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As far as I know the PS3 has been sold out since it's release. The reason that they are expecting a loss is because the system costs more to make it then they are selling it for, and they don't have enough systems out to recoup the losses from that, and the low sales of the PSP.

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^^I'm currently playing it, but have been sidetracked by Garry's Mod, Time Crisis 2/3, and God of War.


As far as I know the PS3 has been sold out since it's release. The reason that they are expecting a loss is because the system costs more to make it then they are selling it for, and they don't have enough systems out to recoup the losses from that, and the low sales of the PSP.


As far as i've been hearing since like maybe Dec is it's been sitting on shelves.

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As far as I know the PS3 has been sold out since it's release. The reason that they are expecting a loss is because the system costs more to make it then they are selling it for, and they don't have enough systems out to recoup the losses from that, and the low sales of the PSP.



Yeah they may be selling out but that's only because the dumb Sony fanboys have been saving all their nickels for years to get that expensive ass system. Sony's like a sinking ship at this point, everything is going to go downhill for them. They're hoping that next year their software for the ps3 will really get rolling, the fact of the matter is, they're focusing energy on a battle they've already lost. Look at the numbers, Sony is fucking themselves all the way to and from the bank. They may have *some and I use that term lightly hard hitting developers that will stay dedicated, but look at the other developers that are leaving sony like rats leaving a sinking ship.... they're like, fuck this hardware architecture, who wants to do r&d for months to learn how to code something that could be developed in less time on an easier architecture with nearly the same if not better results. People think that we've seen the full potential of the xbox360s graphics and game capabilities, but in the big picture it is still in it's infancy. The ONLY thing I could possibly give Sony credit for is snagging Squaresoft years ago, in which I can't even give them that much credit because all the FF's on a sony product straight sucked shit out of my asshole.


Anyway, my point is, Sony sucks and they're going to lose.... oh yeah also, rap is the EXACT same thing as hip hop. Thank you for reading.

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Man, I had this one stage on lock with the proximity mines. All I remember is it was mostly white and grey.

I couldn't be touched on that stage, as I knew all the respawn points and how long it took to run to refill my mine supply, as well as where to lay them.

Glad to hear there were fans of it on here, that game made the N64 better than PS as what other game could you have 4 players (at that time) with the kind of intensity that game induced?

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