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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/31/2009 in all sections

  1. Sweden: the country known for Ikea, Volvo, Saab, endless supply of blondes, and of course, my girl lives in Sweden and I only get to see her maybe 3~4 times a year. this time it was my turn to visit her. I also got a chance to visit Copenhagen made a stop at the detroit airport 8 hour flights would not be the same without in-flight entertainment arrived at Gothenburg, Sweden. (it's the 2nd largest city in Sweden after Stockholm) celebrating Midsummar (summer solstice) with the girl's fam. Swedes celebrate this holiday by dancing around a pole and eating good food some Swedish soccer view of Gothenburg city from the top of the hill Honda Civic euro version driving to a place called Marstrand outside of Gothenburg
    5 points
  2. this spot was a 2 mile hike down abandoned train tracks after driving 10 miles down a dirt road. it doesnt get more "middle of nowhere" than this. but a abandoned cabin and crystal clear water was to good to pass up in this heat that was our "stand by me" day.... you like da ficka?hahah ,prop a dude then!
    5 points
  3. i would like to contribute to with this lol
    4 points
  4. When I was like 19 I met this chick who it turned out was good freinds with my cousin Jackie. I didn't really know my cousins on that side being as I only met them a few times in my life and the last time I seen her was when we were little kids, so this chick thought it'd be cool for all three of us to hang out. So we hung out, got blazed, came back to my cousins house and we're chillin out on my cousins back porch all blazed and shit and my cousin says something about she has to go hit up the bathroom or whatever and as soon as she goes inside this chick was like "fuck me, now". I'm like "damn, right here? my cousins are inside". She's like "nah it's cool. Jacky won't come out for a while that "bathroom" shit was just an excuse to leave us alone. So I figure this chick knows my cuz alot better than I do, so I'm like fuckit. We start fucking on one of those long lawnchair jawns that people lay on for getting suntans or whatever. We're doing our thing when what do you know Jackie opens the back door and is frozen in disbelief. There I am, her cousin who she barely knows, with my naked ass hanging out and balls deep inside her homegirl on her back porch. She gives us both the ice grill for a couple seconds, then turns around and goes back inside all pissed off. Probably extra pissed cause her two little brothers were right inside playing video games and could have also walked in on us. That shit def ruined my high. I didn't even bother to finish fucking the broad, I just got dressed and bounced. I never seen any of my cousins from that side since, and hope that I never do. I'm sure that whole side of the family probably knows this story too.
    3 points
  5. 2 points
  6. at first i was under the impression that it was the same IME crew, but didnt really matter to me. now its two separate? as logic goes, thats just dumb... but over all i could care less
    2 points
  7. I knew a identical triplet in highschool, she was pretty hot but always had a boyfriend who was down with our crew. She had two sisters, one looked almost exactly like her but she was a bookworm type girl who never hung out much. The other one was the same way (bookworm) except slightly chubby. We were all hanging out one night drinking at a skate spot and one of the triplets pulled up. I knew she wasn't the one who partied with us and she didn't look like the fat one either. She was looking for her sister and I thought it was a good chance to hit on her for a while, I said I'd ride around and help her look. So were rolling, things are going smoother than expected, she opened up and started talking a lot as we were rolling. So the conversation shifted from chit chat, to her sister that I knew, to her other sister I didn't know much. I'm not sure how it started but she said "I'm glad out of the three of us' I'm not known as the party girl" or whatever. My dumb ass said "yea, and not the fat one either" she stopped talking and just kept driving all blank stare out the windshield style. I was like oh shit, she never actually got out of the car and stood up, but turns out she was the fat one. The next few minutes it took her to drive me back to the spot were pretty awkward to say the least.
    2 points
  8. I was about 18 or 19 with my dick in my girlfriend.. Then her parents came into the room and chatted with us for a moment. Luckily we had a blanket over us while "watching" a movie. They never knew or never said nothing. It was awkward.
    2 points
  9. I was going out with this girl who came from an extremely religious family (her mom used to be a nun). One night she was giving me head I believe for her first time. I'm known for having terrible farts. Well I tried my hardest to hold it bit there was no holding this one fully in. She was all did you just fart. I did the embarrassing chuckle and said yes.
    2 points
  10. Oh Hai, my boy "Rok1t" needs some herb... can you hook him up?
    2 points
  11. LOL this character looks like lil bryant during his part in gummo /nohomo
    2 points
  12. not the most awkward moment, but a pretty good one from a month or so ago. back story - the local shitty free paper has a pretty amusing personal listing in the classifieds. it's been in there without fail for years and essentially boils down to this: gay native american in wheel chair with fucked up limbs looking to give BJ's. aight. NO HOMO. so my brother and I are kicking it at the local bar and strike up a conversation with the ladies next to us who happen to be cruising the classifieds - the personals. so seeing an opportunity to make fun of everyone involved, lame girls trolling the classifieds and the grotesquely disabled alike, I make a crack about how she should call up the loser in the wheelchair. mood shifts instantly and the one gets super defensive and points out her former boyfriend at the end of the bar, who’s sitting rather low... prolly cus dude is IN A FUCKING WHEELCHAIR. nuf said.
    2 points
  13. damn that dinosaur show + 40 ounces + some weed would make for a fucking good time. stan51 you eat like a horse god damn, two sit down meals in a day you are ballin i tried to give props but im 24dd. troggslayer that spot looks fun makes me wanna get out of the urban jungle and into the boonies its a friday, my day today is about "transformations" haha. Woke up, got a package in the mail. Turned this.... Into this..... Got that rap money A brokeass mother fucker can dig through my ashtray and probably find enough smoke for a whole week More transformations, turned this.... Into this.... Meet my employer, shes nice. Thats it so far, not much going on today.
    2 points
  14. I got on a/s/l's case somewhat for trying to game this. He seemed to feel entitled to a VIP along with a couple of other people I won't name/forgot about. I explained that the site/forum is your hobby that you pay for out of your own pocket, and that running any kind of scam on someone who gives 95% of the site away for free is pretty low. Then he said he paid, and I said "great, so do hundreds of other people. They do it to help keep the site going, whereas you did it because you got caught trying to cheat Raven redhanded." As far as the people who feel entitled to free perks here, check this out. I've been here for going on 7 years, about 4-5 years as an active member. In that time I made about 13,400 posts. Out of curiousity, I did a word count and with a little rounding and basic math realized that, excluding image links, I have contributed approximately 950,000 words to this site. To give you an idea of scale, "War and Peace" clocks in at just under 600,000 words (590,234 to be exact). Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged" is a mere 645,000 words and 1200 pages. "Ulysses" by James Joyce is about 262,000 words. So I've written around two gigantic novels plus an "Animal Farm" (about 30,000 words) worth of text. It's debatable as to whether the quality will stand the test of time, but I did my best to make my posts worth reading....beyond that it's a matter of individual taste and patience. Anyway, that number is just for posts alone. That doesn't count PMs or time spent IMing people or on IRC. Or email. Or actually hanging out with some of you in person and all the crazy adventures and conversations I've had with 12 ozers (and I've had quite a few, some of you can bear witness to that). So here's where I get confused. I'd say I'm familiar with about 100 people on here, either having met them or seen them posting on here for a while or some combination of the two. However, in the past couple years it seems like about 90% of the forum just popped up out of nowhere and after a year have 3000+ posts. How is that possible? (It took me three years just to hit 2000 posts). What do your posts consist of? Is it compelling, readable text that I am entertained and educated by, or is it endless variations on "LOLWUT" followed by a JPEG of some hot chick followed by a Youtube link? Or arguing with someone about nothing at all? Next time you get into the whole "Dude I do SO MUCH for 12 oz, you don't even know, gimmie VIP slobber slobber drool drool" go back and look at what you posted. Then look at yourself in the mirror and say that again, with a straight face. It's not that I don't like new members...I do like seeing fresh faces around here. There's more to it than that...I'd explain it but I have other shit to do that's not getting done and this has gone on long enough anyway. Anyway, back to pics of chicks- Raven, I think all of the ladies that I know that like 12 oz are...already here. The rest of them either hate graffiti or the internet. Sorry, man. If that changes I'll definitely send flicks, though. And since I've finally done the math and realized how much space I'm taking up on the server I believe I'll just keep sending you a money order once in a while.
    2 points
  15. as i was reading this thread, that's what i was thinking. but i said fuck it, i'm a kid at heart and i don't really give a damn. so i tried it yesterday morning. first attempt was a fail... Girl 1: Roadpig: can I tap that? Girl: what? Roadpig: can I tap that? Girl: are you drunk or something?? Roadpig: hahaha…not drunk. Is that a yes? Girl: that’s a no! Roadpig: dang, it’s just a joke. Thanks for playing. :) Girl: Oh! I was wondering why you were talking to me like that! then i said fuck it, and launched a few this morning... Girl 2: Roadpig: can I tap that? Girl: WTF! UR THE 3RD PERSON THIS MORNING (KIDDIN OR NOT) THAT ASKED ME THAT QUESTION. I JUST WOKE UP! DAMN HONRY MONRING PPL!! JAJAJA.. Roadpig: hahaha…so were on 4 later? Girl: U THINK UR A FUNNY GUY HUH! UR CRAZY JAJAJA.. Roadpig: Cool, b ready cuzz im bout to bring it! Girl: LOL! WELL I MIGHT BE IN TOWN L8R IF MY CUZZ PICKS ME UP. ILL HIT YOU UP WHEN I GET THERE. Girl 3: Roadpig: can I tap that? Girl: Tap what? Roadpig: That sweet sweetback …waiting for response.. Girl 4: Roadpig: can I tap that? Girl: What do you mean? Roadpig: what do you think it means cowgirl? Girl: r u ok have you been drinkin ha ha Roadpig: no y? r u buying? Girl: u can buy and I’ll be there Roadpig: sweet! Drunken sex is the best. Girl: funny Roadpig: don’t u agree? Girl: I guess I haven’t drank and had sex for a bit well I mean drunk sex at least Roadpig: well Ill make it an experience you wont forget Girl: haha all of a sudden Roadpig: u mad? Girl: y would I be mad? Roadpig: lol..idunno I was just askin. So your place or mine? Girl: it would have to be urs Roadpig: ok, cool. U busy this weekend? …the rest is setting up time and day… :D
    2 points
  16. ...or in better hopes catch'er parked! industrial northeast bench report, slightly edited to minimize spam. circa7/09 before pictures, a short blurb: so perhaps naively i am entrusting that my contributions to metalheads will NOT encourage people that are inexperienced with painting trains, train riding, or hobo culture to attempt to "diy" any of these aforementioned activities. not only is it dangerous, but more importantly the risk you place on the people that have committed to acquiring the resources and knowledge to paint, ride, and coexist with the railroad is far too great. far to great a risk, that is, for any person that holds a coherent affinity towards train culture to allow irresponsibles into yards or around trains. **on a related note and this is a rant disclaimer: (my egotism leads me to believe i have something to offer and in the following blurb i express personal opinions not authoritative information)** TO THE EXPERIENCED: if you are not policing your spots hard enough yet START. toys should not be painting on trains. noobs should not be riding trains blind. HOWEVER, if you know someone who is a (respectful)toy and shows legitimate interest in trains and train culture... do us all a favor and inform them enough to not blow up spots, enough for them to not embarrass themselves painting on trains, teach them to respect trains, and train culture(ie. not covering legit names, not painting nicer cars, not painting too much in one spot, cleaning up spots), show them the panels and the types of trains in your area that are OK to hit. make sure they arent hitting rare panels or reefers... there is a whooooole shitload of terrible graffiti on the rails lately. its no ones fault but our own. if we all do our part maybe we can improve it. TO GRAF NEWBIES or BEGINNER RAIL FANS: do yourselves a favor and stick to walls (preferably out of sight) and books. but, IF you understand that there is a good chance you might get beat, robbed and embarrassed or arrested (if you paint on trains or in yards) and you still are intrigued enough to trespass into our culture, PLEASE, inform yourself. study these threads, the internet (for better or worse) has so much information to learn from, BUT better than any information you'll find in books or online is second hand info, find some respectable locals and hope they are nice enough to tell you what not to do... and maybe(if youre lucky) what to do. be respectful and understand that YOU ARE BELOW THEM. you want something (definitely knowledge, maybe friendship) and they have what you want, so treat the relationship with care. LISTEN, learn the ropes, get painting decent stuff, enforce the law if necessary, clean up... understand there IS A HIERARCHY and maybe you will succeed in earning respect... whatever you do DO NOT TRY TO DO THIS SHIT ON YOUR OWN.(trust me) thats how you fuck up. heat spots, and make enemies... doing this will get you nowhere. i realize approaching these issue's publicly is touchy ground, after letting this brew for a while i've finally decided that taking advantage of this forum to spew some intellect on a subject that at face value seems intellectually bleak can't really be a bad idea..to those of you that i've offended by stealing your attention.. i apologize... to those of you that might have gotten a laugh out of reading this... get over yourself. stay real, stay safe.
    1 point
  17. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear marco sorry for your losses man, 12oz is here for you!! take a day off, relax and reflect. my advice. fuckdeath edoggggggggggggggy
    1 point
  18. let me get this straight, your cruising awkwardboners.com in your spare time?
    1 point
  19. Just stopping by to let everyone know Tird and Havok are fags.
    1 point
  20. as I said, I'm no photographer. I am, however, a woman, and as such, when taking one picture of myself, I have to take 50. so here, have the rest of the lettering.
    1 point
  21. what's up from detroit. first off bump dude ender killin over here when he rolls through. anyone of yall know this fags kid? dude hit me up in a pm, I take and post more flicks here in detroit than almost anyone, know a lot of cats out here, and this kid just hit me up. I am always on some paranoid shit so I figured I would just ask yall. if any of you can vouch for this cat pm me and let me know. aint trying to show someone around who could be a cop. good lookin, keep killin ohio. peace.
    1 point
  22. Re: Don't Call it Frisco
    1 point
  23. ....fuck im 18 now and ready to hit the strip clubs also happy birthday to Ms.Seyer :rolleyes: :bday: :chicken: you know your a loser when you make a thread about your birthday because nobody makes one for you....ahhhh
    1 point
  24. Here's a simple formula Acer: Think of your wheels. When they're rolling forward, that's the direction you want to move the wrench to tighten (either side). When they're rolling backwards, that's the direction you want to move to loosen. Always works, on either side, with a pedal wrench or an allen, just remember it.
    1 point
  25. oh shit i got 8 tic tacs now hahah
    1 point
  26. damn, RIP http://warfour.com/rest-in-peace-ynot-tko/
    1 point
  27. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Ant Infestation at work; Go away little bugs. Toots
    1 point
  28. The build up kills me! But besides that.....
    1 point
  29. straight up..on some real shit. i think twinky the kid is GAY. realtalk. where does this nigga live? if u out around his way buy this nigga a hooker or some shit. ol gay ass nigga...
    1 point
  30. anybody who spells FUCK like phuck is FAGGET.
    1 point
  31. Casek i need you too... *cough cough *red red
    1 point
  32. dude is like 20 somethin and still a virgin. he doesnt know jack shit about sex dude. i bet all he does is jag off to pornos of chinese girls puttin bloody electric eels in their pussy dont you see the threads this nigga makes on here?!?!? i honestly think this nigga is a pedophile/stalker/serial killer. plus he rocks girl pants. hes a level 20 faggot. nuff said.
    1 point
  33. yayeahhh... seyer's a good chica. worrrd.
    1 point
  34. :lol: :lol: :lol: THANKS GUYZZ!!!! lol @ all the flip flicks
    1 point
  35. Ho-hum you all mad. The bay is a veritable cornucopia of pussy. All kinds. You just aren't pulling.
    1 point
  36. Gay thread made by a total faggot who has never had sex in his life? Check.
    1 point
  37. bwahahahahahahaha yo i remember this commercial from when i was a shorty... hahahahaha that shits funny...
    1 point
    1 point
  39. a mermaid statue. The Little Mermaid was fairy tale written by a Danish author the royal palace of Denmark opera house a houseboat.. they're apparently popular in Denmark modern condos they still had the original virtua fighter
    1 point
  40. typical gang of blondes Off to a city called Halmstad where gf's parents have a summer cottage Halmstad this beer is delicious. tastes like a mix of Guinness + Newcastle summer cottages cottage interior 118d Swedes equip their public libraries with xbox360s and ps2s
    1 point
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