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Lol @ Minneapolis


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4B136E6D-032C-46B9-ADBE-41F6C0F330BB.thumb.jpeg.e92aee362d4952e64d211e4e17798c84.jpegProvidence protests today. Way more mild and peaceful than I thought it would be. Wondering what happens tonight though....I also saw a fight break out between 2 young brothas. Initially, I thought these niggas were just trying to pop shit off because it’s a common strategy but it turned out to be good old fashioned niggatry. The disappointment  was felt across the crowd. I drank some water and shook my head. It was at that point I heard a older black lady say “this the type-a shit that got us here to begin with.” A powerful statement that I can only neither agree nor disagree. To even try and open that can of worms you have to be prepared to eat the whole entire thing though and it’s a lot to swallow. 

(and that is stock tip toyness in the foreground. At the foot of the state house. apparently there were hundreds more present before I got there hours later.)


Edited by NightmareOnElmStreet
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11 hours ago, Hua Guofang said:

Help me out, I've clearly missed something.


Why was CNN targeted by protesters

Same reasons they destroyed everything else that wasn't police related, plus a chance at exposure.


11 hours ago, Hua Guofang said:

and why were CNN journos also detained by cops for a couple of hours?

Police are garbage humans.

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My dad told me that I-35 was shut down at 7th street in downtown Austin due to protestors.  I don't know about what, but I'm sure it's related to this because we have a lot of "activists" in this city.  I-35 being shut down, for those of you that haven't been to TX before is...... well..... kinda a big deal.  It's the only main highway that runs through the city.  We have 2 other north/south highways.  One is a toll and inconvenient, and the other one is named Mopac but called Slowpac for a reason.... and it's just a little highway that goes between round rock and manchaca.... anyway.

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Because there seems to be a lot of police hate here, I have a question; what will the future be like without police.  What will that look like?  I've attempted to speculate on this and cannot come up with any "good" scenario where people just decide as a whole to be kind to eachother.  The police are here because people are not capable, on a whole, of making that decision.  I'm just curious what our America would look like with "no cops".

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15 minutes ago, Dirty_habiT said:

Because there seems to be a lot of police hate here, I have a question; what will the future be like without police.  What will that look like?  I've attempted to speculate on this and cannot come up with any "good" scenario where people just decide as a whole to be kind to eachother.  The police are here because people are not capable, on a whole, of making that decision.  I'm just curious what our America would look like with "no cops".

I think that a future without police is kind of a utopian fantasy. As you said I don’t think that people will just decide to be kind to each other. It simply won’t work, people are assholes... That being said, I think that an increasingly militarised and aggressive police force is the worst possible scenario. 
In Seize the Time, Bobby Seale wrote about the need for police officers to live within the communities that they policed, ensuring that they were an accountable member of the community instead of what is ostensibly a hostile occupying force in many instances.

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None of our local news channels are airing anything... one is playing despicable me For fucks sake











these are what’s going on right now. First pic is a grocery and second pic is a sporting good store. Police station was on fire earlier



r/SanDiego is providing more current into that our news stations






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2 hours ago, Dirty_habiT said:

Because there seems to be a lot of police hate here, I have a question; what will the future be like without police.  What will that look like?  I've attempted to speculate on this and cannot come up with any "good" scenario where people just decide as a whole to be kind to eachother.  The police are here because people are not capable, on a whole, of making that decision.  I'm just curious what our America would look like with "no cops".

I cannot imagine this scenario ending in any good way


10 years later America could  be Somalia with more snow and  better food


if the cops disappeared tomorrow

first the the "have nots" would rise and overthrow the "elites"

once that's happened the the definition of "elites" would get a bit broader as things breakdown.

Then a bit broader still until it means anybody who has something one of the have nots wants be it a can of beans or a harley


Canada and mexico be building big old walls









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@Dirty_habiTI'll try and spend some time and give a full response later (I'm trying to keep my many productive weekends in a row streak going), but the abstract is this: I am not against the idea of police existing, I am against a system of policing American citizens that violates individual rights, uses taxpayers as ATMs, and that is ultimately not accountable for its own actions (among a slew of other complaints/concerns). In the same vein that I believe our national government is fucked but salvageable, I believe America's LE could be revamped to ultimately serve and protect.

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3 hours ago, Fist 666 said:

@Dirty_habiTI'll try and spend some time and give a full response later (I'm trying to keep my many productive weekends in a row streak going), but the abstract is this: I am not against the idea of police existing, I am against a system of policing American citizens that violates individual rights, uses taxpayers as ATMs, and that is ultimately not accountable for its own actions (among a slew of other complaints/concerns). In the same vein that I believe our national government is fucked but salvageable, I believe America's LE could be revamped to ultimately serve and protect.

I think this IS the full response bro. Sprinkle a little specific black agenda in there, take out the productive weekends part, and I would probably say the same exact shit just a tad less smart, lol. 

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6 hours ago, KILZ FILLZ said:

Our railroad museum is on fire!! 😭 

That's some fuckin tool bag shit man.  😕  We're really showing our ass to the world here and I'm not referring to anything else other than the destruction of our cities.  Nothing to do with Floyd or the police at all..... people are literally making one of the most illogical decisions possible.  Mob mentality is a real thing.


You all want to hear some spicy shit?  Floyd would have never encountered the police and had that altercation had he not been doing something illegal.  I'm not defending the policeman's actions.  What I'm saying is that there is a real easy way to not fuck with the cops and to not be "in danger of a cop killing you 'for no reason'".  It's actually super easy.  You just don't do illegal shit.  GASPPPPP.  I know that is going to come as a shock to many reading due to the nature of which we're all gathered here today.  I have not been a stranger, in the past, to doing illegal shit but the destruction of your own cities is deplorable.  No dignity.

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JEEEEESUS. See that shit @Dirty_habiT. That little old white man ain't deserve all that lol. Personally, I'm not even interested in acab if you can believe it. And I would bet money that I'm one of very few people in our circle around here that would actually have reason to back that movement. I simply don't. Sure. Do I think there is MAYBE 1 good cop for every 10? Yes. But those numbers are fucked. If a cop was getting the shit kicked out of him by 20 dudes right next to me and I have no reason to believe he/she did anything wrong but their job alone...I got no reason to hate that guy or take part in ass whoopin. I don't hate anybody. Period. But, I might fuck you up if I know for certain you actually WAS living wrong on people by using your job as a shield. If you can understand my lingo or not, the point I stand with is some niggas got bad jobs but so long as you do it right then whatever. 


**referencing @Hua Guofangs video.

Edited by NightmareOnElmStreet
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