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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/11/2009 in all sections

  1. Made this one a while ago but never posted it, thought I'd throw it in. Can't remember if someone did an adviceDAO before...
    5 points
  2. nah J/K... but hows everyone doing today? what are your plans for the weekend? FRIDAY: work do nothing get dumb stupid fresh. (wut?) SATURDAY: WAKE UP TURN MY SWAG ON. MAYBE TAKE A LOOK IN THE MIRROR SAY "WHATSUP" SUNDAY: wake up around 1-4pm lay around do nothing. there will be no dumb stupid fresh go getting becuase i sit all depressed thinking about how i have to work at 7 the next morning.
    3 points
  3. pedobear !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my compy side
    3 points
  4. babysit time. this is mekayla she's 7, she went to the park the other week and some shit went down but she handled it. it's all on video. 2 mexican boys walk up to her and say ching chang chong mekayla looks at them confused and says im sorry i don't know spanish 2 boys: no thats how you talk m: no im korean i don't talk spanish 2 boys: and you eat dog too m: i don't like messican food 2 boys got punked by a 7 year old girl she can also eat hellllllla spicy noodles shumai LOVES babies it was shumai and lena-lou's birthday so we made them steak and bought them special treats
    3 points
  5. it's called Mighty Ducks emilio estivez crashes the plane
    3 points
  6. So yesterday i stepped out for a cigarette at work and i sharted. I proceeded to throw my boxers out and freeball for the rest of my shift. I know im not the only one. whats the best thing to do in these sticky situations? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rm2DcWerIVg
    2 points
  7. AR, you really don't have to defend her. She most likely doesn't read this forum, so your save-a-hoe routine is pointless.
    2 points
    2 points
  9. yeah the throw out freeball routine is usually the best route. also put some extra toilet paper back there if its really bad (the manpon)
    2 points
  10. http://invis.free.anonymizer.com/ hope you like these gems. most of these are recent and caught in the last moth besides the polaroids those are from like 5-6 or six years ago. See you on the lines yo.
    2 points
  11. made a confit of veal breast last night. i saw a veal breast on sale for $3 a few weeks ago, and bought and froze it, not knowing how to cook it or anything. i read on a couple of sites that it's a pretty tough cut of meat with alot of connective tissue, so it had to be slow cooked. decided to go with this recipe, since it looked relatively easy, just time consuming. turned out to be fantastic, especially considering how cheap the veal was. defrosting the veal ingredients stock & wine after roasting after 3 hours braising w/ veggies & stock/wine - kept a thermometer in the meat and maintained the internal temp at about 203-208 degrees for 3 hours removed bones/connective tissues, cut in half and folded over itself weighted/pressed the halves together and rested it cut into cubes and browned in bacon fat served with mascarpone mashed potatoes and steamed spinach with slivers of garlic, and reduced the braising liquid to serve over everything. the only thing that sucked was the veal cubes started to stick to the frying pan at the end and fall apart, even though the pan and grease was very hot when I added them. not sure what I did wrong there. and my plates are fugly, i def. need a new set.:lol:
    2 points
  12. Still the best in ma opinion :lol:
    2 points
  13. Her "reflection" isn't even that fat.
    1 point
  14. 50 and fancy French Laundry man are kissing: and Soup is on the right, pissed.
    1 point
  15. I really only gave this a skim, but I think whoever called her a hipster artfag was kidding. Not only that, but if they were serious it doesn't mean they're saying she couldn't get the D. I fucking hate dozens of women as people and I would still let them suck my dick. People on this forum are MAAAAAD. Also, if anything, they were probably mad because her putting up two posters means she's put in more work that about 60 percent of this whole forum.
    1 point
  16. yeah she is.. I found the best way to get rid of someone on this site is to post their nudes... although i have nothing against her so dont matter to me..
    1 point
  17. That little girl is awesome. Teach her to kick ass so next time she can just punch those dumb fucks. Their parents must be fucking worthless.
    1 point
    1 point
  19. Re: Don't Call it Frisco sick who?
    1 point
  20. ding ding, we have a winner. jackson, i look forwad to it. more pics of the missus yeah? lol's/
    1 point
  21. My grandma has her own way of saying everything. Nintendo is "entendo", overalls are "overhauls", she "warshes" her clothes, those god damned "messicans" play their music too loud. I love it. I remember the first time she called my cell phone and got my voicemail that wasn't a standard "leave a messsage", probably a song or something, and the message was her saying "hello? hello? I don't know whats going on. Hello? ****? hello?" LOL.
    1 point
  22. im gonna get a bowl of cereal by the time i come back i want to see more clownage, Soup, youre losing right now you need to step it up. ill be back with my peanut butter captain crunch.
    1 point
  23. that it is indeed. i do love my hat... b) ive never seen a peugot bike before, maybe i just dont pay enough attention. c) yes, i know s'bow is cider but i hate the shite, so i just used a generic term. didnt want to confuse the americans here... :) d) jackson - i do believe you are long overdue a post...
    1 point
  24. Word. I honestly can't tell you how many people I know that have gotten interested in politics, or the well being and conservation of this nation through Ron Paul. This man will be remembered in history for sparking a movement who's relevance we probably won't know until my generation (people around 20 and a little older right now) reach into their 30's and 40's. At least I'm hoping for that change anyway. Oh and when I say change, I'm not talking about you know who. Or that kind of change anyway. ^___^
    1 point
  25. I'm 12 and what is this?
    1 point
  26. baal in my blackbook, thanks homie
    1 point
  27. lolololololol that guy probably beats your shortys guts while youre at work lolololol
    1 point
  28. "This is the home of Lars Ulrich, the drummer for Metallica. There's Lars now, sitting by his pool. This month he was hoping to have a gold-plated shark tank bar installed right next to the pool, but thanks to people downloading his music for free, he must now wait a few months before he can afford it. [a close-up of Lars sobbing] Come. There's more. [leads them away. Next seen is a small airport at night] Here's Britney Spears' private jet. Notice anything? [a shot of Britney boarding a plane, then stopping to look at it before entering] Britney used to have a Gulfstream IV. Now she's had to sell it and get a Gulfstream III because people like you chose to download her music for free. [britney gives a heavy sigh and goes inside.] The Gulfstream III doesn't even have a remote control for its surround-sound DVD system. Still think downloading music for free is no big deal? "
    1 point
  29. I wouldn't know I don't use them or any other marking device in an inappropriate manner for which it was not intended.
    1 point
  30. "Blue Ash police say one of the officers was bitten on both hands. One hand was bitten 17 times and the other was bitten nine times." This sounds a little suspect. Was dude seriously standing there like "Ow, he bit me! Ow, he did it again! Fuck, that's three... no, four times! Ouch! Damnit! Now he's bitten my one hand five times, and my other hand two times... no, wait, three times... Ow! That's it... if this dog bites me 18 more times, I'm going to shoot him. Wait, was that six times now, or seven, on my left hand? Ow!"
    1 point
  31. i have been to blue ash, its all rich people. i hope they have a nasty lawyer, sue the cops and get alot of money. this shit is so beat...
    1 point
  32. whoa that mes is meaaan
    1 point
  33. The comments on the first link are worth a look.
    1 point
  34. At this point anyone who uses the internet has heard plenty of horror stories about the RIAA/MPAA. However, people still blindly support an incredibly outdated and greedy industry/racket by buying the crap they put out. I have a few simple questions- 1. Have they fully investigated the potential behind DRM-free distribution of media online in lossless formats as a profitable and environmentally friendly alternative? 2. Have the artists and executives ever considered redistributing some of the obscene amounts of money they make into other areas of the industry instead of maintaining lavish lifestyles for the executives and paying for lawyers, investigators, and lobbyists while bemoaning the dire financial straits they're in? 3. Can they accurately account for what percentage of their gross goes towards lobbying for getting laws passed that are favorable to preserving their profits and restrictive towards filesharing/piracy, and does this account for the steady increase in the average price of a CD/DVD/movie ticket since around the end of the 90s (when the DMCA passed)? I still buy CDs when I go to shows. Everything else I download, and I don't feel like I'm ripping anyone off because I usually end up deleting about half of what I acquire and I don't upload stuff unless people ask for it.
    1 point
  35. park life bad pub toilet graffiti. moar park life rain stopped play: this space went from having 100+ ppl in to 2 in the space of minutes self explanatory the perils of all day drinking...this was taken at 6.34pm and this one at 6.42pm more to come over the next day or 2
    1 point
  36. wow, they just keep coming up with more reasons to hate their rotting guts.
    1 point
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