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Irrational Fears . . .

Dr. Scientist

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i have an irrational fear of submarines, the same way people are scared of spiders. probably the scariest thing i could imagine is being deep underwater, next to a submarine or swimming next to a big container ship. i have no idea why i am scared of those things

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lol racoons??





























































































































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Spiders get me, I used to like them as a kid and watch shows about them but now as soon as I walk through a web it's stop, drop and fucking roll.


Flying... But is that considered rational? Either way, Xanax please.


I was okay with flying when I was younger, but now when I get on a plane I start thinking about the fact that I'm trapped on a giant metal container thousands of feet in the air. I'll usually just grab a pack of those air sick pills and take a couple and go to sleep.


i have an irrational fear of submarines, the same way people are scared of spiders. probably the scariest thing i could imagine is being deep underwater, next to a submarine or swimming next to a big container ship. i have no idea why i am scared of those things


I was trying to explain something similar to a mate the other day. I hate swimming near/off boats. Even when I think about it I get anxious. I can remember the last time I was swimming out in a small harbour alongside some yacht and I just had to bail. This huge thing next to me and I can't see anything else in the water because it's murky. Shit definitely freaks me out.

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I was trying to explain something similar to a mate the other day. I hate swimming near/off boats. Even when I think about it I get anxious. I can remember the last time I was swimming out in a small harbour alongside some yacht and I just had to bail. This huge thing next to me and I can't see anything else in the water because it's murky. Shit definitely freaks me out.
i was in the navy as a mechanic on a submarine for a few years. we would have what they call ''steel beach'', they stop the sub and surface. we would bbq burgers n such and do shit like this for hours



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I'm afraid of swimming in the ocean and deep lakes. I've done it, but I can barely breathe and it freaks me the fuck out.


Roaches and pigeons too, fuckin yuck.. I'm not scared of them, but I think they're the most disgusting pieces of shit alive..

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not afraid of heights overall, only when my feet aren't grounded or theres a feeling of falling involved. planes are fine, unless they do that oops-sudden-drop thing, NO skydying, NO rollercoasters. seriously, the feeling of falling or having nothing under my feet=terror.


and ants when in large quantities. or any bug masses for that matter. but especially ants. like when youre walking down the sidewalk and for some reason theres a HOARD of them, like thousands? hate that. you know theyre plotting something. theyre too smart and to plentiful.


and spiders, duh. hate em.

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