they give me a funny look and say "..like rock?" and i say "wouldnt that make it indie rock then..." electro is a name given to the popular house songs played on the radio -- ones that have heavy synth sorta sounds. thats not really what electro is but thats what people seem to think it is these days. dub step is really synthy and kind of like drum n bass. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOmu0Mjj96Y post punk is hardcore screamy vocals with bitchy faggot not-quite-hardcore instrumental. like my chemical romance or any of that 14 yr old girl garbage deadmau5 is minimal house, if that helps clarify minimal electronic is like fatboy slim and moby and shit like that trip hop is anything from gorillaz first album to portishead to some nerd rap 8th element of hip hop type shit
    1 point
  26. dude if you are that much of a trainwreck i have no idea how you are sleeping with these chicks. they either feel sorry for you or have a level of self esteem equal to a negative number. in which case i want them
    1 point
  27. I used to work at taco bell. I wont say what we did to the food.
    1 point
  28. i think what isnt wrong with me would be a shorter list. also, hai suuuukis!
    1 point
  29. Awesome post!!!! Bump TEAD, STORI, ELMER, ENDR, and MARM!!!!
    1 point
  30. holy shit this thread! wow man. last night definitely was a serious blacked the fuck out night. last night was fun, and for the whole lot of you who... ehhh nevermind im not gonna explain my emo saying and how they are meant to be interpreted. itll end up like blowjobs over handjobs again. either way glen you werent the only one who got bombarded with texts last night, my homie got hella texts saying how i was going to kill him in his sleep and make love to him, and a few chicks got dick and asshole pictures. i also found out the girl i fucked in the backseat of my car in that bar parking lot was on her period because of the bloodstains now found in my backseat and underwear. last night was fucking wild, definitely would do again. and brickos, my rap letters are ok i suppose. older heads on here will vouch. party hard. get props. eat del taco.
    1 point
  31. Re: I shit my pants today. Only drink the tea, and even then, that's after you've watched it boil for several minutes. Just a word of advice.. (The flat bread is cool too.) Funny story; after a couple of weeks of eating MREs I was ready to try something else, so our terp hooked us up with some of the local cuisine. It was sort of like a one for one swap, the terps took a few MREs and we got whatever-the-fuck they were eating. The next few days were miserable, pissing shit is never fun. Later, our terp expressed his extreme displeasure in shitting a solid log...he'd never done so before. We concluded that pissing shit must be the norm. Again, just the tea, only drink the tea.
    1 point
  32. the worst part about mark mcqwire is the red hair
    1 point
  33. I don't watch baseball, and really this isn't about baseball at all. It's about scumbags willing to sell out their family for a few dollars. "You don't help the police, and you don't plea bargain by turning in your friends. Tell you what, you people who believe in God, when you see him on Judgement Day, ask him if you can plea bargain. Tell him you're willing to squeal on your family if he lets you get into heaven. You know what he'll say? He'll say 'Fuck you, you fuckin squealer, go to hell', cuz even God hates a rat"- George Carlin
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. I would spread her big ass cheeks apart and just blam blam blam!---------------that big ass
    1 point
  36. its a ghost attachment they just show up. nice tampon
    1 point
  37. ^^^ can't watch... Ouch...
    1 point
  38. with work on the warpath I'm doing little doodles in my spare time between angry phone calls so here's one . trying to get that Judge Dredd look with the skyscrapers - There's a long way to go and it's less than half an A4 page
    1 point
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