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That broad got slapped with a yarmulke!























































































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I use wifi on my iPhone and move around a lot, so I expect to get logged out...but I don't seem to have problems logging back in. Maybe I'm just lucky, but I suspect that it has something to do with how I configured my browser- when I log out or close the tab nothing gets cached.


I said this elsewhere, but once the forum gets updated a lot of these problems should go away (and hopefully won't be replaced with new ones).

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I bet a good percentage of the guests are members who haven't been able to log in, so they're still around (sort of).


Update- I just tried to log on via a friend's computer and got the same errors everyone has been talking about (404s on all login related links). I'm guessing the idea might be to slowly phase out this forum and bring the new forum online, but don't hold me to that.


Also, I posted something on FB in the #12oz group explaining the situation to the best of my ability today. I don't know whether that's going to help or not but I felt like an explanation was in order.


Disclaimer- I am not on the staff of 12 oz (nor do I want to be) but I do know what's going on to some extent...I don't want anyone to be in the dark unnecessarily, and I don't feel like Channel Zero has been kept up to date with what's going on with the forum. I don't know whether there's a reason for this or not, but I do think everyone deserves at least some explanation for what's happening and what's being done about it.


I don't know when this is going to be resolved but I can assure you that it's being worked on. Hang in there...or don't, but keep checking back.

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First it was this:




Then after days of this:




The Google trick worked. Now for my turn to whine. This has been my spot since 2000. I used to brush off all those complaining because hey, we make this site, right? But now I see, how no one cares. I've never seen 12oz so slow. Metal Heads gets an update once a month, and the threads I make get not even a 100 views. I used to get tons of props, inquiries as to where I bench and just a more appreciative vibe. Now it's like you're making a thread for 50 fools and that's it. I was never much of a Ch0 head but in the last few years have found it entertaining, and now it's slow as well. Brickslayers too, I've been resorting to Flickr for rap letter flix.


All this to say, I still love 12oz. it's just weird how little happens. A day or two off this site a while back you'd have 4-5 new Metal Head threads to catch up on, favorite Brick Slayer threads. Now I'll be off for a week hoping to come back to new content, just to not be able to log in. Ok that was pointless. Peace everyone

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Disclaimer- I am not on the staff of 12 oz (nor do I want to be) but I do know what's going on to some extent...I don't want anyone to be in the dark unnecessarily, and I don't feel like Channel Zero has been kept up to date with what's going on with the forum. I don't know whether there's a reason for this or not, but I do think everyone deserves at least some explanation for what's happening and what's being done about it.


I don't know when this is going to be resolved but I can assure you that it's being worked on. Hang in there...or don't, but keep checking back.


i second this emoticon

all that said, i first heard about this new forum when the shop was relaunched. so i really have no clue how much longer it will be, but based on bits i've heard it seems like it will be within months or weeks.


Now for my turn to whine. This has been my spot since 2000. I used to brush off all those complaining because hey, we make this site, right? But now I see, how no one cares. I've never seen 12oz so slow. Metal Heads gets an update once a month, and the threads I make get not even a 100 views. I used to get tons of props, inquiries as to where I bench and just a more appreciative vibe. Now it's like you're making a thread for 50 fools and that's it. I was never much of a Ch0 head but in the last few years have found it entertaining, and now it's slow as well. Brickslayers too, I've been resorting to Flickr for rap letter flix.


All this to say, I still love 12oz. it's just weird how little happens. A day or two off this site a while back you'd have 4-5 new Metal Head threads to catch up on, favorite Brick Slayer threads. Now I'll be off for a week hoping to come back to new content, just to not be able to log in. Ok that was pointless. Peace everyone


i do agree with your observations about the slowdown in traffic.. to me it seems obvious.

but things change. this place was THE place for graffiti online for so long, that now it is redefining itself, even as it has somehow maintained that top slot of grafndance sites. i have to admit, the stuff on the homepage doesn't interest me and as the focus of the site moves that way it becomes something i'm not too into. but really how long can anything stay the same?

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I have to admit, the stuff on the homepage doesn't interest me and as the focus of the site moves that way it becomes something i'm not too into. but really how long can anything stay the same?


Fucking truth, we are being marketed at and being told what we are supposed to like and be interested in. News flash, I don't care about any of that and no amount of Complex Media telling me I should is going to change that. I want to see rap letters on buildings and trains, and then maybe talk some shit to like minded assholes. I'm not interested in anything more in-depth than that, besides I'm not really comfortable with all this pop cloture street art bullshit anyway. But hey, I'm not in your target demographic, so it's cool. I know there is an army of 14 year olds in skinny jeans and super high top neon skate shoes that are just chomping at the bit to be told what's cool. They are really interested in seeing skrillex talk about what ever it is that he actully does.



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Back In '88 Discusses the Intricacies of a Graffiti-Based Web Forum


Could the decline of 12oz in fact be reflecting the overall decline in rap-letter culture overall?

This could, in part, have something to do with increased government spending on police crackdowns on graffiti (I know the gov't here spends ridiculous sums on advertising campaigns alone when they could be spending on beautification projects [a train bridge with a fresh production on it only has to be painted once initially and will then attract no further buffing costs]).

Perhaps for 12oz to reclaim the type of traffic it used to enjoy (I'm taking your words for it, I've only been here since 2006), it will need to broaden it's horizons to encompass not only the old-school and traditional forms of graffiti (NY lettering with a nice background and some characters), but also include developments in the larger street-art community.

That being said, I still manage to kill a shitload of time on here just flicking through the burner and nonsense threads, probably a reflection of my small mind and how easily it is amused.

Either way, it would be nice to just be able to log in without the google involvement.

On the bright side, I grew my diddick 3 inches in 6 weeks and have had a boner for 4 weeks now :lol:



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^we can discuss the decline if you want.

[to me it is mainly related to too many tech glitches that turned off new users and left old users annoyed and over it all, as well as the core community growing up and moving on]


but, the site is moving in a new direction, and that's the direction the raven wants to take it.

no amount of commentary in here is going to change his vision for the site's future.

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