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Jumped on Facebook for the first time in about a decade and it was depressing


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I signed in to Facebook and scrolled around for the first time in a long long time and man it’s a fucking ghost town. 

the feed was about 8 “suggested for you” posts to every 1 actual post by someone on my friends list. I was looking up some old friends interested in see what they’ve been up to, but almost all of them have a abandoned their accounts too. The wall for just about every person I looked up was just Happy Birthday posts from their family members from the past few years. 

i guess this whole time I had just figured it was still going like it was when I left. Figured it was an ecosystem just churning along with people posting pics and status. Always thought if I needed to get in contact with those old friends I’d be able to reach them on FB. But it really doesn’t look like that will be an option at all. I mean i guess it makes sense, when was the last time I had that app installed and notifications turned on? 

After about 45 mins or so messing around on there I quit. And it really left me feeling kinda depressed and honestly made me feel old for some reason. 

i wasn’t ever really a huge fb user but I do remember how it used to be when it was active and kinda fun. Even if it was people posting pics of their food and checking it at bars or whatever. 

based on what I saw yesterday I’m really confused how it’s still a thing? All those ads paying them? But who is seeing the ads and how much longer wil companies pay to have them posted ?

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I dont have any social media at all - I am out of the loop on some shit. Ie. I showed up for jits last week on a day the academy was closed for a public event that shut the street down (if I had IG I would have known). That said IDGAF - I am glad I am missing out on the circle jerk and targeted adverts. Between 12oz and Reddit I have enough on my plate if I want to waste time.


I often ponder the day I try and log on here and the error message shows up - until then…..oontz, oontz, oontz. 



(relevant info I am a complete antisocial for the most part)

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I'm with @fat ralphyhere, no social media and proud of that.  Do I "miss out" on some things?  Sure.  But what are most of those things really, and what have I really missed out on?  Nothing much.  If I care about someone, I have their contact info to myself and I call or email them.


I definitely like some of the challenges around it.  Like people insist that if you want to get attention for something these days you need to use social, so I do like seeing what I can do with old fashioned methods.  


I guess it's funny or whatever that my shit is on social media, posted by others.  

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I deleted my original facebook account in 2012, then opened one a year later with my government name just for family. My old high school friends found it and started friending me, people I haven't spoken to since 95-96. Anyway, most of my friends from then are either locked up, dead and just an R.I.P. page, addicted to opiods, or smart enough not to be on facebook I guess.


Pennsylvania either isn't the best place anymore, or maybe it never was and I was just used to the crapulence when I lived there. I post on my FB account about once every 6 months to let people know I'm still alive and that's about it. Posted on my Instagram maybe once since 2016. Neither one are on my phone. Every time I log on FB and scroll it's a blast from my past that I'm glad I outgrew, if it wasn't for graffiti and having the balls to bounce, I'd probably be in the same lame ass boat. Wish I still had my original myspace account though just for an occasional lurk.

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48 minutes ago, Mercer said:

I deleted my original facebook account in 2012, then opened one a year later with my government name just for family. My old high school friends found it and started friending me, people I haven't spoken to since 95-96. Anyway, most of my friends from then are either locked up, dead and just an R.I.P. page, addicted to opiods, or smart enough not to be on facebook I guess.


Pennsylvania either isn't the best place anymore, or maybe it never was and I was just used to the crapulence when I lived there. I post on my FB account about once every 6 months to let people know I'm still alive and that's about it. Posted on my Instagram maybe once since 2016. Neither one are on my phone. Every time I log on FB and scroll it's a blast from my past that I'm glad I outgrew, if it wasn't for graffiti and having the balls to bounce, I'd probably be in the same lame ass boat. Wish I still had my original myspace account though just for an occasional lurk.

I remember when on IG you’d checked in on like every square inch of the city at some point. Like by checking in at all the buildings you were working at and all the street shit you were flicking i think? Always remember that and thought it was a super cool mission. I don’t think you can even see that type of heat map anymore. 

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1 hour ago, KILZ FILLZ said:

I remember when on IG you’d checked in on like every square inch of the city at some point. Like by checking in at all the buildings you were working at and all the street shit you were flicking i think? Always remember that and thought it was a super cool mission. I don’t think you can even see that type of heat map anymore. 



Funny thing with IG, I did have some rooftop bangers nobody else got and some OK scenic shots, but I programmed a like bot. I'd set up my computer in the morning to click likes on every photo tagged #NYC #NewYorkCity etc. and would come home at night I'd sometimes have hundreds of new followers, stopped doing it when I got up to over 3k. Eventually after facebook bought IG I got categorized as a commercial "influencer" account, and they throttled views of my shots unless I paid up.


Had a good run with it though until then, got invites to shoot events, a couple of them were paid, inside scoop at parties etc. Zuckerberg fucked up my shit though after the IG purchase with the throttling/shadowbanning. I even tried paying once so my followers would see my shit but it felt super lame to pay, and so I slowly just stopped posting. Also, the types of events "influencers" were paid/invited to frequent were getting lame as fuck the more IG became mainstream after the FB merger.

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I haven't been on Facebook in years either. I got sucked into the wrong algorithm and ended up thinking that chemicals in the water were turning the friggin frogs gay. 


I stepped back to take a wider view of what was becoming of me and logged out for good.


I've never used Twitter or Snapchat. 

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4 hours ago, mr.yuck said:

I haven't been on Facebook in years either. I got sucked into the wrong algorithm and ended up thinking that chemicals in the water were turning the friggin frogs gay. 


I stepped back to take a wider view of what was becoming of me and logged out for good.


I've never used Twitter or Snapchat. 



I think you mean X.


Please use current proper names.







































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I check it about once a week to comment on some butcher shop page with my neighbour.

he keeps winning meat trays..

I do not.


the constantly suggested stuff is just miserable now and the faintly desperate notifications about what Karen Philipouusos is doing now.

Who's Karen Philippoussos?

Beats me.

She might be some chick I met in SF in 2009 and never spoke to again - that's my best guess


but if they know everything we do why wouldn't they know my interactions with her are nil in 14 years?

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14 hours ago, Schnitzel said:

I check it about once a week to comment on some butcher shop page with my neighbour.

he keeps winning meat trays..

I do not.


the constantly suggested stuff is just miserable now and the faintly desperate notifications about what Karen Philipouusos is doing now.

Who's Karen Philippoussos?

Beats me.

She might be some chick I met in SF in 2009 and never spoke to again - that's my best guess


but if they know everything we do why wouldn't they know my interactions with her are nil in 14 years?

Is she a S or a T?

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Behind the scense Facebook fulfilled its purpose of data collection and surveillance.  It's was a great run of nostalgia for quick updates for family and friends accross the globe.  But all that nostalgia had begun to already wear off the same time it got started and the Cambridge Analytical pretty much sealed the fbs fate.  


One of the issues I seen early on with Facebook was the reality of being an after thought.  Meaning, we all lived our lives enjoying what we do and Facebook realied on our activities and opinions to make themselves relevant which we considered a convenience.


The other thing that made Facebook irrelevant is the people we associate and interact with on a daily and personal basis that nothing a phone call or text couldn't accomplish everybody else was just a fb friend that I really didn't talk to irl so what was the point.  


I think the tell tell sign Facebook was failing is when the started to purchase other social platforms, that's just pretty much common practice these days.  But also diversifying their business and separating themselves from Facebook so they wouldn't loose investors and take massive losses so to prevent some type of safety net, Meta was created.  Which still to this day, I have no idea what they do or what their portfolio looks like. 


With that being said, Kilz I don't think we are getting old in that sense but more so the nostalgia wore off all while other social media platforms have been better at online engagement but these I believe will loose their luster but will still out last Facebookto some degree.  I belive the last time I signed in fb was 2017/2018 and that was for the soul purpose of deleting my account.  Come to think of it, I do not think I know anyone who uses Facebook anymore, maybe they have an account but probably couldn't remember the last time they signed in. 

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  • 5 months later...
On 9/16/2023 at 1:05 PM, KILZ FILLZ said:

I signed in to Facebook and scrolled around for the first time in a long long time and man it’s a fucking ghost town. 

the feed was about 8 “suggested for you” posts to every 1 actual post by someone on my friends list. I was looking up some old friends interested in see what they’ve been up to, but almost all of them have a abandoned their accounts too. The wall for just about every person I looked up was just Happy Birthday posts from their family members from the past few years. 

i guess this whole time I had just figured it was still going like it was when I left. Figured it was an ecosystem just churning along with people posting pics and status. Always thought if I needed to get in contact with those old friends I’d be able to reach them on FB. But it really doesn’t look like that will be an option at all. I mean i guess it makes sense, when was the last time I had that app installed and notifications turned on? 

After about 45 mins or so messing around on there I quit. And it really left me feeling kinda depressed and honestly made me feel old for some reason. 

i wasn’t ever really a huge fb user but I do remember how it used to be when it was active and kinda fun. Even if it was people posting pics of their food and checking it at bars or whatever. 

based on what I saw yesterday I’m really confused how it’s still a thing? All those ads paying them? But who is seeing the ads and how much longer wil companies pay to have them posted ?

because government won’t let it die. Likewise, they still have their tentacles deep into other stuff, namely the pixel / ad / retargeting / authentication shit. More interesting to me than FB being a ghost town (personally not surprised) is how Instagram is largely the same. It’s not quite this bad, but they now show posts up to 5 days old, I’m seeing posts as many as 3x and feels like at least a third or more of my feed are suggestions and not anyone or anything I follow. The explore section went from a half hearted attempt to show shit I might be interested in, to click bait shock shit. 

Wild, but still not surprised, to see it come full circle. 

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2 minutes ago, KILZ FILLZ said:

I’m curious is FB is alive by traffic from marketplace? And maybe the groups?

Alive because of the intelligence that they gather and share. Guaranteed he gets huge checks for that data from the government and plenty from commercial data mining and retargeting, which is their stated business model. FB you sent the main part. Data collection by way of their authentication gateway and tracking across that and platforms like FB and IG are. 

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3 hours ago, fat ralphy said:

Been social media free for like 7 years now - feels good man. 



I had been also but recently rejoined IG. Just to mainly reconnect with friends I lost contact with when I got off social media. It definitely did the trick. Not to psyched to post much on it though. Haven’t messed with the “reels” which seem to be all the hype. It definitely becomes a bit of a media overload on IG and find myself mindlessly scrolling again.

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Most of the content people put out on social media is so fucking fake. That said I think for graffiti content and some creative content it is probably a crucial avenue. 


The fucking mind games that are involved in the social media corps are no joke - the suggested adverts, the content skewed certain ways etc


I know a dude who had been looking up things about relationship issues and trust etc all of a sudden tik tok is showing those videos were they run phone checks on a couple and there is cheating or guides on how to check deleted messages etc. That shit is probably not a coincidence and is wild unhealthy. 


This whole til tok shit going on - while I so not support government regulation of free speech at all, this is for sure for sure a gray area that should be scrutinized 

Related note p-p-power post, I have a 7th grader and they are not allowed any social media. Fuck that. 

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@fat ralphyshit is completely wild these days. I had one of my nieces come up to me a few months ago and was like "hey what's your address?" After a bunch of "what are you hiding and why do you care what my address is," she dropped it and I didn't hear anything else about it for a few more weeks until they came back to spend the night again. Turns out they have a little friend that lives in my neighborhood. A friend they made on discord. I was like yo. You cant just give random strangers my address that you've never met in person before. You have no idea who these fucking people are. I don't know if they are just growing up in a different climate than I did, but where I used to live, if some one ran up to you bleeding asking if they could come inside to use the phone, you told that bleeding motherfucker "the phones cut off, try some one else."

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I'll give anyone one my address.  Then I hit the record button on my phone hoping I'll be able to post a great F around and Find out vid for the thread but I haven't had any takers.  😔

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2 hours ago, ndv said:

I'll give anyone one my address.  Then I hit the record button on my phone hoping I'll be able to post a great F around and Find out vid for the thread but I haven't had any takers.  😔

what’s your address?

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