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RIP yinz n’at


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He was a really good dude all around. About 5 to 10 years younger than me I think, and came up in Pittsburgh just after my run there in the 90's. The last homie left in Pittsburgh actually put him down with our crew after most of the original members left that city in. Don't think he ever repped it for long since he co-founded his own crew with MF one (R.I.P.), then eventually he started repping NSF, the biggest crew in that neck of the woods.


Dude had some serious skills, not just for graffiti but IMO he was a very dope artists. Saying he was super social is kind of an understatement, dude was well known, and super well liked. Didn't know him that well myself personally because of the age difference, but plenty of mutual friends/associates and never hear anyone say they had any beef. In fact, everyone always had good/positive stuff to say.


Talked to the last of the crew still living near Pittsburgh that was super tight with him for a few years back in the early 2000's today for damn near two hours. Major loss is really all I can say, one of a kind type individual, and definitely won't be anyone else like him. R.I.P.

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2010 I did a road trip from Denver back here to CT with my then gf, now wife. I used Ch0 to reach out to folks on the way for places to crash. Danny reached out and told me to swoop through Pittsburgh and that became the highlight of the trip.. no offense Omaha, that was fun too. We got there, he invited us in to his home, told me it was his birthday and that there was a night planned. We went and grabbed lunch at a diner he had done the window painting for (don't remember which). He took us to Games'N'at to play pinball and candlestick. We left and walked down to the river, made a fire, drank whiskey (maybe just me), introduced me to the crew and whoever else happened to be camped out there. We ended up swimming in that dirty ass water, having a damn good time and better conversation. That dude made us breakfast the next morning, bid farewells and gave me a canvas and a coloring book to take along.. sent me postcards the years following. We weren't close, I'm not claiming that at all, but I wanted to back up all the kind things I've read on here about YINZ. He was an amazing person,  made quite the impression on us and I am thankful for the hospitality, and kindness he showed. RIP.

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  • 1 month later...

Danny was the realest.  When my kid decides to go to college in PGH he said I could trust him as an emergency contact. She went to one of his shows to formally meet him to put a face to a face.    
I met him the following year and have spent most of my 4th of July’s with him and friends.  He is a great human and a person who schooled my on perception. 

“It’s all about changing your seat” 


went to his viewing and it was unreal and still hard to believe our friend has left us.  
however-I swear. Everywhere you turn, here in Pittsburgh, there is a piece of Danny right there.  

rip east lib prince. 

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  • 4 months later...
  • 4 months later...

Hey everyone, my name is Sean Devine and Danny Devine  @yinz n'at was my big brother. Back in the day I was a 12oz member and just wanted to be like my brother (6 years older than me). I wrote for a minute but wasnt even a small shadow of what Danny did and accomplished.  It's super dope and super sad reading people's memories of him - very bittersweet. 


My family is very close and watching Danny's art and graffiti career was a great thing. Couldn't find someone nicer and more kind than Danny. From seeing him just bench and take flix, to he and his boys starting JYK and getting in tight with our boy Brick from Time Bomb (who is in the next room from me right now at my shop) to seeing him put on 100 art shows and make 1,000 acquantances and friends it was just straight inspiration.


When we started our business Refresh PGH, a sneaker shop in Pittsburgh, he did all of our artwork. When we became a part of Daily Bread and eventually completely took over the company he did countless design and hands that we used for our core designs. When Danny did hand drawn artwork that needed to be vectored / imaged traced he turned to me. We always had each other's back and it was true brotherly love.


He would always tell you I love you and give you a huge hug. He helped me run my shop and introduced me to a million people. He did the 'Smoke Mad Weed' canvas that is in the beginning of Mac Miller's 'Senior Skip Day' video. He did it all. I feel like he left pieces of himself with everyone over the years. He just loved so hard and always took the time to chop it up and talk - and actually cared about you.


I was at the hospital when he passed. My sister and I gave his eulogy and I helped carry his casket with some of his closest friends. I miss him so much and I'm crying right now writing this.


Thanks to everyone keeping his name, moniker, artwork and positivity alive. It's been hard. We have released a lot of his artwork and clothing designs - including the tees above in this thread. Thank you for the support and for caring. My mom and dad get sad all the time of course but I tell them a lot of people pass on and no one seems to care - with Danny, people care and still put his name up. And that means everything to us. 


I'm partial to his first Cres tags and pieces but Vick, VCR, Vcrock etc. are all up over the city. We had his boys do a mural on the side of our building recreating the Pittsburgh design he made. I've given out paint, mops, markers to anyone who says they'll keep his name up. I just wish I could hug Danny one more time.


I haven't said this to anyone, even my wife, but as he was passing on in the hospital bed I told him that I would keep his name and artwork alive for the rest of my life and gave him one last hug. I meant it. He passed from organ failure. In my opinion it was a combination of his immunodeficiency, hard graf living, boozing over the years and the consistent exposure to spraypaint 25+ years.


It just sucks man. Been hard to put it behind me because so much of my life is based on following in his footsteps and pretty much having my respect based on just having an ounce of the respect he had. I just miss him so much.


We have been making products and prints of his artwork and we also worked with the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust to create a Retroactive art show in his honor. Shout out to all of his friends for helping it come together and honoring his name - all love.


Here's the article for the art show running until June 12th: https://www.pghcitypaper.com/pittsburgh/extraordinary-exhibit-pays-tribute-to-pittsburgh-street-artist-danny-devine/Content?oid=21208223

Here is the instagram that we started and run for the Danny Devine Foundation: https://www.instagram.com/dannydevine4ever/


If anyone wants any of his art prints, has any questions or wants to know any info about the Danny Devine Foundation please feel free to hit me up on IG (@sdevine70), email doubled.contact@gmail.com or text me 4127089129. Sorry for the rambling post but I feel like I just had to get it all out and rep for my big bro. RIP Danny Devine aka Danny Yinzer aka Cres, VCR, Vick. Danny Devine Forever. 





New Mural.jpg

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I miss Danny TONS!! he was my foundation in Pittsburgh and had my back long before I moved here.  Nobody is as inspiring as him and all he wanted to do was connect people. 

I met him through 12 

he offered to be a contact for my kid when she decided to go to college in PGH. So she could reach out for anything. 
Celebrated all 4th of July’s here in PGH with Danny (since living here) 


def have snatched up some tees and cherish anything given to me by him.
my kid is coming back to PGH next week and we’re gonna catch the tail end of the show. 

im sorry dude.  
I’m sorry for your family. 
I’m  sorry the city took such a hit. You can feel it. 
he’s amazing.  

rip Danny. 
love you guy 


Edited by SMdoubleXL
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Thanks so much for sharing. Not surprised at all, he loved to make new friends and build with people. So glad you got to kick it with him and learn about Pittsburgh from him. 


We're going to continue to release clothes with his designs thru Daily Bread. If you have IG (@dannydevine4ever) hit me up on there and I will send out some gear, stickers and prints on the house. I just want to spread his art! Thanks again. 

Edited by SeanDevine70
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@SeanDevine70post em up!


my biggest memory of him was basically how ecstatic he was when the Steelers won their 6th. We used to have pretty active NFL threads here and I remember him being hyped the whole season and then it coming down to them winning it all. He was posting highway fillins people were doing saying shit like GO STEELERS


we messaged a couple times on here and on IG but I never got to meet him in person. There is a huge Steelers bar here I used to go eat wings at every Wednesday ($0.25 each wing) and I was supposed to send him a tee shirt but never did, sadly. 

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