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damn, fuck an overdose


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so just a few days ago a dear friend of mine od'd. its easy to say, well he deserved it. no it not like that if you have ever dealt with addiction or known someone who has.


my friend dont do heroin or meth or crack,he just partied and made the best of what life he had. I love that fucker, he been in a coma and last i heard he is stable with severe brain damage. I love you Nick please pull through homie!! I just wish you remember me the next time you see my face.


im only saying this here cause some of you know who im talkin about and those who do now you know what is up and please dont share it on facebook cause obviously it been kept highly on the down low.


sorry upset rants are over, carry on and no titties just positive thoughts for my homie, love you buddy stay strong.

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my friend dont do heroin or meth or crack,he just partied and made the best of what life he had.


I had a good homie die like that.

Shit threw everyone for a loop.


The fucked up part was he was just doing it to party with his junky homie who was leaving for rehab or some shit the next day.

That guy's dead now too.


Drugs are bad, mkay.

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Gotta take your dope for a test drive, you can always do more later but you can never do less. Following that guideline and not mixing with xanax can save lives.


Hope things work out and that your friend is able to find peace with their life.

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sometimes it happens like that

and it's tragic




some of you kids might not remember Len Bias, so....



Leonard Kevin "Len" Bias (November 18, 1963 – June 19, 1986) was a first team All-American college basketball forward at the University of Maryland. He was selected by the Boston Celtics as the second overall pick in the 1986 NBA Draft on June 17, but died two days later from cardiac arrhythmia induced by a cocaine overdose. He is considered by some sportswriters to be one of the greatest players not to play at the professional level.



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Len Bias' death was the catalyst for the war on crack that resulted in the systematic attack on the non white population of the united states. Mandatory minimums, disproportionate sentencing on crimes involving cocaine vs crack, and the wholesale lockup of anyone involved in that shit that resulted in african american men being more prone to be locked up in jail than studying in college.



Good luck to your homie though. I hope he pulls through, some people do not learn their lesson i had a buddy of mine who kept eating with his nose even after multiple seizures.

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i feel for you, its hard to watch people you love suffer. even if it is by choice. one of the hardest things for me to deal with when it comes to friends with addictions is looking past the part where i wanna tell them they're making the choice and that they do have choices. i don't fuck with anything like that anymore. like becoming a living ghost. hope your alright man.

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sometimes it happens like that

and it's tragic




some of you kids might not remember Len Bias, so....



Leonard Kevin "Len" Bias (November 18, 1963 – June 19, 1986) was a first team All-American college basketball forward at the University of Maryland. He was selected by the Boston Celtics as the second overall pick in the 1986 NBA Draft on June 17, but died two days later from cardiac arrhythmia induced by a cocaine overdose. He is considered by some sportswriters to be one of the greatest players not to play at the professional level.




Not to be to off-subject, hope your friend makes it...


But is this Len dude, was it urban legend our teachers told us back then or was it really his very first time trying it? They drilled that hard on us in health class. Saying first time could be last. Obviously that's possible, was it with Len?


Again to the OP I've been there hope it gets better

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  • 1 month later...

i havent been on here for a while and i would like to say thanks for the positive thoughts. Nick unfortunately passed a couple days after i started this thread.


a good friend of the both of ours said to me after his passing, "Nick only wanted to have a good time and he made sure everyone around him did as well" which was 100, hed spend his last dollar to get you a beer.


rip homie

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