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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/03/2009 in all sections

  1. those are dope pics boris..... for some reason im getting hooked on this thread. heres a night from awhile ago watch out hipsters the homie is camera shy afterparty dont sleep
    3 points
  2. Yo, I'm having a child in like 4 weeks or some shit like that./ I've never had kids :lol: :lol: What should I do/?? Anyone got any good advice for a new comber to the kid game?? I know this fails but I'm stressed. I'm trying to pack up and move and get everything right in 4 weeks. So any advice would help. :confused: :confused:
    2 points
  3. Caught a Pyle at a hidden spot in winston today.Didn't have the cam though.Dudes getting around and his shits clean.Bump those Hanes a few pages back.Kids doing his thing and I'm glad for him.
    2 points
  4. combination of pics i take on the daily. not really one specific day, i do the same thing everyday pretty much.
    2 points
  5. Yeah, since enjoying more than one thing in life is really tough.
    2 points
  6. :lol: :lol: @ Stan! Sorry to disappoint! :) here are the pics: Saturday evening I went to something called "White Linen Night in the Heights". Basically all of the restaurants/shops/gallerys/bars in the Heights section of Houston had an open house, so it was like a big street/block party. Fun times. Cool shit to photograph. got to get my drank on I love carrying my camera around and asking random girls if I can flick their tattoo. 7 out of 10 times they say yes! THE END
    2 points
  7. Man, some of you folks are too much. This is the same government that lets its employees take laptops home with unencrypted personal information on hundreds of thousands of people. And then the laptop gets lost or stolen and it's "regrettable". No, it's not "regrettable"...it's completely fucking unacceptable and 100% preventable. So no, I do NOT want to give this particular government (or anyone else for that matter) permission, implied in a EULA or otherwise, to have their way with whatever is on my computer when they have proven to be unreliable and unaccountable in these matters. And if you don't think the cash for cars program is socialism for corporations, then please explain to me what it is.
    2 points
  8. Disclaimer, my last post seems to be slightly cynical on the stimulus. I am not, I think things could have gone way worse. Still prObama in '09!
    2 points
  9. orange beard and pube tint... i got it scot irish, rekonize
    2 points
  10. dao's tryna get his mac on with some high school bitches.
    2 points
  11. HEALTH CARE IS NOT A PRESSING EMERGENCY we got years to sort that out the economy is fucked RIGHT NOW
    1 point
  12. yes, it needs to be the economy, but the people pulling obamas strings know that now they have the first democratic supermajority and only have 2 years to push this through... but the economy can wait... Fucked up lol to all you retards who honestly believed Obama wasn't going to be "politics as usual"
    1 point
  13. just finished reading both of these again sunday . its a good read if you dont mind the poet keats
    1 point
  14. Some good points here, but I don't think that given the current state of affairs, there is any way we are going to have more Americans insured by this time next year without any type of government intervention. I don't think anyone should be freaking about more taxes for health insurance, because we're paying more and more for insurance every year as it is. I like Obama's message on health insurance, even though I don't agree with it (if anything it could be stronger) but that's not his style, he's not shoving anything down anyone's throat. I respect this about him, he's got some character, and he's not A character, like all the other presidents I can remember having in my lifetime. No doctor is going to jump ship because they're getting a salary instead of taking a percentage, at least none worth the words in the oath they take. And much, if not most, of the innovation in medicine is coming from the universities, isn't it? They're definitely not going anywhere. I think this could be way more of a shot in the arm for the economy than buying everyone a new car.
    1 point
  15. I never understood why some people were always crying and bitching about the government monitoring your activities (Patriot Act , these kind of agreements, satellites etc.). Yet people voluntarily post and disclose every fucking little thing on Myspace, Facebook, & Twitter examples: “I’m picking up my kids.” “I’m watching TV” “I’m sitting on the couch smoking a blunt” “Here is a picture of me snorting coke at a kegger” etc. Now I’m not siding with government surveillance but Jesus nigga show some common sense. Don’t put up all your business up on the fucking internet where everything is public no matter how secure you think you are. But apparently common sense isn’t so common anymore. Thank You For Your Time
    1 point
  16. Re: You know what sucks. Well, you were still in 10th grade when you were 20 so...same difference.
    1 point
  17. bump this thread high life!
    1 point
  18. i can tell by this, that your shit deffinately needs moar arrows.
    1 point
  19. RASK [ATTACH]116874[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]116875[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]116876[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]116877[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]116878[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]116879[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]116880[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]116881[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]116882[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]116883[/ATTACH]
    1 point
  20. quality pics/thread!
    1 point
  21. Just relax. In the end the care of an newborn and infant is quite simple. Do your best to get the house in order as soon as possible. As your child's mother gets closer to birth she will prolly go through some nesting type shit where she obsesses about getting the place in order. Do your best to have you child's mother breast feed. If you know how to cook a little prepare some meals that you can freeze now that will not take long to reheat so that you do not have to worry about taking care of a newborn and making dinner. Prepare for some bullshit at the hospital, they often get all freaked out over nothing and act like everything is all serios when everything turns out fine in the end. The "what to expect" series of books is a good resource but other than that you do not need alot of books. Keep in mind that people have been doing this for a long time before all this technology came along and relax. Everything is going to be okay. Be an involved father when your child is young. There is nothing like it in the world, it is a very rewarding experience. Prepare to be quite tired. Try to be polite and unite with your childs mother and also be on the lookout for post partum depression, if it pops up have her seek help and try not to judge her too much for it. I would lay off the weed and drink for a while, I did and it helped. If you are young prepare for a bunch of people judging you, it will happen until you get a little older and then people will not be able to do the math anymore and think it is perfectly normal that you have a 8 year old in your late twenties. If you are going to use daycare and live in an urban area prepare to be broke unless you have your money game down. I was more involved in the care of my child when he was a newborn than his mother was. Feel free to PM me if you like.
    1 point
  22. Go out and drink now, get it out of your system. You are going to be on lock-down and sleepless for the next few months. Overall, it is no big deal. If you own a dog(s) it is not much different, you are used to keeping something alive. Babies don't do anything the first few months except eat, shit, sleep and cry. As long as crying does not bother you, it should not be a problem. I used to hate other people babies crying, well, I still do, but I am immune my own kid's cries. I dont know what to say to you other than it is not as bad as you think it is going to be. (7 month old haver oner)
    1 point
  23. Oh, I doubt that. Can you say "welfare for the auto industry?" I thought so. The one possible silver lining here I can see is that it's directly stimulating the economy by getting people to spend money. I would rather see that money spent on building light rail and high speed trains personally, but that's just me though.
    1 point
  24. I drive a gas guzzler and was hoping to be able to trade it in for a used honda civic or something. Was bummed when it was only new cars as I do not have the funds to make the payments.
    1 point
  25. Re: You know what sucks. hate that shit. It would be cool if it only lasted 1 hour
    1 point
  26. I highly doubt that professionally or unprofessionally you'll probs be doing the hands in your pants dance within the next 24 hours /nh no mere mortal can resist the temptation that is porn. Also you will not be able to fingerbang chicks with that finger for a while sucks if it was your good hand.
    1 point
  27. bornbanned fixer gear or not you be rocking shit so fuck a stereotype keep doing yo thang.:cool:
    1 point
  28. Oohh man.. and you typed all that with a cut finger? Get that checked quick and goodluck man.
    1 point
  29. woke up after six hours sleep wore this for the first time in years coz the sun was oot 3 of these chilled with the wee brother, he stole this t-shirt from me it says "i shot westwood" refering to Tim. moved onto the becks schooled young one on outkast and slick rick teatime... sunburn "and i'm a money getter also a honey hitter, you think you nice as me?..." then the sun began to go doon i feel like shite today, i think i may have swine flu.
    1 point
  30. [ATTACH]116855.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]116856.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]116857.vB[/ATTACH]
    1 point
  31. im going to to give half to tib and half to reno
    1 point
  32. Re: You know what sucks. Doing acid sucks.
    1 point
  33. CHAZ is that dude. During most of my preadolescence cholo tags were all I saw...tombstones still get me psyched. Westwood is kind of fun to kill time in but you need to head to Hollywood, downtown and the beach to see the real shit if you want to check out graffiti.
    1 point
  34. I want one of those posters.
    1 point
    1 point
  36. The fact that adam sandler is in it should've been a warning sign that it was going to suck.
    1 point
  37. "Hey bro what's up? Yeah I know you been dissing my graffiti and fucking my broad, but I really don't want to fight you. Why? Cause I don't want to lose my job if you give me a black eye." Can we just squash this shit?"
    1 point
  38. http://www.tinychat.com/0ywq
    1 point
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