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I had a serious thought come to me today (which doesnt happen often)

and if someone can make sense of it to me..or share a parallel story, I wouldn't even be mad.


After 9/11 happened, some places got put on serious 'terrorist' watch.

One of the being Hoover Dam.


Even up until last August (2010) when we drove over it, before the bridge was finished, they still had 'random' vehicle searches. Big rigs, and moving trucks (if allowed over the bridges) were definitely getting pulled over for inspection, along with selected cars/trucks. There was a time where you had to re-route yourself if you drove a big rig/moving truck/rv.


All this current nonsense happened while I was still in AZ, so my friend brought up the fact, that I could possibly have a hold up copming over thr bridge.


It made sense to me, so I anticipated a slight hold up.


Not one!


We drove right over the bridge, like a regular ole day.

Even though it was the bridge we were driving over, I would assume they would treat that the same as the dam, under such circumstances.

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but if the bridge blew up, it would blow up the dam..right? it is pretty much right over the top of it. not only will it lead to flooding, but it provides electrictiy for Nevada, California, Arizona, and Utah

there wasnt any check points set up at all.

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Todays learnings: homeless people have yellow semen, 400 pound fluffers are counterproductive, line cutting at bukakke shoots is socially acceptable, and watching female photographers belittle Hispanic participants is strangely erotic.

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I had a serious thought come to me today (which doesnt happen often)

and if someone can make sense of it to me..or share a parallel story, I wouldn't even be mad.


After 9/11 happened, some places got put on serious 'terrorist' watch.

One of the being Hoover Dam.


Even up until last August (2010) when we drove over it, before the bridge was finished, they still had 'random' vehicle searches. Big rigs, and moving trucks (if allowed over the bridges) were definitely getting pulled over for inspection, along with selected cars/trucks. There was a time where you had to re-route yourself if you drove a big rig/moving truck/rv.


All this current nonsense happened while I was still in AZ, so my friend brought up the fact, that I could possibly have a hold up copming over thr bridge.


It made sense to me, so I anticipated a slight hold up.


Not one!


We drove right over the bridge, like a regular ole day.

Even though it was the bridge we were driving over, I would assume they would treat that the same as the dam, under such circumstances.


I used to live in Scottsdale and goto Vegas quite a bit. I've been over that dam the day before New Years and it was no hold up, no search. I did have my car searched after going 16mph in a 15mph zone on the bridge-no joke, on just an average day. They were looking for drugs and money though, didn't ask me anything about bombs. Border Patrol has that Birds Nest on the South Side of the damn for North bound traffic so maybe you have to look like a terrorist to get stopped.

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SM, you probably didn't get searched because terrorists are no longer a problem. We won.


At least that's what half the retards waving flags and pouring beer on each other that I saw that night seemed to think.


I was glad Barack Obama Oner cited the fact that this is a cool victory and all, but doesn't really mean much in the overall war on terror. In the past we popped a bunch of Bin Laden's lieutenants and other important terrorists that had their fingers in the 9/11 pie, and no one here gave a shit.


I know I'm beating a dead horse here, but yep.

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A bunch of shit will be on terrorist watch. The threat of someone getting umad and retaliating will always be there after something like this happens. It never ends.




this is how you think it would be.


SM, you probably didn't get searched because terrorists are no longer a problem. We won.


At least that's what half the retards waving flags and pouring beer on each other that I saw that night seemed to think.


I was glad Barack Obama Oner cited the fact that this is a cool victory and all, but doesn't really mean much in the overall war on terror. In the past we popped a bunch of Bin Laden's lieutenants and other important terrorists that had their fingers in the 9/11 pie, and no one here gave a shit.


I know I'm beating a dead horse here, but yep.


i dont think its beating a dead horse.

maybe what im trying to say is unclear.

-----with all due respect to everyone's opinions & .02.----


I think some of you guys in here have some really valid points.

I am a registered voter

and i know how to take a 'sit down and shut up'

and i have a top loading washer machine


so with that being said-


After 9/11 places such as the Hoover Dam went under high terror alert, because of the damage it would do if something were to happen to the Dam.

This is after they had already put a hit on American Soil.

we were still anticipating more hits



So-after we (Americans)kill the most wanted man on earth, who has tons of followers.


And there is a fear of retaliation.(or you think there would be)


We take the situation so lightly that we dont put up the terror alerts anymore.?

I would think they would raise the alert to the same level,if not higher, than the level after 9/11.


I dont see it as a 'we won' situation, because "we" still have troops gone.


when you win a game of chess, the only reason one leaves their players on the board is the loser, looking at em thinking "damn, how could I have moved differently" while the winner puts his pieces away and moves along.


im rambling on, I apologize, but like i said, i think a lot of you have valid points and i dont mind hearing you out.

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