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Food Poisoning......fuck that shit


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When i was a kid i got food poisoning from the salad bar at some pizza place

Later that night spent most of my time exploding from either end

Apparently at one point i threw up and passed out

Spent a few days at the hospital

And i'm told i was on the brink of death from all that


Fuckin salads

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I've had it to where diahreaha and puking at the same time.


Did you have the pleasure of enjoying that this time around FR?


This is the worst. A few years back I had a foot long chicken sub from Subway, went through the rest of the afternoon at work fine, just felt a bit tired. Got home and didn't feel like eating much dinner, by the time I went to bed my stomach was hurting but I thought I'd sleep it off.

Got up about 30 minutes later at 1am and the diarrhea hit, I thought it was all done and went back to sleep but at about 4am I had to dash to the toilet again with my stomach and legs cramping with a cold sweat, soon as I hit the toilet it was never ending. Just as I was feeling some slight relief I noticed that feeling of something rising inside, but I was still shitting.

I had a moment of panic looking around the bathroom and I ended up pulling the shower curtain back and spewing into the shower while I was trying to stay on the toilet so I didn't shit everywhere. Luckily it's reachable...


Spent the rest of the day sweaty, feverish and delusional, thinking I'd spoken to people that I hadn't. Spewing in the sink, toilet and shower and then finally coming to and seeing a horrible fucking mess.


Haven't eaten Subway since then.

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I was eating some leftovers a little earlier that looked questionable. Smelled okay, but just had that kinda gray effect food gets after it has been in the fridge for several days.


Either way, I was chewing the first bite and clicked into this thread at the same time. Read about three posts and dumped the rest in the sink.


Do not want food poisoning, from food past its prime or otherwise.

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I'm told it wasn't FP but...I used to love canned corn. I'd eat it out of the tin with a spoon. One night before we went out I'd eaten about half a tin, we then went out and proceeded to drink a lot of whisky. In the cab on the way home I started to feel queasy so I opened the window stuck my head out and spewed exorcist style. I managed to hit two cars behind us. When we got in I spent all night up til 12pm the next day alternating between being sick and pressing my face up against the cold tiles of the bathroom wall. By the end I was just dry heaving, it was unbelievably painful.

Now I can't even look at canned corn and I certainly can't keep any in the house, even thinking about it makes me eck. I'll still happily drink whisky though.

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good call, and no guys I didn't shit and puke at the same time......I held it in.


when the time calls... you dont have a choice. :( what a horrible day it was when i got FP. woke up at my girls house and had to run out to the backyard (since there was a small doorway to it by her bedroom) to puke my brains out. it was all black and toxic looking. then came the shits. i simply bounced out of her place and ran home to at least go through that without her or anyone else around.


the worst part in my opinion is when you got nothing left to throw up and simply dry-heave for hours.


but then it just goes away and you're back to normal. just gotta tough it out.

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I got a bad case of gastro a while back cause my dumb drunk ass ate a breakfast burrito i found in my bag from 12 hours the day before. I was all good all day but,I waz awaken around 3am with the absolute worst stomach pain I had ever endured. After about an hour of being balled up in the fetal position came the shitting and puking. This contunued for several hours. My girl came and swooped me to the hospital. They at first thought it may have been my appendix. Turns out it was the burrito. Funny story though while I was all drugged up on morphine I went to take a piss. Not thinkinright I tried to fart while pissing (even though id been pissing out of my ass for the last 9 hours or so) and sharted. I was like fuuuuhhh and, in perfect timing some lady starts bangin on the door while im tryin so hard to get my shoes and shorts off while trying to contain the little bit of shit in my boxers. After cleanin up i walk out and the bitch said about time in some bitchy attitude. After laying back on my bed first thing i did was tell my girl i didnt have any boxers on and if she wanred she could play with my dick. We were in the hallway. Needless to say she didnt play with my dick but we both got a laugh after i told her what had happened. Food poisoning FTL!

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im so suspect of most food for the very reason i am deathly scared of vomiting. i will drink FULL bottles of Emetrol just to not puke.

only had food poisoning once from lobster at a ill spot in Maine. i have not been back since. came close to the both ends deal but maintained my dignity thankfully.

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I seem to get food poisoning more than anyone I know. Worst case was probably from Dairy Queen way back when. Had to be hospitalized for a few days. Non stop shitting and barfing in a bowl way too small to hold it all until it was nothing but hours of dry heaving. Actually puked up some blood from my throat ? Shit was rough. A close second would be a few years ago, went to my Aunts farm for Christmas. Not sure why but we ate a bunch of calamari the night before which I've never had. Tried going to sleep in a weird book room? When all the books starting spinning. Puked so much. Ended up half sleeping in the bathroom, naked with my whole body on the cold tiles only to wake up every 10 minutes or so to ralph and shit. Was fucked up by the end of it I was puking straight water, I coulda bottled that shit in a Dasani bottle and gave it to my brother. I should of. Now I generally stick to pasta because i've never gotten sick from it.

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^^THAT! Did not read. But can sympathize. If a nigga was on the brink of death like I was.



I don't wish that kind of shit on my worst enemy. Niggas legit wanted to die when I had that shit. Real talk.

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^^THAT! Did not read. But can sympathize. If a nigga was on the brink of death like I was.



I don't wish that kind of shit on my worst enemy. Niggas legit wanted to die when I had that shit. Real talk.



THIS!!! I swear I thought I was dying. I never had stomach pain like that ever in my life. Or any kind of pain like that. shit literally had me on the brink of tears and, I got a pretty high pain tolerance. Shit is no fucking joke. I shit so much that it went in stages from brown, green to black then frothy white over the course of a few days. It was not fun.

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