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My semi retarded brother in-law


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Re: My semi retarded soon to be brother in-law


Alright....soo Grandpas dying and needs to take his meds and keep his weight up. Homie wont take the meds unless we hide them in Ice cream...which also gives him some calories .


Were all at his bed side and making a list of what we need to get/do as a family.......Frank is shirtless eating the last bit of grandpas Ice cream,wicked dick move and no one will say anything to him about the 4 gallon tub of cheapo shit ice cream were buying every 3 days because of his gorging as no one wants to set tard bag off into a tantrum because we can't deal with him.


So I'm in charge of buying some food related things for the family and grandpa,I'm rushing out the door going over the list out loud to an Aunt, just to make sure were all on the same page.


Raper- coffee,whatever and whatever....AND VANILLA ICE CREAM.......

Aunt- Yea make sure it's Vanilla, he wont eat any other kind.......


FRANK OUT OF NO WHERE with some weird authoritative tone screams "ya know what?this time make it popsicles......ya popsicles"


We all stop what were doing and stare at him for a few seconds,he gets nervous some times and puts his hands down the back of his boxers and scratches his ass with the top of his hands, so hes scratching his ass at like 90 mph and says "make it popsicles" and runs off



So whenever someone randomly blurts out retarded shit to my girl, her aunt or I we always say "make it popsicles" and laugh!

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Re: My semi retarded soon to be brother in-law


i feel for you, but yeah, i do feel like franks lurk everywhere

my experience with the 'frank' type wasn't about dude being fat, but instead dude being a junkie, and ripping off critically needed pain meds from desperately ill family members.


they suck, i had no regrets when my family cut our 'frank' off permanently.


I dunno, I feel like this is different...Frank is semi retarded and thus can only be held like 75 percent accountable for what he does...that stuff you're describing sounds like 100-percent-accountable junkie shit to me.


Unless he too was retarded, then we have a conundrum on our hands.

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Re: My semi retarded soon to be brother in-law


We all stop what were doing and stare at him for a few seconds,he gets nervous some times and puts his hands down the back of his boxers and scratches his ass with the top of his hands, so hes scratching his ass at like 90 mph and says "make it popsicles" and runs off


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: My semi retarded soon to be brother in-law


Wow I'm stunned this disabled guy's sister is letting a shitbag such as yourself into her family frateraper. You seem like you would have a borderline mentally handicapped IQ yourself so I wouldn't throw stones in a glass house champ.

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