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War in the middle east and intervention debate

Hua Guofang

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The more i think about it the more i dont think those base attacks were complete incompetence. I think they wanted to show their people they did something without killing Americans and truly escalating this further like the media is pushing. 

Could be wrong. I’m not buying it at the moment though. 

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Well shit, spend the day behind the wheel and come on line to find Iran has launched ballistic missiles against the US and claimed it.


Interesting part was that they actually bombed Iraq (unsure if those bases were regarded as US sovereign territory but it's hardly relevant in this case). What is the Iraqi govt saying about Iran bombing their country and (overtly) killing people in their country?


It forces the US to escalate, the US threatened to attack Iran proper if they retaliated, which would be a massively disproportionate response.But Trump made the threat, he won't want to look weak in an election year. This is all really fucked and I'm hating it.




John was the former senior foreign affairs advisor to our Foreign Minister:


It may sound trite, but personal connections can humanise another society when engaged in abstract discussions about whether to bomb the crap out of it. One of the nicest people I know in London is Iranian, her involvement in this crisis is just to hope that her family don't die.
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Regards the Ukrainian flight, I'd be reluctant to jump to any conclusions now. The flight was full of Iranians, Canadians and Ukrainians, no obvious reason to drop it from anyone's perspective.


Also, recall the flight that went down in Queens, NYC just days after the 9/11 attacks. That was not an attack, just a plane crash. So it's entirely possible for planes to drop in the middle of a crisis and still be 'natural causes', so to speak.


Also entirely possible that it was deliberately downed as well, MH17 is the example to cite here.


Just too little info now that I'm aware of that allows a conclusion to be made.

Edited by Hua Guofang
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@misteraven- in response, I Was being pretty self indulgent with my response. Of course the website is not fucked, I still come here and still post away.


Although, I do think there isn't much appetite for questioning assumptions and reading information. It's more about picking a position because you like it and defending it regardless of what is put in front of you. It's also apparently bad to say you don't have a position on something because you don't know enough about it or question others on their positions. IF you come up with something that undermines some one else's position, you get accused of posting fake news, etc. There's not a lot of good faith discussion here, to be honest. Although, as much as @Mercerand I annoy each other I think discussions with him are worthwhile because it's an actual discussion, not an effort to win internet points and name calling.



Anyway, enough whingy complainy from me. I want to ask you why you think the right/conservatives are the underdog when they are in control in:

- the US

- Australia

- the UK

- Brazil

- Poland

- Hungary

- Turkey

-  Sweden

- Philippines

and are on the ascent in so many other countries such as France, Netherlands, Denmark, etc. etc. You will find that conservative media are usually the highest rating of the traditional mediums in these countries as well.


Of course, we may debate what right/conservative means as I tend to focus more on the social element and you likely focus on the economic and small govt perspectives.

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15 minutes ago, Dirty_habiT said:



Even if nobody died, they still destroyed US assets.


You can't just break my toys and expect to not be missing some teeth afterwards.... because I'm a "nice guy".

True, but that kind of stuff can be addressed by sanctions and/or a little bit of destruction back via cyber or something less kinetic. If that's the response then I'd say that Washington is keen to de-escalate whilst they're ahead, which would be a smart and successful play.


Although, the Ayatollah signaled that there will be some asymmetric attacks by way of Hezbollah or similar actors. Not sure the Iranian response has run its course yet.

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Oh yeah, I mean I kinda agree.  I'm not sure what the "proper" response is.... but Trump made it pretty fucking clear that if they retaliate he's going to make sure they get fucked up.  I don't think we're talking about defacing a few Iranian websites here.


I do like the idea of earthquakes "naturally" destroying all their precious nuclear shit though.  That could just be the higher powers telling them to settle the fuck down before you get fucked up fam.

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Also, I just read Raven's response on the last page in regards to the forum "degrading" and I agree that we're having MUCH more grown up debates here than was ever possible in the early 2000s when I first registered here.  It was like a bunch of horn dog teenagers and 20 year olds on here.... and a few older people.


I'd like to say that I think Raven has done an excellent job as a leader and steward of this community.  I really appreciate that he hasn't involved himself in any of the pettiness that some of us have indulged in.

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45 minutes ago, Dirty_habiT said:



Even if nobody died, they still destroyed US assets.


You can't just break my toys and expect to not be missing some teeth afterwards.... because I'm a "nice guy".

Now they’re threatening Israel and the UAE. Not a good look 

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