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Everything posted by dunedestroy

  1. Damn i wanted carwin to win. lesnar with the brute force. skill? cain and lesnar next
  2. oreja al piso donde estas con esos linkzzz????
  3. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD ^^^^its not that it sucks its just that getting paid 9 bucks a day busting ur ass working in the sugar cane is no fun. well then maybe it does suck?...
  4. dunedestroy


    fag? relax NOOB. its getting fixed just waiting on some thermal paste.
  5. dunedestroy


    my 360 got rrod two days ago. needless to say i'm bummed. so now i'm stuck playing NES
  6. haha after 2 years im still fuckin with this
  7. dunedestroy


    MW2 is beast. addictive. even with all the newbz tubing, camping, glitching, etc.... the special ops missions are fun as hell with 2 players. and a challange on veteran difficulty. i seen that syphon filter a couple pages back for ps1. that game was bad ass. fallout 3 was awesome. and i still bust out my nintendo and play zelda, i have to blow (nh) on the cartridge a couple times to get it to work tho.
  8. dunedestroy


    bioshock 2 looks good. too bad im broke
  9. dunedestroy


    god i hate all these little fags doing the care package glitch on MW2 on the 360. i want to punch them square on the nose thru the screen. i hope they patch that shit quick its kinda ruining my online gaming.
  10. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD god ide wife her with the quickness.
  11. haha u just described like 75% of all reggae rythims there. try throwing in some lyrics and maybe they can help u find that song.:D
  12. i find myself messing with this alot....http://mikeydread.com/anim_mikey/anim_mikey.html
  13. http://youtube.com/watch?v=KYW7BUc2bCQ Mystic Roots - Pass the marijuana http://youtube.com/watch?v=1at2iQI7UVY Steel Pulse - Wild goose chase http://youtube.com/watch?v=HMGCbgpIf3E John Holt - Police in helicopter Mikey Dread - Roots and Culture. classic! http://youtube.com/watch?v=hpivgO3QFbo Ini Kamoze - World A Music ill post more later if u cats want...
  14. http://youtube.com/watch?v=1-YJA3UJRaQ Dennis Brown - Promised land (live 1984) i couldnt find a non live one.
  15. this shit is tuff right here ! almost had to punch myself on the face its so tuff.:D
  16. fuck christmas bump new years
  17. ^^^^^ grand theft auto san andreas^^^^ bump that jam.
  18. all the older Mikey Dread shit kills. went to our skool a couple times. lets see... lately ive been bumpin some Don Carlos, Ini Kamoze, and Alborosie - herbalist... download that jam is sick. also theres Adam Sandler - piece of shit car... shits funny.
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