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Anarchy in the UK - London Riots


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Shits insane.


@12pack If this shit happened every time a cop popped off at someone, there'd be no 'Merica.


It's funny you say that cause just today on break at work CNN was on and somebody asked what they were rioting about and I said if Americans rioted like that every time the cops killed somebody we'd look like Syria right about now.

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This shit has obviously gotten fucking ridiculous, and the guy getting shot by police is nothing to do with why most of those involved are doing it.

What we are seeing is a spontaneous outpouring of rage from the underclass in British society. A lot of these youts havn't got a chance of making anything of themselves. They get either no or a shitty education and then they have almost no hope of getting a job above minimum wage. On top of this they are vilified across society as nothing more than knife-wielding 'hoodies' and they get constantly harrased and abused by police.

All of this shit just becomes a vicious cycle/self fulfilling prophecy. You treat people like animals and they behave like animals.

They don't give a shit about society or even their own communities because they don't feel part of them.

None of this excuses what's been going on. Much of it has been blatant oppurtunism with many people just jumping on the bandwagon(seen middle-aged people, families, all races and classes getting involved because hey, who doesn't like free shit?)

But these are some of the underlying reasons behind why it's happening.


This is more or less what they were saying on CNN today.

Something about some kind of social entitlements being taken away from people who barely have shit as it is and no way of coming up in life with the inequality gap as wide as it is.

They were asking if this could happen in America.

Personally, I think Americans are too pussy and will just roll over and take it when the Republicans take away Social Security.

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4 people died in 4 days of rioting. i can only imagine how many people would be dead if there was a riot in 3 major cities across the US. every gang banger would be driving around pluggin people and every god/life fearing republican talk show listener would be on there porch buckin at all the coloreds.



That's peanuts compared to the amount of people that would be killed by trigger happy pigs.

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^That. Props to England right now.




I completely disagree with your two points, I wont get into a pissing match about

it either cause were not gonna change each others minds so me and you can

agree to disagree and leave it at that....



someone has the right idea at least




I'll agree to agree with the pissed off olehead in this youtube link that you posted.

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