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ex-cop on cop killing spree in CA (R.I.P. Christopher Dorner)


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shits getting real out here.










his manifesto






story -








--- what i gathered from news radio on the way home for work is



he was new to LAPD and reported his training officer for police brutality

instead of punishing the offficer he reported, they fired him


he tried to go thru the courts to get his job back and got no justice


so he snapped

now hes going thru a hit list of 'dirty cops'


dudes ex military (navy lol) and has had enough police training to know how to evade them


has already killed the daughter of the cop he reported for police brutality and her fiance

killed another cop who was supposed to be protecting someone on his hit list

injured a cop in same car as above

killed two civilians who were driving a truck similar to one of someone on his hit list


he tried boat jacking some 80 year old dude in a marina here in san diego over the weekend but couldnt maneuver the boat out of the slip and gave up, left old man tied up


police found his badge and wallet at a gas station here (why?)


the news is saying the found his truck burned out in Big Bear so they are searching all over up there. LOCKDOWN.








i think it was a diversion and hes no where near big bear....








































i hope shits going down First Blood style in the hills of Big Bear and cops start getting fucked up in booby traps :cool:

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Re: ex-cop on cop killing spree in CA


Citizens/non-combatants, do not render medical aid to downed officers/enemy combatants. They would not do the same for you. They will let you bleed out just so they can brag to other officers that they had a 187 caper the other day and can’t wait to accrue the overtime in future court subpoenas. As they always say, “that’s the paramedics job…not mine”. Let the balance of loss of life take place. Sometimes a reset needs to occur.



i'd recommend reading the manifesto.

dude is probably a bit nuts, i'd like to know more about his time overseas and what his navy mos was.


mild edit. i'd like to root for the guy if he'd stick to the corrupt, not civilians

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Re: ex-cop on cop killing spree in CA


yeah, that part is shitty.

the daughter/fiance murder is pretty cold and calculated--the dead suffer less than the grieving father will.


i have always been fascinated with vigilantes.

if he'd manage his collateral damage better a lot more people would be supportive.

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Re: ex-cop on cop killing spree in CA


I posted a video in the gun thread in crossfire where a retired NYPD detective mentions how Green Berets talked about going after corrupt members of the NYPD.


Not surprised something like this has happened. You reap what you sow.


Of course this is all depending on whether or not his story is legit.

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Re: ex-cop on cop killing spree in CA


Yeah, especially how he's killing civilians...go him!!


Kill all the shitty cops you want, but come on. I'm not rooting for some dude blowing away regular people because he has a chip on his shoulder.


Chick wasn't just the daughter of a cop, she was engaged to a cop too.

Guilty by association.

Collateral damage.

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Re: ex-cop on cop killing spree in CA


This dude's a G; doing all that and still evading the cops.


I kinda empathize with him, because it sounds like he was done wrong -- he was reporting corruption within the LAPD, and instead they fired him from a job he always dreamed of doing.


There are already Facebook pages supporting him and hoping he gets away.

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Re: ex-cop on cop killing spree in CA


I agree with everything Fist has said so far...I'll also add that it sucks it got to this point, and that this is not the kind of world I want to live in.


Kind of surprising that he didn't seem to think he'd get fucked for being a whistleblower on the LAPD.

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Re: ex-cop on cop killing spree in CA


dude's house in Vegas is about 10 min from me currently. News showed his house being watched all day today. They let themselves in that house and didn't let some neighbors in their home for a few hours. They show the house boarded up, also said something about breaking out a few windows upstairs. (unnecessary)


eh. I know its what the news wants us to hear



My first client tomorrow has a house in Big Bear...and if I remember correctly,she was coming back today to handle business in Vegas this weekend. I'm interested in hearing something from her perspective (those things that the news leaves out)


eh. nothing too exciting here, just piping in.

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Re: ex-cop on cop killing spree in CA


Even though Big Bear is easy to get lost in I don't think he's ever going to see the inside of a courtroom, so it's good he got his side of the story out ahead of time. And after reading the "manifesto," I got the impression that he's a fairly principled person...too bad he wound up being a cop, it must have been a hell of a letdown when he realized that he was going to have to work with a bunch of scumbags.


My take on cops is that if they're any good at what they do they can't be all that different from criminals as far as how their mindset works. Factor in the gun and the official capacity and you have someone I want to avoid at all costs...at least most criminals have the sense to keep a low profile and leave you alone as long as you aren't a threat or standing in the way of what they're trying to do.

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Re: ex-cop on cop killing spree in CA


12 oz on police: kill all pigs


12 oz when random people die: who gives a shit, doesn't affect me


12 oz when random people die in the spree of a cop killer: it sucks about the innocent people...


Basically, we're disappointed we can't be more open about our joy over the cop-killing.

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Re: ex-cop on cop killing spree in CA


Very true armand hammer. LAPD is going to careless about civilians because the blame can be put on this dude.


I cant support someone on a killing spree but i will say it is better this way. This is a man dealing with a whole bunch of corruption. I hear those that cry and say he could of done it a different way...how? what like hold a press conference? start a riot? picket? pfft then eventually the corruption would get sick of him and take him out. What good does that do? No one gets exposed, the vigilante dies, and corruption wins.


So really the bloody choice is the better choice. Corruption has been exposed. Better to clean part of the house than have the whole house dirty right? And yes in the end he will die, but he also will have accomplished something.

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