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For all you naive, cop defending, retards...


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Actually, I'm embracing this shit.

next time I'm stopped I'ma be all:


"Nah, br0. It's cool. I'm on the job. I shot a gun before."


Smooth sailing from here on out.

And if it's a black cop...pssh----


"Know your role, Freeman. Us white mens got biz to handle."


I got this.

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Anybody who reads Mr Incognito's posts and doesn't smell a pig is fucking dumb.



On the flipside, the greater a fucking mook you are the more you will convict to bullshit assumptions and the greater your disbelief will become of the stoopidity of people compared to your amazing ability to easily understand the troof......, of fucking everything!!



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However, a cop is still someone who controls and regulates how you live.


Okay, I really, really don't want to get sucked into this arbitrary and pointless debate, but this is wrong.


A cop enforces the law... He doesn't regulate how you live... that's retarded.

He doesn't decide if you should leave your dirty dishes in the sink or not.


I have noticed though that, for the most part, (emphasis on 'FOR THE MOST PART') A city has a better relationship with their cops if the city doesn't have large amounts of poverty.

So in a way, the quality of the police reflects the quality of the city. Not talking about individual cops, but the department as a whole. With that being said, cops on an individual level have douchey personalities... But everyone knows that. The power gets to their head. There are exceptions though...

Fuck, I'm probably repeating a lot of whats been said in this thread that I haven't read. I got rhymes nigga.


Now, back to everyone arguing

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I dont even know you but..


If you're being for real I hope the very first day on the job, like the first street you drive down in your cruiser you get shot in the head through the ears.


Its nothing personal, if I became a cop id say the same thing about myself.

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