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team bondi sucks and the graphics are shit, but if it's a true detective game, i'm down.


Yeah it's a true detective game. And, it's not one of those corny games where the clues are obvious, with some glowing item lying around. You have to really look around and ask questions. And drive from location to location looking & asking. Reading facial expressions is key too.


All the characters in the game that you talk to are done by real actors, facial expressions & movement. So there will be no lip-syncing problems. Pretty much like Avatar. I think this will change the way games are made, because it's cheaper to have an actor do a performance, than it is to have an actor read the lines, then pay animators to make the animation look real, and try to sync the mouths with the words.


It's also going to be the biggest city Rockstar ever did. They re-created the L.A. area in the 40's from Downtown to Hollywood.

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Yeah it's a true detective game. And, it's not one of those corny games where the clues are obvious, with some glowing item lying around. You have to really look around and ask questions. And drive from location to location looking & asking. Reading facial expressions is key too.


All the characters in the game that you talk to are done by real actors, facial expressions & movement. So there will be no lip-syncing problems. Pretty much like Avatar. I think this will change the way games are made, because it's cheaper to have an actor do a performance, than it is to have an actor read the lines, then pay animators to make the animation look real, and try to sync the mouths with the words.


It's also going to be the biggest city Rockstar ever did. They re-created the L.A. area in the 40's from Downtown to Hollywood.


that's sick.

i'm glad it won't be a shoot 'em up.


i wonder about Agent, their ps3 exclusive.

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im kinda stuck on this one.i mean its fun and all but i think its more frustrating then fun.i was kinda disappointed in it.




-graphics were crazy good compared to the other games in the series(dont believe me check vice city then play this game) also i liked how in this they added a kind of rag doll effect when you kill people instead of other games where they would basicly fall in the same position on their back.also how when you shoot shit it leaves bullet holes.nice touch.

-the city is hella cool.they totally redid the map and expanded liberty city which was hella cool and i cant wait for them to do it to san andreas.i was very impressed with this.also it made fun for urban exploration.some pretty cool places to go like that sprunk factory place.

-taxi's.i fucking hate driving everywhere.so hells yeah.

-robbing cashiers.honestly my favorite part of all the gta games was this.vice city had the convenience stores and gtasa had the home invasions which were hella fun.i just wish there was more places to go.

-cell phone cheats.cool that i dont have to put them in the other way and the fact that they get saved to the phone...good feature.




-cops are way to agressive compared to the other games and its hella frustrating.what is this shit about getting shot for running? lamest thing ever.i mean you cant do shit with out these faggots jumping out on you.i get into a fistfight with some russian fools and get a star from a cop thats a block away.fuck that shit.also when your getting chased and go to the pay and spray you have to "lose the cops"which basicly means driving around the block 30 times till they leave or someshit.i hate it.i come to the paintshop to lose them.i dont feel like riding around for another 20 minutes..

-lack of cheats.cheats were one of the best part of the gta games.the crazy shit you could do like give peds guns and make them riot would have been hella cool in this game.they took all of them out and instead gives you these lame ass ones like only two weapon teirs which leads me to my next point

-weapons suck.weapons suck and there was only two tears.where the fuck was the chainsaw and the katana and shit? that would have been hella dope.but no.all you get is a bat and a knife.

-fighting is clumsy and slow as fuck and i hate it.this fool is a harden criminal and yet he somehow cant fight for shit.also he's slow as all fuck.as much as this guy runs from the cops you would think he would have an easy time catching some fat puertorican bitch but i guess thats not the case.

-dieing is way easy and then when you die the hospital takes like 20g's off of you.what is this shit???so fucking frustrating to lose hella money like that.

-dates.why the fuck did they bring this back?fuck dating.dating is shit.fuck it.im tired of people constantly calling me all the time.fuck friends.i didnt buy this game to hang out with some convict who is constantly bitching about shit and feeling sorry for himself or some ticked off irishman who keeps insisting on hooking me up with his ugly sister.

-they took out taxi missions.as well as all missions that made you any kind of money.yeah they had them in the beginning but after like 10 missions you cant even use them.what is that shit?i mean i never really liked the taxi missions but atleast it was an option to make some extra cash.you couldnt bring in cars for money(minus a couple missions for stevie) dont get money for vigilante missions and you really dont have any options after you beat the game.

-after you beat the game there is absolutely nothing to do.and nothing to spend all that money on.no properties to buy or anything.and yeah they have clothes but they all look horrible.im not gonna spend 100 bucks on some weak ass jeans.fuck you.

-storyline sucked

-no fucking tanks or parachute or anything like that.i was really hoping to get in one of those and going crazy in liberty but i guess thats not happening is it?



end rant/

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sorry for the wall of text.i know none of you care but i just felt like ranting about how dissapointed i was in it.hyped myself too much i guess.its still a fun game but idk.i think they tried to make it too realistic.i like the realism in the graphics and all that but i miss the cartoony side of the other games.i like the fact that i can jump off a building in the other game and survive or ride around in a tank or drive an invisible car and shit.i dont these games for there graphics or for multiplayer i buy them to have fun.i feel like i was getting frustrated with it more than i was having fun with it.



end rant/let the negs ensue because i know some of you are gonna be mad.

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i mean i still play it and have fun when im just you know going around and shooting shit up but its like they took out the fun shit from all the other games.after you beat it theres nothing really to do.just going around and shooting people.kinda gets boring.san andreas you atleast had the option to go and rob houses or do vigilante missions or do driveby's and shit.it was just more fun.it felt like they were spending to much time making the game look pretty and fixing up the multiplayer...if they redid san andreas the way they did liberty city and kept all the cool shit in SA then that would be hella dope.

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Gay Tony is awesome, I still haven't finished it but I really am enjoying it, and the challenges for each mission are quite tough to meet the requirements of, so there is lastability. The fact you can replay missions when you have finished the storyline is good also, as are the new weapons. Still no chainsaw though, but I bet they will bring that back, especially if the next game is going to be Vice City. Anyone know of any news regarding the next GTA installment?

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god i hate all these little fags doing the care package glitch on MW2 on the 360. i want to punch them square on the nose thru the screen. i hope they patch that shit quick its kinda ruining my online gaming.


MW2 sucks anyway. Go play another game.

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