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grim540 last won the day on August 27 2015

grim540 had the most liked content!


344 Someone you can trust to help bury a body in the woods


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  1. I spent a couple of months working with some Eastern Euro's and one of them was plugged into some uhh... interesting places of the web. Our Slack channel was a disturbing place for awhile. 3UGegSc.mp4
  2. vwCsMdf.mp4 TnsX1Nf.mp4 06tnqz3.mp4
  3. Until Mauler can post images I can try to help by posting this rad print I bought over the weekend.
  4. Was 18 or 19. Me and a close friend were painting walls and hoppers on a small rail spur way out in the sticks. Only met one other person via the oontz. And they weren't even a full time oontzer. I still think they only made an account to rightfully call us out for hitting some walls way to close to the yard they were painting in. Some internet shit talking led to us groveling for mercy once we realized who we were talking to. Ended painting with them for a year or so before they moved on to somewhere else since they were only staying with family at the time. Dropped off for a couple of years due to living in a trailer in the woods and then eventually 'moving up' to a punk house in the closest small city. Both had no internet in the early to mid aughts. Then a bunch of years of shit posting on Ch0 till around 2010. 43 now.
  5. too late to edit. day = dad. Thanks autocorrect.
  6. If I remember correctly that was in reference to someones day getting wild at a party.
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