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Pass the Corona ese... Novel Corona aka COVID-19


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Can some one please explain to me the panic buying of water and toilet paper? is this virus going to compromise the water filter on my fridge/sink? 😂 

My company just surveyed its employees to see who has visited or had close family visit the list of restricted countries recently .... a few months late huh?


Turns out one of my colleagues son was in Hong Kong a few weeks ago and now my colleague is on paid admin leave for quarantine at home lol


pray for me, oontz

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2 hours ago, Dirty_habiT said:


If you bought TP, I'm not knocking you..... unless you bought like 4 cases of it..... "just in case".

LOL... 🤷🏾‍♀️

I knew it was going to happen. Worst case I don’t have to buy toilet paper until 2021. Best case, I start selling rolls to the desperate and take whacks at my mortgage. Win / win. 

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Perhaps this may help a few of us?  The article below was emailed to my extended family and I so I thought I would share.  Good luck.  


This is the best article I have seen for dealing with the Coronavirus.

Very good precautions!  Forward this to those you care about!  WD

James Robb, MD FCAP

Coronavirus Protection

Dear Family and Friends,

As some of you may recall, when I was a professor of pathology at the
University of California San Diego, I was one of the first molecular
virologists in the world to work on coronaviruses (the 1970s). I was the
first to demonstrate the number of genes the virus contained. Since
then, I have kept up with the coronavirus field and its multiple
clinical transfers into the human population (e.g., SARS, MERS), from
different animal sources.

The current projections for its expansion in the US are only probable,
due to continued insufficient worldwide data, but it is most likely to
be widespread by mid to late March and April.

Here is what I have done and the precautions that I take and will take.
These are the same precautions I currently use during our influenza
seasons, except for the mask and gloves.:

1) NO HANDSHAKING! Use a fist bump, slight bow, elbow bump, etc.
2) Use ONLY your knuckle to touch light switches. elevator buttons,
etc.. Lift the gasoline dispenser with a paper towel or use a disposable

3) Open doors with your closed fist or hip - do not grasp the handle
with your hand, unless there is no other way to open the door.
Especially important on bathroom and post office/commercial doors.

4) Use disinfectant wipes at the stores when they are available,
including wiping the handle and child seat in grocery carts.

5) Wash your hands with soap for 10-20 seconds and/or use a greater than
60% alcohol-based hand sanitizer whenever you return home from ANY
activity that involves locations where other people have been.

6) Keep a bottle of sanitizer available at each of your home's
entrances. AND in your car for use after getting gas or touching other
contaminated objects when you can't immediately wash your hands.

7) If possible, cough or sneeze into a disposable tissue and discard.
Use your elbow only if you have to. The clothing on your elbow will
contain infectious virus that can be passed on for up to a week or more!

What I have stocked in preparation for the pandemic spread to the US:

1) Latex or nitrile latex disposable gloves for use when going shopping,
using the gasoline pump, and all other outside activity when you come in
contact with contaminated areas.

Note: This virus is spread in large droplets by coughing and sneezing.
This means that the air will not infect you! BUT all the surfaces where
these droplets land is infectious for about a week on average -
everything that is associated with infected people will be contaminated
and potentially infectious. The virus is on surfaces and you will not be
infected unless your unprotected face is directly coughed or sneezed
upon. This virus only has cell receptors for lung cells (it only infects
your lungs). The only way for the virus to infect you is through your
nose or mouth via your hands or an infected cough or sneeze onto or into
your nose or mouth.

2) Stock up now with disposable surgical masks and use them to prevent
you from touching your nose and/or mouth (We touch our nose/mouth
90X/day without knowing it!). This is the only way this virus can infect
you - it is lung-specific. The mask will not prevent the virus in a
direct sneeze from getting into your nose or mouth - it is only to keep
you from touching your nose or mouth.

3) Stock up now with hand sanitizers and latex/nitrile gloves (get the
appropriate sizes for your family). The hand sanitizers must be
alcohol-based and greater than 60% alcohol to be effective.

4) Stock up now with zinc lozenges. These lozenges have been proven to
be effective in blocking coronavirus (and most other viruses) from
multiplying in your throat and nasopharynx. Use as directed several
times each day when you begin to feel ANY "cold-like" symptoms
beginning. It is best to lie down and let the lozenge dissolve in the
back of your throat and nasopharynx. Cold-Eeze lozenges is one brand
available, but there are other brands available.

I, as many others do, hope that this pandemic will be reasonably
contained, BUT I personally do NOT think it will be. Humans have never
seen this snake-associated virus before and have no internal defense
against it. Tremendous worldwide efforts are being made to understand
the molecular and clinical virology of this virus. Unbelievable
molecular knowledge about the genomics, structure, and virulence of this
virus has already been achieved. BUT, there will be NO drugs or vaccines
available this year to protect us or limit the infection within us. Only
symptomatic support is available.

I hope these personal thoughts will be helpful during this potentially
catastrophic pandemic. Good luck to all of us.

James Robb, MD FCAP

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I’m still not worried. Theres 210 people currently infected out of 327 million documented citizens. Thats like .00000067% of the population. 

if that shit hits .01% maybe i’ll start getting a little nervous. 

Edit: a little over 3000 people have died globally since January. I’ve read before that on average about 3000 people die a day from car accidents. 

To me this is the mass shooting panic of viruses. Something i admittedly have been guilty of being concerned, maybe overly concerned about.

Edited by abrasivesaint
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On 3/3/2020 at 8:43 AM, misteraven said:

We are. Just had it pumped lady Fall and all was fine. Why?

Kirkland is not listed as a "septic safe" toilet paper. This can be a non-issue for a long time, until it becomes a big problem with one clog. Some plumbers will tell you its not a problem, some will tell you its the end of the world. I'm not a plumber, but I'm not gambling on potential clogs or inhibited draining of my tank. This can be a bigger concern depending on the age of your tank and field. Also, some plumbers will tell you to use septic friendly TP even if you're on city lines as conventional TP is more prone to clogging pipes before they even reach the lines or tank.


Basically--some TP dissolves/breaks down really quickly, and some doesn't. I buy Scott Comfort Plus, it is as "comfy" as most of your thick and soft TPs, but is listed as septic safe because it breaks down quickly. We've been at this house for a little over two years and have had it pumped once and all was good, but I am very proactive about only piss/shit/toilet paper down the drains, a monthly treatment of RID-X, and minimized use of anti-septic chemicals in sinks/showers/toilets. Bleach, mouthwash, harsh toilet cleaners, etc can all wreak havoc on the bacteria that eat your poop--keeping them healthy is key. We even use vinegar and "natural" laundry detergents accordingly. 


And NEVER ever so-called "flushable wipes" or paper towels, tampons, etc. 


My road is "extreme" and I can't get a regular septic truck to visit my house, I rely on port-a-juan cleaners at a high fee in order to get pumped, so keeping my septic tank and leach field healthy are financial imperatives. 


This seems more apt for the "off grid living" thread than anything in crossfire--wild times we live in, indeed. 

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4 hours ago, Fist 666 said:

Kirkland is not listed as a "septic safe" toilet paper. This can be a non-issue for a long time, until it becomes a big problem with one clog. Some plumbers will tell you its not a problem, some will tell you its the end of the world. I'm not a plumber, but I'm not gambling on potential clogs or inhibited draining of my tank. This can be a bigger concern depending on the age of your tank and field. Also, some plumbers will tell you to use septic friendly TP even if you're on city lines as conventional TP is more prone to clogging pipes before they even reach the lines or tank.


Basically--some TP dissolves/breaks down really quickly, and some doesn't. I buy Scott Comfort Plus, it is as "comfy" as most of your thick and soft TPs, but is listed as septic safe because it breaks down quickly. We've been at this house for a little over two years and have had it pumped once and all was good, but I am very proactive about only piss/shit/toilet paper down the drains, a monthly treatment of RID-X, and minimized use of anti-septic chemicals in sinks/showers/toilets. Bleach, mouthwash, harsh toilet cleaners, etc can all wreak havoc on the bacteria that eat your poop--keeping them healthy is key. We even use vinegar and "natural" laundry detergents accordingly. 


And NEVER ever so-called "flushable wipes" or paper towels, tampons, etc. 


My road is "extreme" and I can't get a regular septic truck to visit my house, I rely on port-a-juan cleaners at a high fee in order to get pumped, so keeping my septic tank and leach field healthy are financial imperatives. 


This seems more apt for the "off grid living" thread than anything in crossfire--wild times we live in, indeed. 

Honestly, I'm not too worried. I posted in another thread somewhere how I had to fix the primary drain pipe to my septic this summer. With the way its engineered, I have a straight run at it from the mechanical room in the basement, which has a cap on the house side of the main drain pipe and then a straight shot to the septic and now understand the entire system is engineered. I spent a lot of time with the tank hatch open and saw what was happening. Also watched it get pumped and saw the guy check the bacteria balance and all that, as well as asked a million questions. We pumped at at 2.5 years, though 3 was what we were suggested and dude said my septic was in remarkable shape. So much so that he couldn't believe it was as old as it was (not super old, but he claims its in perfect shape). I do have a concern about my leach field and also am very careful about the grease we put down the drain. We don't use harsh chemicals, but I don't worry about organic soap / shampoos or mouth wash considering the volume of water and waste that goes into the septic between three adults and two teenagers. 

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Going to revise up my threat assessment based on what a shit show we're seeing. Guess I shouldn't be surprised based on past government response to national disasters, but Miami decided not to cancel Ultra Fest this year, a multi-day rave (slash hedonist party) that takes place on the beach featuring tens of thousands of people that fly in from everywhere. Also read, that a major city marathon (think it was LA), is going to proceed as usual. 


Meanwhile China is testing 10,000 people a day and the USA has so far tested 3600 total. Further to that, the CDC knew 7 months ago that out tests weren't trust worthy, but decided to sit on that fact until the first cases hit the USA. Somehow most people here seem to still trust the official reports coming out of China about how they have it all under control (Might be worth getting into bridge sales) and now we're seeing news in teh USA creep out (like the Tweet above) about how the shit show here is actually way worse than people thought.


Anyhow, not suggesting this is the society reseting pandemic that I do believe is in store eventually, but am saying that if this thing turns out to be more virulent than the early projections (guesses), that the response to it will certainly allow it to escalate into something truly nasty. I know reality can be stranger than fiction, but some of my B grade, fan fiction, zombie novels on Kindle have a more believable lead up than what we're actually seeing here with this. Here's to hoping that the virus isnt that bad, because if it is, we're fucked by the way this thing is being handled.



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Just think, we're probably going to all be "fine" after this has blown over, but if there is ANYTHING more dangerous than this that hits the world in the same way we're really really fucked.  This won't wipe us out, but if it were dormant for long periods after infecting people and caused a high death rate percentage we'd be in for it for sure, no questions asked.  Especially with how slow the medical community moves at figuring emergency type stuff like this out.  I mean that in terms of all their "testing" they must do.  For all we know there is something that can help us with this already but with 3 years of rigorous testing needed to approve it's use on humans, we're still fucked.


Also, if this sickness makes anyone filthy rich that are the same people responsible for "fixing it" I would think greed could play a role in the "fix" being delayed/slowed.

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1 hour ago, Dirty_habiT said:

Also, if this sickness makes anyone filthy rich that are the same people responsible for "fixing it" I would think greed could play a role in the "fix" being delayed/slowed.

I have my theories on this type of engineered greed for quite some time.


So, I have always pictured an economic connection (greed) to procesed foods (genetically modified) and pharmaceuticals.  


Hypothetically let's say I am CEO of Tyson.  What I want to do is start investing in genetically modified poultry of other foods.  My team of scientist come back and say the side effects are high blood pressure, blood sugar low/high, and at the least harm 40% of your consumers may start experiencing allergens.   So on and so forth...    basically boss, we can genetically modify and tweak what we need to to get what results we want...  Science its awesome!


And the reality to my threorum is ignorance.  People ignore the signs so they eat it anyways.  Because it tastes good, because they made it that way.   Besides FDA approved my new foods.  No harm no faul, right. 


So in return I am going to start investing into pharmaceutical companies in the areas of over the counter medicines and some prescribed drugs.   Can't blame me I am just making a little more money off of someone else's poor dietary habits. 


Sounds cynical.  Sounds far fetched. But then again the mind is terrible thing to taste. 

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3 hours ago, ndv said:

I have my theories on this type of engineered greed for quite some time.


So, I have always pictured an economic connection (greed) to procesed foods (genetically modified) and pharmaceuticals.  


Hypothetically let's say I am CEO of Tyson.  What I want to do is start investing in genetically modified poultry of other foods.  My team of scientist come back and say the side effects are high blood pressure, blood sugar low/high, and at the least harm 40% of your consumers may start experiencing allergens.   So on and so forth...    basically boss, we can genetically modify and tweak what we need to to get what results we want...  Science its awesome!


And the reality to my threorum is ignorance.  People ignore the signs so they eat it anyways.  Because it tastes good, because they made it that way.   Besides FDA approved my new foods.  No harm no faul, right. 


So in return I am going to start investing into pharmaceutical companies in the areas of over the counter medicines and some prescribed drugs.   Can't blame me I am just making a little more money off of someone else's poor dietary habits. 


Sounds cynical.  Sounds far fetched. But then again the mind is terrible thing to taste. 

I've thought of this exact thing myself.  Even if they're not directly involved in the chicken + med industry.... the chicken guys are friends with the med guys.  It's difficult for the average or even astute person to make these connections if they don't want you to make these connections...... and of course they don't want you to make the connections because again, you'd be undoing the fruits of their greed if you were to expose their "wrong doing".  Who cares if everyone's fucked up if I'm profiting off of it.

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3 hours ago, misteraven said:


The problem i find with the flu comparison is it’s only because COVID has flu like symptoms, the deaths are from pneumonia like symptoms. Something like 50,000 people died from pneumonia related symptoms last year. So comparing COVID-19 mortality rate to pneumonia deaths might be a better comparison. 

I mean the sad fact is old people die from viral infections all the time, these numbers still aren’t really staggering, yet. According to the CDC there’s over 250k hospitalizations from pneumonia every year in the US.

If we see a radical spike i’ll start to get worried, but 300 cases and like 20 deaths in a little over month is hardly end of the world shit. 

edit: more on pneumonia: 


2.56 million died of pneumonia in 2017, about 450 million people a year are affected by pneumonia. 

Edited by abrasivesaint
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12 hours ago, abrasivesaint said:

^^ You wanted an example of Fox being sensationalist.. there you go. 

Let's break that down some more and talk about it then.  Please give specific things that were said in that video that you would consider sensationalist and we can all discuss it rather than making a claim with no specific proof/evidence.

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I’m taking the wife & kids to Lisbon Friday. Nothing short of a travel ban is stopping us from living our best lives.


Thankfully I buy wet ones bulk every two months, copped non-intentionally before the madness began. I’ve got a 3-4 month supply for now in case the stores never get back a decent stock.


Cold Eeze & nitrile/latex gloves for the airport.


I’ve never been a gross fuck, nor am I a germaphobe, but it’s shocking to see how disgusting people are. I just took two trips to Denver in the last two weeks - people touching everything - handrails, train poles, then touching their faces, coughing everywhere - eating with dirty hands - they’re doomed and deserve it.


I got looks for wiping down my airplane seat & tray, as I have for decades. I never touch door handles raw dawg, especially washroom doors. I wore nitrile gloves filling up gas at Costco yesterday for the first time, and again I got strange looks. Before yesterday I’d always clean my hands at the pump before touching my car.


Hopefully the general public will finally learn not to be so fucking gross all the time from now on, but I doubt it.

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