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Me & IRON CHEF made this.




It took us a year and a half.........




yes dudes, props. i think most are probly too young to appreciate contra. i used to be able to beat that shit without the up up down down left right left right konami code, since you get an extra life after each stage. man i was nerdy.

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should i buy a PSP?


Get a PSP. Nintendo DS's have games that are mostly child friendly and in my opinion not even that great. I bought a PSP back in May and I like the games better as well as the extra features like being able to sync stuff with your computer. The games go from child friendly to adult and everything in between. In some cases you can even mod it and download games. (If you want to do this don't buy a 3000 or a go because of the firmware.)

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Get a PSP. Nintendo DS's have games that are mostly child friendly and in my opinion not even that great. I bought a PSP back in May and I like the games better as well as the extra features like being able to sync stuff with your computer. The games go from child friendly to adult and everything in between. In some cases you can even mod it and download games. (If you want to do this don't buy a 3000 or a go because of the firmware.)


nah man the psp is a heavier more complicated piece of equipment thats more liable to break down or get your ass robbed. I mean there are better games on the psp i do agree. But if your into art/cartooning like i am i really apreciate the 2d platform style games that nintendo offers. Also you can get a memory chip for the ds, download an emulator on it, and play all your favorite snes, nes, genesis, games on it.


on the subject, i need help finding roms for the snemuls emulator. anyone out there can offer any help?

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also, i'm taking a game design course and throughout the course i will be able to present my ideas to people in the industry in order to get critiques and such.

there are also internship opportunities if they like your work/ideas enough.


im not even all that worried about the internship, the critiques from people that work for companies i grew up loving has get me all excited inside.

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it has a lot to do with the area i live in. i've been contemplating going to full sail in orlando, florida but i can't convince myself the tuition fees are worth it just yet.


i remember earl broclo had an idea as well and was actually working on it with some people, but it fell through. maybe he'll let me hear this idea since he isn't using it.

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